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lipids are hydrophobic because
lipid types
fats, oils, waxes, and steriods.
based off the formation, what type of lipid is this?
triglyceride - condensation reaction with water forms glycerol molecules and 3 fatty acids
based off the formation, what type of lipid is this?
phospholipid - formed through condensation reaction between one of the carbons in the glycerol molecule and phosphate head.
this is a formation of..?
generalize fatty acid
saturated fat structure
no double bonds between carb molecules —> saturated with hydrogen.
saturated fat physical property
typically solids at room temp. (butter)
unsaturated fat structure
1, 2, or more double bonds between carbons on the chain.
unsaturated fat physical property
liquids at room temp(vegetable oil)
what are cis fatty acids?
unsaturated fats where two hydrogen atoms on the same side of the double bond.
cis bonds are bent or straight?
cis stability
less stable
cis melting point
what are trans fatty acids?
two hydrogen atoms on opposite sides of the double bonds.
trans fatty acids bent or straight?
trans fatty acids stability
more stable
trans fatty acids melting point
higher due to stacking
what type of fatty acid?
what type of fatty acid?
what type of fatty acid? what type of fatty acid?
triglycerides are used for
long term energy storage(adipose tissue)
adipose tissue is useful for
thermal insulation. (fat keeps you warmer)
phospholipids form
the image shows examples of?
steroids can slip through the phospholipid bilayer due to their
mostly hydrocarbon and hydrophobic properties.