evaporative loss of water from plants through stomata
-occurs because conc gradient water vapour between inside and outside
-Factors that ↑ rate of transpiration:
-reduction in leaf SA:
thin, spine/needle-like leaves, long and narrow
↓ exposure to drying effects of wind
↓ evaporation and water loss from leaves
-reduced number of stomata
↓ water loss from leaves
-sunken stomata
prevent water loss by ↑ relative humidity near stomata :. ↓ conc gradient & ↓ evaporation and diffusion
Creates a micro-climate around each stomata (humid around each stomata)
-Deep roots
Reach water sources underground e.g. water table
↑ water uptake = prevent dehydration of plant
-Thick waxy leaf cuticle
impermeable to water
Shiny and reflect light = ↓ amt of light absorbed
reduction in stimuli that open stomata = ↓ water loss
-Stomata opening at night (reverse stomatal rhythm)
assist in ↓ water loss
stomata open at night = ↓ water loss as cooler
CO2 taken up at night stored for use later in day for photosynthesis
-Storage of water in succulent rissues
water stored in fleshy stems of leaves for use during dry periods = ↓ water loss during hot, dry period
-filtration at the roots = regulate amt of salt entering the plant
root cells impermeable to salt :. prevent salt from entering the plant
-secretion of salt by special salt glands on leaves, stems and roots
↓ amt of salt in plant
e.g. mangroves, quinoa
-succulence (water storage structures in leaves and other parts of plant)
dilutes salt cont of the cells = give water for long supply
-pneumatophores (aerial rots)
oxygen diffuses into aerial roots which grow upwards out of the water or mud to reach air as muddy poor soil