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Investigate differences in suburban quality of life in 2 areas in the Urban Fringe of Bright and Hove
roedean crescent has better residential environment than roedean way
Hypothesis justification
Both are desirable areas, but RC is quieter, calmer, and more expensive, while RW has a dramatic sea view
Why was location suitable for study?
Desirable location
Typical outer suburbs
Location easily accessible from school
Small enough to collect data in one day
Seen gentrification since 2000
Environmental quality index (bi-polar survey)
Score between -3 and +3
e.g. noisy/quiet, litter/no litter, flower/no flower
More score = better
mood mapping
Subjective to how students felt about the area
Measured by enjoyment anda energy
Plotted on a Quadrant
Housing Quality Index
11 different criteria from 1-5 (55 points max)
Measures quality of walls, paintwork, drive way
More points = better
Gentrification index (quantitative)
Measures 9 evidence points (counting how many scaffolds, skips, traffic cones, etc. there are)
More score = more gentrified
Method justification
Allows accurate, same comparisons between each sites
Subjective, but using the same person to compare made it more reliable
can compare areas which are not improved, being improved, and improved
can compare location to theory
Data representation
Radial graph, Located Graph (GIS) proportional circle
Environmental Quality Index results
RW = 18/30
RC = 23/30
Housing Quality results
RW = 45/55
RC = 47/55
gentrification results
RW = 5
RC = 7
Correct hypothesis as it met Âľ criteria, but mood was an anomaly as RW was more enjoyable and energetic due to the sea view