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A consistent set of beliefs by groups/individuals
status quo
the existing state of affairs
human nature
the way people are at their core
social contract
agreement by which people give up some freedom to live in a civil society
Favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms, through violence if necessary
Ideological view that favors a return to a previous state of affairs
an ideology based on authoritarianism and extreme nationalism
private property
property owned by individuals or companies
rule of law
principle that the law applies to everyone, even those who govern
Economic Freedom
The freedom to own property, to make a profit, and to make choices about what to produce, buy, and sell
doing what's best for one's own personal gain
public property
resources and products owned by government
collective interest
The set of goals that members of a group have in common.
progressive taxation
the amount you pay increases as income increases
classical liberal
ideology based mostly on individualism and laissez-faire capitalism
modern liberalism
ideology that brings in some collectivist principles into liberalism
democratic socialist
progressive, left-wing, collectivist, but still within values of liberalism
economic system prior to capitalism, based on increasing wealth of the state
intellectual movement that stressed reason and thought and the power of individuals to solve problems
Idea that government should play as small a role as possible in economic affairs.
Marx's word for the working class.
a person who is averse to technology or technological progress
Trade Unionist
member of a workers' association, advocate for more workers' rights
Reformers who wanted changes like universal male suffrage; the secret ballot; and payment for members of Parliament
Factory Acts
English laws passed from 1802 to 1833 that limited the workday of child laborers and set minimum hygiene and safety requirements
original name for Communist Party in Russia
Changing something from private to state ownership or control
a fixed number of products
the limited nature of society's resources
capital goods
Buildings, machines, technology, and tools needed to produce goods and services.
means of production
the tools, factories, land, and investment capital used to produce wealth
To change from government ownership to private ownership
the practice of making high-risk investments with borrowed money in hopes of getting a big return
stock market bubble
a sharp rise in stock prices that is later followed by a sudden decline
buying on margin
paying a small percentage of a stock's price as a down payment and borrowing the rest
bank run
widespread panic in which great numbers of people try to redeem their paper money
consumer sovereignty
the idea that buyers hold the power to influence production decisions, based on what goods and services they purchase
profit motive
the incentive that drives individuals and business owners to improve their material well-being
monetary policy
managing the economy by altering the supply of money and interest rates
fiscal policy
managing the economy by controlling taxing and spending.
mixed economy
an economic system combining private and public enterprise.
market economy
capitalist system based on economic freedom and private property
command economy
An economic system in which the government controls a country's economy.
The amount of goods available
the desire to own something and the ability to pay for it
supply and demand
the driving force behind prices and production in a market economy
demand-side economics
the idea that increasing government spending and making tax cuts help an economy
A general and progressive increase in prices
motionlessness; inactivity
A period of falling output and rising prices
ideology that emphasizes free-market capitalism, small government and trickle-down economics
supply-side economics
economic philosophy based on the ideas of Hayek and Friedman
trickle-down economics
theory that deregulation and tax cuts for business and the rich will benefit the rest of societ
government intervention
represents the actions taken by government to affect the economy
welfare state
a mixed economy, a government that assumes responsibility for the basic needs of its people
An excess of federal expenditures over federal revenues.
subprime mortgage
loan to a borrower with a not-so-good credit rating
an act of giving financial assistance to a failing business or economy to save it from collapse.
A political system in which an individual or small group of individuals holds most of the power
A government ruled by a few powerful people
A government controlled by one person
coup d'etat
A sudden overthrow of the government by a small group
restricting access to ideas and information
Blaming an innocent person or a group for one's own troubles
cult of personality
the excessive adoration of a single leader.
exercising a compelling charm that inspires devotion in others
controlled participation
Forcing the citizens of a nation into rallies and parades to support a regime or to vote in one-sided elections
Teaching someone to accept an idea or principle without question
wealthy peasant in the Soviet Union in the 1930s
Russian prison camp for political prisoners
show trial
court hearings that are staged and meant for propaganda
a system in which private farms are eliminated and peasants work land owned by the government
Stalin's secret police
Great Purge
A campaign of terror directed at eliminating anyone who threatened Stalin's power
a communist youth organization.
referring to a form of government in which one person or party holds absolute control
extremely rapid rise in prices
Aryan Race
Hitlers version of the perfect people, "blonde hair and blue eyes"
Adolf Hitler's title as chancellor and head of state in Germany.
science dealing with improving hereditary qualities
Nazi secret police
third reich
German empire established by Adolf Hitler in the 1930s.
reasonable limits
restrictions on rights the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that most people would agree with in a democratic society
freedom of assembly
the right of the people to gather peacefully and to petition government
the social process of absorbing one cultural group into another
imposing liberalism
Forcefully making a people adopt a system of liberal democracy
to admit to citizenship
the right to vote
A ban on trade
done out of concern and to help people
a policy to expand one's sphere of influence
policy of resisting expansionism of rival ideology
the willingness to go to the edge of war to force an opponent to back down
An effort to preserve the status quo through the threat of force
which side of the Cold War countries were on
proxy war
a conflict in which major powers use third parties as substitutes instead of fighting each other directly
sphere of influence
a country or area in which another country has power to affect developments
A policy of reducing Cold War tensions
liberation movements
Country rebels against the country that oppressed it.