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Stroke Terminology
-Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
-Ischemic Stroke
-Hemorrhagic stroke
-Transient ischemic attack
Ischemic stroke
a type of stroke that occurs when the flow of blood to the brain is blocked
cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
a.k.a. "Stroke". Lack of blood supply to the brain causing brain damage
Hemorrhagic stroke
occurs when a blood vessel in the brain leaks or ruptures; also known as a bleed
Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
Minor stroke; where neurological function is regained quickly with time
Risk factors conditions for Stroke
-previous stroke or TIA
-cardiovascular: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease
-sickle cell disease
Risk factors behaviors for stroke
-unhealthy diet
-physical inactivity
-too much alcohol
-tobacco use
Demographic Risk Factors for stroke
-family history of stroke or TIA
-female gender
-race/ethnicity (more likely in african americans, native americans, persons of hispanic ethnicity)
Types of TBI
-Penetrating head injury
-closed head injury
Penetrating head injury
-gunshot wounds
-brain tissues are injured by penetrating object
-less common
Closed head injury
-coup-contrecoup injury
-brain tissues are injured by contact with inside of skull
-more common
Neurodegenerative Disorders
-parkinson's disease
-multiple sclerosis
-primary progressive aphasia (PPA)
-Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS; Lou Gehrig's)
-Huntington's disease
Parkison's Disease
-Progressive loss of dopamine-producing neurons (not known why this happens)
Risk Factors for Parkison's Disease
-sex: more common with males
-exposure to toxins: herbicides and pesticides
Multiple Sclerosis
-Autoimmune disorder that results in demyelination of axons
Risk Factors for Multiple Sclerosis
-age: 15-60
-sex: more common in females
-family history
-race: northern european ancestry
Primary Progressive Aphasia
-Progressive atrophy
-language areas of left hemisphere
-slow and gradual progression (unlike aphasia from stroke)
Risk Factors for Primary Progressive Aphasia
-history of learning disabilities
-rare genetic mutations
-Progressive loss of nerve cells
-genetic in 5-10%
-cause in others not well understood
Risk Factors in ALS
-age: 40-60
-exposure to environmental toxins
-military service
Life expectancy for ALS
4-5 years
Huntington's Disease
-Deterioration of nerve cells in basal ganglia
-subcortical area of brain that controls voluntary movement
-autosomal dominant genetic disorder
-offspring have 50/50 chance of inheriting the gene
-100% penetrance: all persons with gene will be affected
-testing and genetic counceling
Alzheimer's Disease
-Buildup of plaques and tangles in brain
-plaques: sticky clumps of beta-amyloid protein
-tangles: fibrous masses of tau protein
-both gradually replace healthy brain tissue
Vascular Dementia
-Damage to blood vessels supplying brain
-may involve numerous small "silent" strokes
-healthy brain tissue is gradually lost
-progressive, over a period of months to years
Risk factors for dementia that cannot be changed
-family history
-down syndrome; risk of early-onset Alzheimer's disease
-mild cognitive impairment
Risk factors for dementia that can be changed
-heavy alcohol use
-cardiovascular disease
-sleep apnea
Preventing Dementia
-Keeping the mind active
-remaining physically and socially active
-quitting smoking
-getting adequate vitamin D
-maintaining healthy blood pressure
-eating a healthy diet