According to Bandura, intentionality, forethought, self-reactiveness, and self-reflectiveness are components of
human agency.
According to Bandura's theory of triadic reciprocal causation, ________ factors account for human behavior.
behavioral, cognitive, and environmental
Unlike intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation
is bestowed by others.
Which of the following is an example of vicarious reinforcement?
Maria is motivated to study harder because she wants to get the same praise from her parents that her sister got when she studied hard.
In Bandura's theory, the fact that people have self-reactive capacities that permit them to control their own thoughts, feelings, and actions is referred to as
Bandura believes that frequent exposure to aggression and violence on television
encourages children to behave aggressively.
According to Bandura, the fact that tobacco executives have knowingly justified the perpetuation of harm to consumers is due to their
moral disengagement.
What is the difference between self-efficacy and self-esteem?
Self-esteem entails judgments of self-worth; self-efficacy entails judgments of ability.
Related to the concept of self-efficacy is the concept of ________, which is the belief that one can succeed by being closely interconnected with others.
communal mastery
Bandura has added the systematic use of ________ to the techniques of behavior modification as an aid to changing behaviors.
For inappropriate behaviors that are rewarding in the short run, such as smoking, overeating, or substance abuse, Bandura teaches
The concept of locus of control is most closely associated with
A person with an internal locus of control would agree with which of the following statements?
I am the master of my fate.
One of the discoveries made by research with the I-E scale is that
females are more likely to be externals.
Rotter believes that
a more balanced belief is preferable to extreme belief in either an external or internal locus of control.
Alex insults Seth. Whether Seth will return the insult depends on many external and internal factors. Rotter calls this likelihood the
behavior potential.
In Rotter's theory, the individual's subjective evaluation about the outcome of his or her behavior is known as the
Catherine was not interested in working as a server in a restaurant until she learned that she could make much more money than she had previously expected. The amount of money to be earned, according to Rotter, represents the _________ of the job for Catherine.
reinforcement value
Josh considers complaining to a hotel manager about poor service he has received, but he decides not to because he thinks nothing good will come of it. According to Rotter, the component of behavior prediction that Josh's decision most clearly illustrates is
Recent cross-cultural research on locus of control (for example, Banks et al., 1991) indicates that in comparison to majority groups, minority groups
frequently test higher in external control.
Behavioral specificity is a key concept that has been emphasized in the theories of
Walter Mischel.
As his career progressed, Mischel's personality theory changed so that it placed
less emphasis on behavioral specificity.
What is CAPS?
A personality theory that considers both the stability of personality and the variability of behaviors across situations
Gregory is a child with low aggressive tendencies, whereas Joseph is a child with high aggressive tendencies. According to Mischel, in a nonstressful situation,
neither child would act aggressively.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) shows that subjects with difficulty in delaying gratification have less activity in the ________ and more activity in the ________.
right prefrontal cortex; ventral striatum
Compared with European Americans, on whom most of the research on social learning theories has been conducted, members of many minority groups are more likely to
engage in thinking that is more circular and interpersonal.
According to Mischel, to understand the personality, we need to focus on individuals'
trait levels and patterns of behavioral variation.
Bandura's theory reflects a paradigm shift from a purely mechanical model of behavior to a perspective in which people are
agents of change.
Compared to earlier learning theorists, who depended primarily on principles of reinforcement to explain human behavior, Bandura views people as
agents of experience.
Bandura believes that most human behavior is learned through the process of
observational learning.
If Bandura observed a child caring for a "sick" doll in a compassionate way, his explanation of the child's behavior would probably emphasize most strongly
the child's observations of others acting in similar ways.
Andre sees a person put money into a soda machine, push the button to select a soda, and receive nothing. Andre decides to put his money into a different soda machine. Bandura would argue that _________ best explains Andre's behavior.
observational learning.
In Bandura's famous study involving a Bobo doll, young children observed an adult playing with the doll in an aggressive manner. Later, when the frustrated children were placed in a room with the Bobo doll, their
behavior was more aggressive than that of a control group.
Four-year-old Michael is observing other children at the playground. According to Bandura's research, the likelihood that Michael will act similarly to the other children increases if
he perceives them as similar to himself.
Fourteen-year-old Toby is observing the other teens in the lunchroom at her new school. According to Bandura's research, the likelihood that Toby will act similarly to the other teens increases if
she believes that acting similarly to them will lead to positive results.
Rita is observing a model performing a behavior. Rita is especially likely to imitate the model if Rita
has low self-esteem.
Jorge is watching a karate demonstration. According to Bandura, the strongest predictor for whether Jorge will learn the behavior he is watching is Jorge's
expectation that knowing these moves will be a positive addition to his life.
Watching professional basketball players slam-dunk the ball inspired Fred to imitate their moves on his driveway. However, he is too short, as is his vertical leap, to reach the rim. According to Bandura, Fred is lacking the means for which process of observational learning?
Motor production
When Alana sees a woman using sign language on television, she is able to learn many of the signs. The next day, when her mother introduces her to a deaf boy, she does not use the signs, even though she remembers them. Which of the four processes that govern observational learning is Alana missing?
Motivational processes
Jessica most experiences intrinsic reinforcement when she
feels good after exercising in the gym.
At work, Abby most experiences extrinsic motivation when she
is given a monetary bonus by her supervisor.
Of all the types of reinforcement that social learning theory takes into consideration, reinforcements that come from _________ are the most important.
the self
Which of the following does Bandura believe to be the most effective way to reduce violence in current television programming?
A privately funded monitoring system and the rewarding of appropriate shows
Bandura's therapeutic strategies are designed to help patients improve their sense of
Mark is a former group therapy client who has entered a new group not as a client per se, but as a model for other clients to follow. According to research on modeling in psychotherapy (for example, Yalom, 1995), this practice is likely to benefit
both Mark and the clients in the group.
Rotter's I-E scale seeks to measure
the degree to which an individual's perception of his or her locus of control is internal or external.
What is the acronym for the Big Five?
As part of her graduate dissertation, Nadine gave a group of personality tests to fourth-graders. Included among these tests was a measure of popularity that she herself authored. Factor analysis of her data yielded two factors: extraversion and creativity. Nadine then found that her popularity measure had a high positive correlation with the extraversion factor and a high negative correlation with the creativity factor. What do the results mean?
The popularity measure is strongly related to both extraversion and creativity.
Dr. Wilson is a psychologist who believes that it would be an improvement if psychologists adapted the Five-Factor Model in their understanding of certain mental disorders. Which of the following is most likely to be true regarding Dr. Wilson?
Dr. Wilson's belief is consistent with the dimensional approach to psychopathology.
Heritability indices for the Big Five range from
40 to 61.
Dr. Phong is a psychologist who strongly endorses the notion that individuals often display certain behavior patterns because those patterns have proven to solve specific problems in the survival and mating processes of the human species. Dr. Phong is best described as a(n) _________ psychologist.
Trait theories differ from type theories because trait theories involve
continuous dimensions.
Eysenck's use of factor analysis differed from Cattell's because Eysenck
began with a hypothesis regarding underlying variables and proceeded to test it with factor analysis.
Jonathan hosts parties for his friends on a regular basis. Eysenck would place this ongoing pattern of behavior at the _____ level of his hierarchy of personality.
habitual response
When her parents took her to the opera for the first time, seven-year-old Lois stuck her fingers in her ears and kept them there the entire evening. In Eysenck's hierarchy, this behavior would be classified as a
specific response.
How is Eysenck's superfactor psychoticism different from the other two superfactors?
It has no opposing dimension.
Following his research in the first two superfactors, Eysenck investigated a third one:
As an emotionally stable introvert, Lydia is calm, thoughtful, and passive under most circumstances. Lydia's personality corresponds to which of Hippocrates' four temperaments?
In Eysenck's view, what was problematic in the personality inventories that preceded criterion analysis?
They were scored by trying to interpret the answers to each question.
When Eysenck chose criterion analysis as the method by which he constructed his personality questionnaires, he made it clear that
he was not concerned with the underlying reasons why test-takers answered questions in particular ways.
Marta was involved in a car accident in which she experienced a serious head injury. The reticular activating system of her brain was affected. According to Eysenck, this injury is likely to
alter her level of extroversion.
Recent research on the brain has identified a _, which is associated with anxiety and neuroticism, and a ____, which is associated with extroversion and positive emotions.
behavioral inhibition system; behavioral approach system
Ryan experiences a very high level of fear when faced with unexpected or threatening stimuli. He is also generally anxious and rather neurotic. According to research by Jeffrey Gray, Ryan is likely to have
an overly sensitive behavioral inhibition system.
Eysenck believed that differences in IQs can be explained on the basis of differences in
evoked potentials.
What was the conclusion of the studies on discovery learning that took into consideration the students' personalities?
Extroverted students do better with discovery learning.
Recent research has determined that a variation in the dopamine D2 receptor gene has been linked to _; as a result, we can conclude that a person with this variation ______.
ADHD; may or may not be diagnosed with the disorder
Eysenck believed, and recent research has supported, that psychotics and creative achievers manifest the same cognitive style. On a word-association test, both would
give a greater number of more divergent responses.
Since World War II, psychology's emphasis has been shifting toward a position that stresses ________ factors; Eysenck felt that psychology should shift its emphasis back to ________ factors.
environmental; biological
Why did Eysenck think that it was unrealistic to believe that we will soon discover the genes that are responsible for specific behaviors?
Because he believed that many genes interact to make up each personality trait
How is the behavior of an obsessive-compulsive individual similar to that of a dog in a learned helplessness experiment?
Both continue their behavior after it has ceased to have any effect.
Cattell emphasized the ability to do which of the following in regard to personality?
What distinguishes source traits from surface traits?
Source traits allow for prediction; surface traits are merely descriptive.
Dr. Henderson is a psychologist conducting empirical research on personality variables. She asks participants to complete questionnaires that measure 100 different personality characteristics. Then she uses a statistical procedure in which she examines correlations among the 100 personality variables, with the assumption that if some of them cluster together, they may tap into the same underlying characteristic. The statistical procedure Dr. Henderson uses is known as
factor analysis.
Which step in the process of factor analysis is not subjective?
Extracting the factors
How did an analysis of language provide support for the Big Five?
It demonstrated that people describe one another in terms of a common set of five factors.
The more ________ an attribute is, the better we are able to use it to predict a person's behavior in a given situation.
Which of the following is true according to Five-Factor Theory?
One's basic tendency for openness is biologically rooted and stable, but how one characteristically expresses it can change over time.
Which of the following is not a theoretical claim of the Five-Factor Model?
Each personality trait is allocated a different region in the brain.
Relative to the current DSM-IV system of classifying mental disorders, the Five-Factor Model suggests
a continuum between normality and abnormality
On the NEO-PI-R, Martina scores high on Extraversion, while Steve scores low on Extraversion. According to the research on the Five-Factor Model and types of psychological treatment (for example, Funder & Sneed, 1993),
group therapy may be a better fit for Martina than for Steve.
Tom has antisocial personality disorder. According to recent correlational research (for example, Miller & Lyman, 2003), which of the following results is most likely if Tom's Big Five personality traits are measured?
Low Agreeableness
Dr. Rodriguez, a psychologist, believes that people with psychological disorders simply have more or less of characteristics we all have rather than some unique or foreign characteristic in their personality. Which of the following statements is also most likely to be true regarding Dr. Rodriguez?
Dr. Rodriguez is critical of the manner in which Allport distinguished neurotic and healthy personalities
The Big Five factor with the largest heritability index is
What is the significance of the finding that some traits are genetically based?
Heredity places limits on people's potential.
In the film, Seligman described three types of Happy Lives, which one of the following was NOT one of the ones he described?
The affluent life
Which of the following has been criticized on ethical concerns because resiliency can be a virtue or a vice depending on the circumstances?
The Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Program
According to Rogers, the best way to understand an individual is through
his or her inner subjective experiences.
Rogers contended that people use the defenses of _______ and _______ when their experiences appear to be inconsistent with their self-structure.
Denial; perceptual distortion
According to Maslow, the number of self-actualized individuals in the population is
probably less than one percent.
Which term would LEAST likely be associated with the brand of therapy developed by Rogers?
Creative therapy
Tony is a sixteen-year-old boy who sees himself as multifaceted, with talents and interest in many areas such as music, art, writing, sports, and business. His parents, however, view him solely as a musician and refuse to acknowledge his other interests and talents. According to Rogers, this situation increases the likelihood that Tony will
experience incongruence.
What did Maslow find to be true about the self-actualizers he studied?
They focused on the ends rather than means.
Which of the following statements about twin studies of behavior genetics is true?
Monozygotic twins are genetically identical.
In the coming years, QTL mapping techniques should allow us to
use genetic markers as direct indicators of genotypes.
Which of the following is true regarding cross-cultural studies of the Big Five?
McCrae and Costa's 1997 data analysis of the NEO-PI-R concluded that personality trait structure may be universal.
Beginning at the bottom of the hierarchy and moving to the top, which is the correct order of Eysenck's hierarchy of personality?
Specific responses, habitual responses, generalized traits, and basic types.
The relationship between personality and psychopathology can be explored using Eysenck's PEN model, especially in relation to his super factor of:
Eysenck's (1952) comments on the effectiveness of psychotherapy gave a tremendous impetus to
behavior therapy
In the film, Maslow noted that Peak Experiences occur more frequently with people who he described as having
greater psychological health
In one of the videos we saw Maslow described an event from his life that destroyed the work of Freud, Watson, and Pavlov. What was that event?
Having babies