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Humans' ability to learn from diverse behaviors.
Vicarious Learning
Learning by observing others' behaviors and outcomes.
Vicarious Reinforcement
Gaining reinforcement by watching others rewarded.
Triadic Reciprocal Model
Interaction of behavioral, environmental, and personal factors.
Agentic Perspective
Humans control their life quality and nature.
Belief in one's ability to succeed.
Proxy Agency
Influencing others to achieve personal goals.
Collective Efficacy
Shared belief in group's ability to succeed.
Moral Agency
Regulating behavior in morally ambiguous situations.
Observational Learning
Learning through observing others' behaviors.
Core process of observational learning and behavior imitation.
Focus on models influences learning effectiveness.
Symbolic memory of observed behaviors.
Verbal Coding
Using language to evaluate and rehearse behaviors.
Practicing behaviors to enhance retention and performance.
Characteristics of a Model
Influences likelihood of observer learning behavior.
Characteristics of the Observer
Observer's traits affect learning from models.
Consequences of Behavior
Outcomes of modeled behavior impact learning likelihood.
Behavior Importance
Value placed on behavior affects acquisition likelihood.
Severe Punishment Observation
Viewing punishment can facilitate learning avoidance.
Behavioral Production
Converting cognitive representations into actual actions.
Cognitive Processes
Mental activities involved in learning and behavior.
Desire to enact specific behaviors effectively.
Enactive Learning
Learning through evaluating consequences of actions.
Response Consequences
Effects of actions that guide future behavior.
Symbolic Representation
Imagining future outcomes to inform actions.
Triadic Reciprocal Causation
Interaction of environment, behavior, and person.
Mental processes influencing behavior and environment.
Chance Encounter
Unplanned meeting influencing behavior and environment.
Fortuitous Event
Unexpected environmental experience affecting behavior.
Human Agency
Capacity to control and influence one's life.
Proactive commitment to achieving planned actions.
Setting goals and anticipating outcomes of actions.
Monitoring progress towards achieving personal goals.
Evaluating one's motivations and thought processes.
Actions taken in response to environmental stimuli.
Individual's cognitive factors influencing behavior.
Environmental Events
External factors that impact behavior and cognition.
Anticipatory Behavior
Acting based on expected future consequences.
Cognitive Capacities
Mental abilities used for planning and judgment.
Reinforcement of Behavior
Strengthening actions based on positive consequences.
Learning Efficiency
Improved learning through cognitive engagement.
Goal Specificity
Goals must be clear and achievable.
Belief in one's ability to achieve goals.
Reflective mechanism
Process of evaluating motivations and values.
Mastery experiences
Success increases self-efficacy; failure decreases it.
High self-efficacy
Leads to persistence and resilience in challenges.
Low self-efficacy
Results in apathy and resignation in difficult tasks.
Responsive environment
Supportive context enhancing self-efficacy outcomes.
Unresponsive environment
Lack of support leading to helplessness.
Social modeling
Observing peers affects personal self-efficacy levels.
Social persuasion
Influence of credible encouragement on self-efficacy.
Physiological stress
Physical conditions affecting self-efficacy perception.
Emotional arousal
Moderate emotions can enhance performance.
Failure impact
Failure affects efficacy based on effort and context.
Competency variation
Self-efficacy differs by required skills for tasks.
Peer comparison
Observing peers influences self-efficacy positively or negatively.
Credible source
Authority of persuader enhances efficacy of encouragement.
Task difficulty
Higher task difficulty correlates with self-efficacy levels.
Emotional distress
High distress can lower performance and efficacy.
Lack of interest due to low self-efficacy.
Ability to recover from setbacks and failures.
Effort investment
Higher self-efficacy leads to greater effort.
Perceived competence
Belief in others' abilities affects personal self-efficacy.
Failure conditions
Context of failure influences its impact on efficacy.
Emotional arousal
Heightened state affecting task performance.
Simple tasks
Tasks that emotional arousal can enhance.
Complex activities
Tasks where emotional arousal may hinder performance.
Proxy agency
Relying on others to achieve goals.
Individuals who assist in skill acquisition.
Personal efficacy
Individual's belief in their own capabilities.
Collective efficacy
Group's confidence in achieving shared goals.
Measurement techniques
Methods to assess collective efficacy in groups.
Individual evaluations
Assessing personal capabilities for group benefit.
Group confidence
Belief in group's ability to succeed.
Cultural differences
Variations in collective efficacy across societies.
Individualist cultures
Cultures favoring personal achievement and self-efficacy.
Collectivist cultures
Cultures emphasizing group success and collective efficacy.
Undermining factors
Elements that can weaken collective efficacy.
Process of managing one's own behavior and goals.
Transitional world
Global interconnectivity affecting individual confidence.
Ozone depletion
Environmental issue impacting global collective efficacy.
Technological complexity
Advanced tech reducing personal and collective efficacy.
Bureaucratic structures
Complex systems hindering social change efforts.
Global problems
Large-scale issues causing feelings of powerlessness.
Goal discrepancies
Gaps between current achievements and aspirations.
Intrinsic rewards
Internal satisfaction derived from accomplishments.
Environmental support
External factors aiding self-regulation and motivation.
Rewards contingent upon completing subgoals.
Monitoring one's own performance and actions.
Judgmental Process
Evaluating actions based on personal goals.
Personal Standards
Self-evaluation without comparing to others.
Standard of Reference
Evaluating performance by comparing to others.
Overall Value
Importance placed on achieving specific goals.
Performance Attribution
Judging causes of behavior and success.
Responses to behaviors based on personal standards.
Rewarding oneself for achieving goals.
Consequences imposed on oneself for failures.
Moral Agency
Responsibility to avoid harm and help others.
Selective Activation
Self-regulatory influences only operate when activated.