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a molecule that encodes for the genetics instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many viruses.
is a ubiquitous family of long biological molecules that perform multiple vital roles in the coding decoding regulation, and expression of genes.
Gregor Mendel
He used garden peas (Pisum satinum) to identify how parents and their children look alike. He discovered that parents and their offspring share many physical characteristics. He discovered this in 1866. Hint: GM
Friedrich Miescher
He isolated Nuclein (DNA) from bloodied bandages using an alkaline solution. He discovered this 1869. Hint: FM
Hugo de Vries, Carl Carrens, Erich von Tsehermok
These found a similar discovery, same as Gregor Mendel, but with a different plant species. They discovered this in 1900. Hint: HV, CC, ET
Wilhelm Ludwig Johannsen
He switched the term “factor” to “gene” in 1909. Hint: WLJ
Thomas Hunt Morgan
He ran radiation genetics experiments with on fruitflies, because they were easy to maintain, reproduced rapidly, and had four chromosomes. He discovered this in 1911. Hint: THM
Hermann Muller
He used X-rays to experiment on fruitflies, discovering that 75% of flies lived, but with mutations, and 25% died. Proving that X-rays damaged DNA and caused mutations. He also was a student of Thomas Morgan. He discovered this in 1920. Hint: HM
Frederick Griffith
He wants to experiment on proteins using Streptococcos pneumonae as a test subject. Creatin two strains, a S strain (infectious) and a R strain (non-infectious strain.) He experimented in 1928. Hint: FG
Phoebus Levene
He discovered Deoxyribose in 1929. Hint: PL
Barbara McClintock
She crossbred corn, creating differently colored corn. Discovering heredity in 1931. Hint: BMC
Erwin Chargaff
He discovered the four nitrogenous bases in DNA, Adenine, Thynine, Cytosine, and Guanine. All in 1950. Hint: EC
Rosalind Franklin
She discovered the shape of DNA as a double helix using X-ray Crystallography in 1952. Hint: RF
X-ray Crystallography
The technique/method used to discover the shape of DNA.
Francis Crick
He created the Central Dogma of Biology in 1955. Hint: FC
Central Dogma of Biology
The central dogma of biology is a theory stating that genetic information flows only in one direction, from DNA, to RNA, to protein, or RNA directly to protein.
Paul Zamecnik, Mahlon Hoagland, Mary Stephenson
These three discovered tRNA in 1956. Hint: PZ, MH, MS
This form of RNA serve as a link between mRNA and the growing chain of amino acids that make up a protein.
Matthew Meselson, Franklin Stahl
This pair discovered DNA replication in 1957. Hint: MM, FS
DNA Replication
The process by which a double-stranded DNA molecule is copied to produced two identical molecules.
Arthur Komberg
He discovered DNA Polymerase in 1959. Hint: AK
DNA Polymerase
These are enzymes that create DNA molecules by assembling nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA. These enzymes are essential to DNA replication and usually work in pairs to create two identical DNA strands from one original DNA molecule.
Sydney Bremer
She discovered mRNA in 1961. Hint: SB
This form of RNA transports protein information from the DNA in a cell’s nucleus to the cell’s cytoplasm.
Marshall Nirenberg, Phil Leder
They discovered the genetic code in 1964. Hint: MN, PhiL
Genetic Code
This is the instructions contained in a gene that tell a cell how to make a specific protein.
Evelyn Witkin
She discovered the SOS Response/Dark Repair Mechanism in cells. Hint: EW
SOS Response Mechanism
It is a global transcriptional response in cells that experience DNA damage in which the cell cycle is arrested and DNA repair mechanisms are induced.
David Baltimore and Howard Temins
This pair discovered reverse transcription in 1970. Hint: DB and HT
Reverse Transcription
It is reversed version of the process Transcription where instead of DNA becoming RNA, RNA is instead turned into RNA.
Richard Roberts, Phillip Sharp
This pair discovered RNA splicing in 1974. Hint: RR, PS
RNA Splicing
The process of removing certain sequences in RNA.
Non-coding region in DNA
Coding region in DNA
Kary Mollins, Alec Jeffreys
This pair discovered PCR/DNA Fingerprinting in 1985. Hint: KM & AJ
National Institute of Health
This organization invented gene therapy in 1990.
Gene Therapy
A treatment wherein genes are altered to cure a disease or help fight a disease.
Roslin Institute
This is the organization is responsible for cloning the first mammal, Dolly the Sheep.
International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium
This is the organization responsible for completing the Human Genome Project in 2003.
Human Genome Project
This is a project that aimed to determine the sequence of chemical based pairs which makes up the human genome.
Jennifer Doudna, Emmanuelle Charpentier
This pair developed the genetic engineering tool, CRISPR-Cas9. Hint: JD, EmanC
A tool for genetic engineering/modification whose full name is “Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindrome Repeats’ - Associated Protein 9”
One daughter cell receives the original DNA molecule while the other receives a completely new copy.
The original DNA molecule is split into two strands and each strand acts as a template on which new strand is synthesize.
The original DNA is destroyed completely during the course of synthesis and creates two new identical DNA molecule.
The original DNA molecule is dispersed or distributed into all nascent chains.
The original DNA molecule is presents half of the complimentary chain for both nascent chain.
Initiation (Transcription)
This stage is catalyzed bby the enzyme RNA polymerase, which attaches to and moves along the DNA molecule until it recognizes a promoter sequence.
Elongation (Transcription)
One DNA is read in a 3’ to 5’ direction, and so provides the templates for the new mRNA molecule. The other DNA strand is referred to as the coding strand, This is because it’s base sequence is identical to the synthesized mRNA, except for the replacement of thiamine with uracil.
Termination (Transcription)
Stop sequence at this point transcription stops, RNA polymerase releases the DNA template.
is a DNA sequence that indicates where a genetic sequence can be read and decoded, It is a type of promoter sequence, which specifies other molecules where transcription begins.
Enhancer regions
are binding sequences, or sites, for transcription factors. A region of DNA that can be found with protein activators to activate transcription of a gene.
Transcription Factor II D
Binds to the tata box in the core promoter of the gene.
Tata Box Binding Protein
It acts as a landmark to indicate where other enzyme should start reading the gene.
Transcription Factor II A
It aids in the binding of TBP to TATA-box containing promoter DNA.
Transcription Factor II B
It aids in stimulating transcription inititation.
RNA Polymerase
Is an enzyme that is responsible for copying a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence, during the process of transcription.
Initiation (Translation)
Binding of the small ribosomal sub-unit to specific sequence on the mRNA chain.
Elongation (Translation)
The complementary anti-codon sequence binds to the mRNA passing through the accepter site.
Termination (Translation)
When one of the three stop codons, UAA, UAG, UGA, enters the A site of the ribosome
Met / Start
Aspartic Acid
Glutamic Acid