Movement, support, protection, blood production, mineral regulation
Functions of skeletal system include?
working with the muscular system
makes up framework of body
vital organs such as brain and heart
mineral regulation
skeletal system has how many bones?
ligaments, cartilages, bursae and tendon sheaths
joints/articulation of skeletal system include?
hold bones together
hold bones together; reduce friction between bones
bursae and tendon sheaths
structures found in areas around joints to help reduce friction
classification of bones by shape/structure has how many groups?
long, short, irregular, and flat
what are the classifications of bones by shape/structure?
shape/structure only in limbs
humerus, radias, ulna, metacarpals, phalanges, femur, tibia, fibula, metatarsals
examples of long shape/structure
1 diaphysis, 2 epiphyses (1 proximal and 1 distal)
what are the main parts of long bone?
relatively thick compact bone tissue superficially and spongy bone tissue deep
fibrous connective tissue membrane on surface
medullary/marrow cavity
contains yellow bone marrow; endosteum lines
spongy and compact bone; articular/hyaline cartilage at joints
tarsals, carpals
examples of short bone include?
similar to epiphysis long bone
(spongy and compact bone; articular/hyaline cartilage at joints)
structure of short bone is similar to?
examples of irregular bone?
similar to short bones
structure of irregular bone
sternum, some skull bones
flat bone example
dipole between inner and outer plates
structure of flat bone
3 groups
bone markings are organized into how many groups?
provides sites where muscles and ligaments attach
large, rounded projection coming from main part of the bone; often has rough texture
Ischial tuberosity that is part of/on coxal/bone
example of tuberosity projection
iliac crest on coxal bone
example of crest projection
large ridge on bone
large, irregular shaped projection from main part of the bone
femur bone
trochanter are only found on which bone
2 trochanters; greater and lesser trochanter
femur bone has how many trochanters? what are they?
small ridge on a bone
intertrochanteric line
example of line projection
in between 2 trochanters on a femur
intertrochanteric line is located where?
small rounded projection
adductor tubercle on femur
example of tubercle projection
raised area on or above condyle
rounded surface at a joint
medial epicondyle on femur
example of epicondyle projection
spine projection
sharp or pointed projection
ischial spine on coxal/hip bone
example of spine projection
general term for projection; most common marking in this group
spinous process on vertebra
example of a process?
expanded end of bone with narrow neck
on rib, on femur
example of head
smooth, flat surface at joint
on head of rib
example of Facet
rounded articular projection at joint
on mandible, on femur
example of condyle surface?
Depressions and openings
usually for blood vessels and nerves to go through
surfaces that form joints
Depressions and openings
what are the groups of bone markings/bone parts?
most common marking in depressions and openings group?
round or oval opening through a bone
infraorbital foramen, mental foramen of skull
example of foramen?
elongated depression (where blood vessels or nerves might lie)
on inner surface of mandible
example of Groove/sulcus
slitlike/narrow opening; irregular shaped opening in a bone
inferior and superior orbital fissures of skull
example of a fissure
indentation at the edge of a bone
mandibular notch
example of a notch
basin or sinklike depression in a bone
inner base of skull
example of Fossa?
similar to foramen; round oval in shape; longer passageway through bone
internal acoustic meatus of skull
example of meatus/canal
cavity/space within a bone
paranasal sinus of frontal bone
example of sinus
2; Compact Bone and Spongy Bone
how many types of bone tissue? what are they?
long, straight cylinders in compact bone
compact bone
which bone is mainly made up of long, straight cylinders called osteons?
include central canal with blood vessels and nerves
what do osteons include?
central canal
going down through middle of osteon is?
osteons, concentric lamellae, lacunae, canaliculi, and osteocytes
compact bone is made up of?
concentric lamellae
bony matrix layers around central canal
spaces at lamellae borders
small canals
circumferential and interstitial lamellae
what are outside the osteons?
circumferential lamellae
lamellae that is around bone circumference?
interstitial lamellae
lamellae that is between osteons
2 main parts; trabeculae and marrow space
spongy bone has how many parts? what are they?
bony fiber network with interstitial lamellae
bone building cells
bone destroying cells
marrow space
red bone marrow filled with bone building cells (osteoblasts) and bone destroying cells (osteoclasts) at edge of trabeculae and marrow space
Intramembranous ossification and Endochondral ossification
what are the two types of Bone Formation/Ossifiaction?
Intramembranous ossification
bones formed from fibrous connective tissue membrane?
mainly forms flat bones of skull
Intramembranous ossification mainly forms what bones?
mesenchymal cells
main cells of fibrous connective tissue membrane are
collagen fibers in matrix
which fibers can you find in mesenchymal cells ?
they develop where blood vessels grow into membrane
where do ossification centers develop?
when new bone is formed what develops?
osteocytes develop from osteoblasts
osteocytes develop from?
spongy bone is formed first, compact bone formed later
which bone is formed first?
red bone marrow is going to form
what forms within spongy bone?
woven spongy bone with osteocytes
when does periosteum form?
forms plates
compact bone forms?
in dipole
red bone marrow forms where ?
Endochondral ossification
bones formed from hyaline cartilage; most bones formed from this ossification