Where geographically did Islam arise?
Southwest Asia:Middle East - The Arabian Peninsula
Who is Muhammad?
The founder of Islam: 570 C.E.
What was Muhammad's early life like?
Merchant Family in Mecca 2. Parents died when he was 6
How did the Bedouin peoples organize themselves?
Clan groups: Close Knit Families
Who are the Bedouin peoples?
Nomadic peoples from Arabian Peninsula
Why was the Arabian Peninsula important economically?
Center of Trade Networks: Goods arrived in Persian Gulf
Where Arabs polytheistic or monotheistic?
Mostly Polytheistic: Many Gods and Demons
After interacting with the Christians and Jews, what did the Arabs convert to?
To Monotheistic: Belief in one God
What happened to Muhammad in 610 C.E.?
Muhammad experiences visions of Allah
Who delivered Allah's Messages?
Arch Angel Gabriel
What did Allah want Muhammad to do?
Wanted Muhammad to be prophet - To spread message
What were Allah's messages?
Allah is only God - Others are fake 2. Followers rewarded with Salvation 3. Don't follow = Sent to Hell
What happened to Muhammad in 620 C.E.?
Muhammad starts to spread messages to family, friends, and citizens in Mecca.
What is the Qur'an?
Qur'an = Holy book of Islam
Who created the Quran?
Muhammads followers in 650 C.E.
What does the Quran say?
Allah is the only God 2. Believe: Rewarded with Salvation 3. Dont Believe = Punished: Sent to Hell
What is the first pillar of Islam?
Declaration of faith: Acknowledge Allah as only god, Muhammad as only prophet.
What is the second pillar of Islam?
Obligatory prayer: Muslims must pray to Allah daily while facing Mecca
What is the third pillar of Islam?
Compulsory giving: Muslims must contribute alms or money to help the unfortunate
What is the fourth pillar of Islam?
Fasting month of Ramadan: They must fast during the daylight hours of the month of Ramadan
What is the fifth pillar of Islam?
Pilgrimage to Mecca: Those who are physically and financially able, must undertake the hajj - a pilgrimage to Mecca
Who did Muhammad come into conflict with in Mecca?
Ruling Elites - Reason = Cultural 2. Muhammad = Monotheism, Elites = Polytheism
What is the Hijra?
Migration from Mecca to Medina
What is the Umma?
"Community of the faithful" - Muhammads community
What did Muhammad do for the Umma?
Established Social, Legal Code 2. Led Religion 3. Head of Military
What happened in 630 C.E.
Muhammad and umma attack and conquer Mecca
After conquering Mecca, what did Muhammad do?
Forced Elites to Convert to Islam 2. Destroyed Shrines of Other Gods - Replaced with Mosques of Allah
What happened in 632 C.E.?
Muhammad goes on the first hajj and visits the Ka'ba
What is jihad?
Jihad = "Struggle" - Unofficial 6th Pillar
What did individuals do for jihad?
Combat Evil 2. Spread Islam, Seek Converts 3. Physical Struggle - Wage War on Non-believers
What is the Sharia?
Islamic Holy Law
What did the Sharia offer guidance on?
Laws - Proper Behavior, A. Marriage B. Family C. Slavery D. Business
What is one similarity between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity?
All are Monotheistic - Belief in one God
After Muhammads death, what divided the umma?
Disagreements over the succession of Muhammad.
Who is Abu Bakr?
first caliph and loyal friend to Muhammad