The variety of life in the world, or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.
Genetic Diversity
The variety of genes within a species.
Ecological Diversity
Variety of ecosystems in a given place.
Functional Diversity
The variety of biological and chemical processes needed for survival.
Natural Capital
Natural resources and services that support life and economies.
Provisioning Services
Tangible products obtained from ecosystems, such as food and water.
Regulating Services
Ecosystem processes that regulate environmental conditions.
Cultural Services
Non-material benefits obtained from ecosystems, such as spiritual enrichment.
Supporting Services
Services necessary for the production and maintenance of other ecosystem services.
Adaptive Radiation
Numerous new species evolve to fill new or vacated niches.
The formation of two species from one species due to divergent natural selection.
Geographic Isolation
Physical separation of populations leading to speciation.
Reproductive Isolation
Isolation that occurs when populations become genetically distinct.
Background Extinction
Normal, continuous extinction rate due to environmental changes.
Mass Extinction
Catastrophic event that wipes out large groups of species in a short time.
Species Richness
The number of different species present in an ecosystem.
Species Evenness
The relative abundance of different species in an ecosystem.
Tropical Rainforests
Most species-rich environments on Earth.
Continental Drift
Movement of the Earthâs continents that affects biodiversity.
Endemic Species
Species that are native to and found only in one area.
Extinction Crisis
Current rapid loss of species caused by human activities.
Ecosystem Services
The benefits provided by ecosystems to humans.
Ecological Extinction
Too few individuals remain to play their ecological roles.
Biological Extinction
Complete loss of a species.