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Psychodynamic theory
Umbrella term for models focussing on personality as a complex relationship of conscious and unconscious motives, thoughts, and feelings
Why do we look at psychodynamic theory
Many famous theorists within it
Often referenced in pop culture despite it being theoretical, and lacking evidence
Freud was generative - his theories influenced/started others theories
This meant psychodynamic theory had a big impact on the field
Explores worthy ares of interest that are difficult to measure with current technology, it may be able to measure them in the future
Was a doctor not a psychologist but seen as a famous “psychologist”
Say patients with hysteria (hysteria means uterus in like Greek)
Used hypnosis and free association on Anna O to understand the unconscious root of her hysteria
Anna was not cured but she did inspire Freud to delve into the world of psychological bases for physiological symptoms
Topographical model (freuds models of the mind)
Unconscious mind- guided by the pleasure principle
Preconscious mind- monitors and moderates these unconscious desires to keep them out of the conscious, can sometimes lead to unconscious desires to manifest other ways like through dreams
Conscious mind- governed by the reality principle
Structural model (freuds models of the mind)
3 aspects
Id (it)- unconscious mind, motivated by pleasure and wish fulfillment
ego (I)- conscious part of the mind that operates on reality principle, with help from superego
Superego (above I)- consists of rules from the culture in which you were raised, strict and demanding part of the mind
Freudian slip
When your deepest true thoughts slip out in regular speech
Ex: saying your ex’s name to your current partner
Means lust or desire
Freud believes libido influences development to shape adulthood personality
Freud believed the libido is highly active in infants Cuz they are all Id and little ego or superego yet
He said libido attaches to different parts of the body in different developmental stages
When the libido attaches to an object, thought, or part of the body
What we know as a fetish
Oral stage (developmental stages)
Breastfeeding/bottle feeding
Suckling and gaining satisfaction from putting different items in their mouth (toys, hands, feet)
Oral fixation: continued libido attachment to the mouth beyond this age
Anal stage (developmental stages)
Potty training focus - successful navigation to work through and move forward
2 outcomes
anal retentive- getting pleasure from retaining bowels - tend to be more neat and ordered
Anal expulsion- getting pleasure from releasing bowels - tend to be more sloppy and disorganized
Phallic stage (developmental stages)
Libido migrates to genitals, they may be curious about their own or others parts
Crucial to Freud because this is where the oedipus complex comes in for boys
Jung had the Electra complex theory for girls- where daughters love their father and wish for their mothers death
Freud disagreed and said girls have penis envy where they wish to have penises and ultimately want to be male
Suggest Freud does not understand women and his theories are sexist
Oedipus complex
Male child’s love for his mother and wish to kill his father - castration anxiety
Resolution - child grows up and moves on to an appropriate mate like his mother
Issue resolving - buy turns to a man who is overly attached to his mother and can’t form healthy relationships
Far from confirmed as a theory
Freud said dreams are ‘the royal road’, wish fulfillment and made up of manifest and latent content
manifest content is the outward content of the dream
Latent content is the unconscious meaning of the dream
Day residue
Experiences from the day incorporated into manifest content
Disguised dream
Less disturbing than if the dream was the wish itself
Second form of disguise - hard time remembering the dream
Dream interpretation
To filled with phallic symbols like Freud suggests
Free association can help uncover true meaning
No goof evidence of Freud wish fulfillment but dreams can have meaning
Taking cure
Treatment for hysteria whereby patient lays looking away and just talks about whatever comes to their mind
Defense mechanisms
Psychological protection mechanisms
Aim to protect us from psychological rut or suffering
Can include
Reaction formation
Defense pessimism
Denial (defence mechanism)
Not acknowledging unconscious content
Can be denial about many things
Ex; death is inevitable
Reaction formation (defence mechanism)
Disguising unconscious content and urges by turning it into its opposite
Beyond denial, not just denying feelings but rejecting and engaging in counter feelings
Projection (defence mechanism)
Projection of own uncomfortable feelings onto others
Projecting your feelings onto someone else
You hate your mother in law so you say ‘my mother in law hates me’
Repression (defence mechanism)
Keeping unconscious impulses out of the conscious by pushing them away
Different from denial, aspect of reaction formation
Repressive coping is atrial people vary in not allowing your anxieties fully become conscious
Can also b measured through reaction time
Repressive coppers- slower reaction time to disturbing and aggressive phrases
Displacement (defence mechanism)
Moving impulses onto different, less threatening objects - often with anger
Can’t yell at your boss so you go home and yell at your partner - moving the action to a ‘sfer’ outlet
Sublimation (defence mechanism)
Channeling unconscious impulses into our work
Turning unacceptable desires into acceptable one
Channeling negative feelings into art or becoming a boxer if you like fighting
Humour (defence mechanism)
Can be a healthy defense mechanism
Can help diffuse negative situations
Release tension between unconscious and conscious -often sex related or bodily function related
Defense pessimism (defence mechanism)
Thinking negative thoughts to prepare for negative outcomes (not freuds original defence mechanisms)
Some people high in this trait and can encourage extra preparation and effort
Try to keep expectations low so you are no disappointed
Take the negative outcome as a given so all situations are as you expected
Empirical evidence for defence mechanisms
Some empirical evidence for some mechanisms like reaction formation, denial, projection
More likely to serve to protect self esteem rather than defend against unconscious drives
False consensus effect (EE for DM)
Overestimating how many people agree with your opinion to feel good about them
Challenges to Freudian theories
Difficult to prove or disprove
Freuds unconscious is primitive and emotional
current research suggests it is more cognitive
Priming can activate unconscious thoughts, can be done consciously or unconsciously
Not parsimonious - very complex explanations when simple ones make just as much sense
Not empirically tested
Freuds protege
Moved away from Freuds theories and went beyond
Unconscious psychic structures shared by all humanity
Jung said there is a symbolic unconscious that all people share
Ex- Id and super ego are part of a collective individual unconscious
Shadow (archetypes)
Personification of the dark side
sexual, aggressive, can be opposite of your usual self
Dr,Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Star Wars or lord of the rings
Anima / animus (archetypes)
The soul, which is the other sec
getting in touch with your feminine or masculine side
The self (archetypes)
Archetype at the enter of collective unconscious
Ego orbits around it
Illustrates relationship between the self and the ego
ego is a small peripheral aspect of the psyche
Wise part of us
Yoda or dumbledore
Ego attitudes and functions
Jung believed the ego had different attitudes and functions
Attitudes- Extraversion vs. Introversion - energy from social situations vs. Energy from being alone
Functons- thinking vs. Feeing (rational) & intuition vs. Sensation (irrational)
Myers-Briggs type indicator based on Jungs work, but added judging vs. Perceiving (planful vs. Spontaneous)
Extraversion vs. Introversion (jungs personality type indicator)
Extroverts energized from interacting with others and introverts are drained by it
Thinking vs.feeling (jungs personality type indicator)
Thinking through issues vs. Relies on feelings to make decisions and come to conclusions
Intuition vs. Sensation (jungs personality type indicator)
Seeing patterns in issues even if it doesn’t fully follow logic, making choices based on intuition VS relying on concrete connections, directing what to do logically but answer depends on how it turns out
Judging vs. Perceiving (jungs personality type indicator)
Planned out vs.spontaneous and on the fly
Jung - this involved changing the center of ourselves rom the ego to the self
the sun as the center rather than the earth
Seen in may movies and tv shows - hero’s embarking on a journey
Collective unconscious can lead to strange experiences like synchronicity
Neo analytic
Off branch from Freud but modified
Alfred Adler
Challenged Freud
Focus more on the drive for power
Everyone has a drive for power
inferiority complex
May lead to compensation- reacting against perceived inferiority (ex- Theodore Roosevelt)
Also interested in birth order
Karen Horney
Disagreed with Freuds penis envy theory and countered with her own
men have a strong desire for the ability to give birth
Anxiety coping personality types
Moving toward- connecting with others to deal with anxiety
Moving away- avoiding others to find peace and escape conflict
Moving against - gaining control over the competitive world through exploitativeness and aggressiveness
Object relations theory
Associated with many theorists - Fairbairn, Klein, Winnicott, Balint
Early relationships impact personalities in a lifelong way
Evaluates people based on how they think about others - relationships with others
‘Objects’ are internal psychological representations of others
Object integration
Whether someone can see other people as complex multidimensional people
A good understanding acknowledges the complexity of others
Split object image
Seeing others in extreme contrasts
No inbetween
Basic fault
Lack of connection between child and mother that later impacts adult relationships