Case Study - Greece Conflicting Stakeholder Perspectives

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what percentage of greece’s population live in coastal areas

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what percentage of greece’s population live in coastal areas


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what percentage of farming does coastal farming account for


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why are coastal areas suitable for farming

microclimates and moist air

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why is coastal farming decreasing

farms being sold for tourist/second home development

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why is fishing important despite not contributing much to greek GDP

cultural cohesion and heritage

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why does fishing conflict with conservation efforts

fish-rich areas like marshes are of particular ecological importance

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how are fish stock being increased

artificial reefs, policy stating that all new aquaculture areas must submit an environmental impact report to show impact on other stakeholders and the environment

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what is the role of industries like oil refining

need water but release pollutants

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why may locals suffer from conservation efforts

efforts may close ports so locals cannot travel between islands which leads to cultural degradation

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what has the greek government done to minimize pollution

set up stations around the coast with equipment to clean up pollution as a result of tourism

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why does tourism increasingly not benefit locals

mass tourism from foreign companies so profit does not return to locals

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why is salt farming environmentally important

provides a swampy ecosystem in spring that is ideal for grubs so many migratory birds stop there

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why are salinas closing (2)

economies of scale, urban and agricultural developments disrupt longshore drift so salinas become inundated with sediment

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what is replacing salt farming (2)

farming and fishing

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what percentage of greece’s GDP does tourism provide


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how many jobs does tourism provide


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what is booming tourism leading to

urban sprawl

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what are impacts of increasing population (2)

overwhelm water and waste infrastructure, cause overcrowding

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why is managing many tourists challenging

seasonal so no year-round solution

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why is salt infiltration occuring

aquifers depleted by water diverted for agribusiness

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