Absolute Distance
The exact distance between 2 points
Relative Distance
Using time and direction
How a map is put on a piece of paper
Reference map
Displays general information/ navigation
Spatial Distrbution
How information is spread out
Spatial Interaction
Connections, movement, and the flow of things between places
Thematic Map
What is it like there? It has a theme
Official count or survey, the most reliable way data is gathered
GIS (Geographic Information System)
Computer system that stores, analyzes, and displays information/data
Absolute Location (Your exact location)
Remote Sensing
Cameras or sensors mounted on aircraft and satellites which collect digital images
Qualitative Data
Data representing information not in numbers
Quantitative data
Data expressed as numbers
Absolute Location
Perisce spot where something is located
Distance Decay
The farther away, the less connection
Relative location
Description of where something is in relation to something else
Time space compression
The idea that the world is getting smaller because of increased technology, increasing connectivity
Environmental Determinism
Belief that climate and landforms shape human behavior and development
Focuses on the human ability to adapt to their natural environment
Ability to meet present needs without affecting future generations
Map scale
Relationship of a features size on a map compared to actual size on earth; Ratio/Fraction- 1:24000
Scale of Analysis
Local, regional, national, and global
Formal Region
ESPN, area where everyone shares one or more common traits Ex: States, Voting
What does ESPN stand for?
Economic, Social, Political, ENvironmental
Functional Region
Nodal Region, organize around a center-point, activity that takes place in that region Ex: airport, Pizza delivery
Areas that share both human and physical characteristics
Vernacular Region
Area that is based on people’s perception
Contagious diffusion
A trait that spreads rapidly, Ex: News, Sickness, Ideas
The spread of information and ideas
Hierarchical Diffusion
Spread of culture from the top down, trends that start with celebrity’s and reach regular people
Relocation Diffusion
Migrant diffusion, people move and carry their traits with them, Ex: language, religion, food
Stimulus Diffusion
When culture and ideas spread and evolve as they spread Ex: McDonald’s
Increased connection between different regions across the globe
A location without a sense of place
Type of reference maps
Political, physical, road map
Thematic maps
Choropleth, Dot-Density, Graduated/symbol, cartogram, Isoline
Cartogram Map
Sizes of countries shown to a specific variable
Isoline Map/Topographic
Shows weather and elevation
Mercator Map
Good sense of direction, Distorted at the poles
Peter’s equal area map
Area of landmasses accurate, shapes inaccurate
Robinson Map
No major distortions, all aspects are slightly distorted