He came up with 3 types of conformity:
compliance (shallow)
identification (intermediate)
internalisation (deep)
They developed a two-process theory, arguing that there are two main reasons people conform. They are based on two central human needs:
the need to be right (which is ISI)
the need to be liked (which is NSI).
In many cases of real-life conformity there is an overlap between ISI and NSI
Limitation of Milgram - She analysed Milgram's archive of tape recordings. She made several discoveries that undermine the validity of Milgram's findings and conclusions:
The experimenter frequently went off script and would vary the wording of the four prods given to him and use them excessively (26 times with one participant).
Participants often voiced their suspicion of the shocks and Perry concluded most of the participants realised the shocks were fake.
Research support of situational variables - In this study confederates dressed in different outfits:
jacket/tie for a civilian
milkman's uniform
security guard uniform
They issued demands (e.g pick up litter) to people on the streets of New York City.
People were twice as likely to obey the 'security guard' than the confederate dressed as a civilian.
This shows that a situational variable, such as a uniform, does have a powerful effect on obedience.
Adorno et al felt unquestioning obedience is a psychological disorder. He came up with the Authoritarian Personality and they:
have exaggerated respect for authority and submissiveness to it
express contempt for people of inferior social status
It originates in childhood through harsh parenting - strict discipline, expectation of loyalty, impossibly high standards and severe criticism.
also conditional love - love child depending on how they behave
Hostility is created within the child but cannot direct them towards parents so feelings are displaced to those weaker.
The study investigated unconscious attitudes towards other ethnic groups of more than 2000 middle-class white Americans.
Several scales were developed, including the potential-for-fascism scale (F-scale). Examples from the F-scale (rated on scale 1 to 6 where 6 = agree strongly)
'Obedience and respect for authority are the most important virtues for children to learn.'
'There is hardly anything lower than a person who does not feel great love and respect for his parents.'
A factor of personality is a sense of what controls their lives, this is measured on a scale ranging from high external to high internal locus of control.
Internals believed things that happen to them are mainly controlled by themselves and they are less concerned with social approval. They believe they:
dictate events in their life
are responsible for their actions
Externals believe things happen outside of their control. They believe:
lives are controlled by external forces: fate, government
A high internal LOC results in an ability to resist pressure to conform/obey and a high external LOC does the opposite.
People who have internal LOC are more likely to be be to resist pressures to conform/obey.
If someone takes personal responsibility for their actions and experiences then they’re more likely to base their decisions on their own beliefs
People with a high internal LOC tend to be more confident, achievement-orientated, have higher intelligence and less need for social approval. These traits lead to great resistance to social influence.