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Locke's social contract
Democracy - majority vote
Hobbes' social contract
Absolute monarchy - one king above everyone else
Rousseau's social contract
Communism - everyone is equal and shares everything
Locke's beliefs on state of nature
Bad, everyone will fight and become enemies, man has absolutely freedom and power but cannot enjoy it - needs both order and freedom
Hobbes' beliefs on state of nature
Utter distrust, man's goal is self-preservation - needs a ruler to keep the people in check
Rousseau beliefs on state of nature
Peaceful and idealistic, man will help each other
What is a state of nature?
Imaginary situation in which there is no law or government, everybody has complete freedom
What does Locke think are the three inalienable rights?
Life, liberty, and property
What is a social contract?
When a group of people agree to give up total freedom and submit to a government that will protect their natural rights.
What is the goal of any type of government?
To try to contain or change the human heart
What is legitimacy?
The right to rule
Describe absolute monarchy
Absolute power (no limits), claim to divine right (chosen by God), determined by birth (dynasty).
Why was absolutism implemented?
People wanted security and stability in times of unrest
Describe communism
Workers rule, everyone is committed towards working for the good of the whole, equal distribution of resources, two classes (capitalists and proletariat/working class)
Describe theocracy
Religious leaders rule in the name of God, law is based off sacred book of religion (Bible, Koran, etc),
Describe Aristocracy
economic and intellectual hold the most wealth + power
Describe Machiavellian/autocratic government
Tyranny, one ruler having complete power, "better to be feared than loved," forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism
Describe a philostocracy/oligarchy
Imaginary government developed by Plato, philosophers rule, society where only the best can rule, hand picked, 'bred' into an 'elite' society
Who was Solon
A merchant who was given power, a leader and reformer, introduced democratic themes, allowed peasants to veto certain parts of law
What was the structure of the Athenian democracy?
Council of 500 (10 tribes that each elected 50 representatives), Athenian Assembly (all male citizens of Athens), and Heliaea (special powers, heard court cases and lawsuits)
What is a direct democracy?
Where every single citizen can raise their hand to vote - all voices are heard
When did democracy begin in Athens?
How were people elected into office in Athenian democracy?
Drawing lots