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Great apes are also called ______ and are relatively large bodied with long arms, short legs, and no tails
Humans are the only living great ape that is fully _____
Human evolution began _ million years ago
Bipedalism is the ________ that defines the hominins
homo sapiens
Hominins are the monophyletic group comprimising ____ _______
There are more than __ extinct bipedal relatives
DNA sequence data shows that humans are most closely related to the common chimpanzees and bonbobs, followed by _______
Gracile austra, robust austra, early homo, recent homo
Most researchers agree that hominins can be organized into these four general groups
Fossil evidence indicates: the shared derived character that defines the hominins is _______
multiple species
Fossil evidence indicates: the hominin family tree has many branches, there was not linear progression from one species to another. This means _____ _____ of hominins lived on earth at the same time
large brains
Fossil evidence indicates: Compared with other homins, species in the genus homo have extremely _____ ______ relative to overall body size
natural selection
Several lines of evidence support the hypothesis that ______ _______ for the ability to reason and communicate was triggered by increased tool and language use resulting in humans with large brains
Out-of-Africa hypothesis
The leading hypothesis for the evolution of Homo sapiens in called the ___-__-_____ ________
dispersed throughout the world
Out-of-Africa hypothesis states that H. sapiens evolved its distinctive traits in Africa and then ________ _______ __ _____
H. Sapiens evolved _______ of earlier European and Asian species of homo
fossil record
Phylogenetic trees based on genetic comparisons of diverse human populations living today agree with pattern in _____ _____
first lineages
_____ _____ branch off led to descendant populations that live in africa today
Sequence data from modern aboriginal Australians support the hypothesis that the human migration our of Africa occurred in more that ___ way
The first wave of humans moving was to ______
eurpoe and mainland asia
The second wave of humans moving was to _____ and _____ _____
1% - 4% of the genome of indigenous europeans and asians, but not africans, is derived from __________
About 5% of the genome of aboriginal Australia is derived from __________
thermoregulation, carrying tools, long-distance migration
Bipedalism was good for ________, ______ _____, ___-_____ _______
stone tool use
We are separated from other hominins because of our _____ _____ ___
language gene
There is no fossil evidence of language, but there is molecular evidence from the _____ _____
Another name for the language gene
Hyoid bone
_____ ____ positioned to allow the tongue movements in speech
cooperation and altruism
Humans can perform actions of _________ and ______ due to increased brain size
Any two humans differ by around __% of the genome
There is __% genetic variation within populations
_% difference among populations within groups (eg. between Yoruba and Kikuyu)
skin colour is associated with ____ genes
the ____ gene has two alleles, one associated with light and one with dark pigmentation
Natural selection favours more darker skin pigmentation in ______ UV regions
An essential nutrient that cannot be synthesized, must be obtained from diet, nececarry for DNA repair and synthesis, deficiencies decrease fertility
Vitamin D
Can be obtained via diet, can be synthesized in our bodies, biosynthesis requires UV light, regulates immune function and protects from pathogens
fitness trade-off
Human skin pigmentation illustrates a ______ _____-___
We see __________ selection in skin pigmentation
In _____ UV there is less of a fitness trade-off due to skin pigmentation
__________ individuals are strongly protected against malaria
geographically or ethnically
Most genetic variation in humans is explained by difference among individuals, mush less so for ________ or _______ defined groups.
more accurate
Only a handful of genetic variants associated with ethnic groups can lead to ____ _______ diagnoses
rapid environmental
Biology cannot keep pace with cultural and _____ __________ change
hygiene/old friends
Hypothesis that: modern medicine and hygiene practices removed some coevolved microbiota, leading to immune system dysregulation
Women who regularly take oral contraception are _ times more at risk for developing breast cancer than that of non-contraceptive women
Some oral contraceptives also reduce the chances of _______ cancer
we die because any mutation that sufficiently improves reproductive performance early in life at the expense of performance later in life will still be ________
Antagonistic pleiotropy
genetic coupling of traits, increased reproduction reduces lifespan (reproduction-survival tradeoff or the cost of reproduction)
Ageing and lifespan have not evolved because they are being selected for, but as by-products of selection for ___________ success in younger individuals
Every _______ is an independent evolutionary process - multiple clones originate through mutation, then compete for resources (nutrition, waste disposal, space)
__________ the dose used in chemotherapy should maintain clonal competition, significantly delaying the emergence of malignancy, prolonging patient survival
Pathogens are in a coevolutionary arms-race with the pharmaceutical industry -- ________ are currently winning
takes _ months or less to see the emergence of resistance in new antibiotics
antimicrobial resistance
Ancient diseases are now seeing a reemergence (Tuberculosis) due to the rise of ___________ __________
horizontal gene transfer
AMR more commonly arises due to _________ ____ ________ rather than de novo mutations
nearby hosts
AMR-genes acquired from the environment or ______ _____ that are not necessarily closely-related, such as commensals that inhabit our microbiomes
direct uptake
AMR-gene movement facilitated by: plasmids, viruses, other mobile genetic elements, _____ ______
Expect the evolution of AMR to be much _____ than if the genes involved were only vertical transmitted
large doses
Current practices try to reduce de novo resistance mutations using _____ _____ of antibiotics administered for long periods + cycling through ABs