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Acute Bronchiolitis

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Acute Bronchiolitis

-Inflammation of the bronchioles, usu. occurs in children <2yrs.


  • RSV = Most common cause

  • Infants 2 months - 2 yrs = MOST at risk.

Clinical manifestations:

  • Viral prodrome (URI) for 1-2days followed by resp. distress. (Wheezing, tachypnea, nasal flaring, cyanosis)

  • Signs of severity: Hypoxemia, apnea, resp. failure.

Dx: Clinical.

  • CXR nonspecific, Pulse oximetry = single best predictor.


  • Supportive measures = mainstay of treatment. (Humidified O2, IV fluids)

  • Mech. ventilation may be indicated

  • Corticosteroids NOT indicated unless hx of underlying reactive airway.


  • Palivizumab

  • Handwashing

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Acute/Chronic Bronchitis

Acute: Cough >5 days; can last 1-3wks.

  • Sx: Fever is unusual. MC is viral

    • Bacterial → M. catarrhalis

  • Dx: CXR

  • Tx: symptomatic/supportive

    • Hydration, B2 agonist, expectorant

  • abx → elderly, underlying dz, cough >7-10 days


  • Results from enlargement of mucus glands and goblet cell hypertrophy in large airway (>3 months!)

  • Tx:

    • Acute exacerbation: O2, beta-agonist, steroids

    • Chronic: Smoking cessation = best

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-Chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by persistent variable symptoms that include dyspnea, cough, and wheezing.

-Most common chronic lung disease in the US. (COPD most common in the world)

-More common in women and children and poor

-Environmental factors and genetic factors.


  1. Bronchospasm (Hyperreactivity)

  2. Bronchial wall edema (bronchoconstriction)

  3. Increased mucus secretion (inflammation)

-T2-High → allergic (Allergens)

-T2-Low → non-allergic (meds, stress, exercise, GERD)

Risk factors:

  • Atopy = Strongest risk factor

  • Samter’s triad: (Aspirin-exacerbated resp. disease)

    • Asthma + Chronic rhinosinusitis w/ nasal polyps + Sensitivity to Aspirin/NSAIDs

  • Atopic Triad: Asthma, Atopic disease, Allergies

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Clinical Manifestations of Asthma


  • Classic Triad (Esp. @ night)

    • Dyspnea, Cough, wheezing

-PE: Prolonged expiration w/ wheezing, hyperresonance to percussion.

  • Severe asthma & Status asthmatics: inability to speak in full sentences, “tripod” positioning. Silent chest.

  • Altered mental status = ominous.

Dx: Made in office

  • Pulmonary Function test → Methacholine challenge (>20% decrease in FEV1) followed by bronchodilator (increase of FEV1 by 12%)

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Dx Criteria of Asthma severity


  • Daytime symptoms > 2x week

  • Nighttime awakenings due to asthma

  • Interference with normal activity

  • Reliever meds needed >2x per week

-Apparently mild Asthma (well controlled) → meets none of the above.

-Moderate Asthma (Partly-controlled) 1-2 components within the last 4 weeks

-Severe Asthma (Not controlled)3-4 components within the last 4 weeks.


  • Exhausted

  • Cyanotic

  • Pulse ox. < 90% (severe under 94%)

  • Absent breath sounds

  • Accessory muscle use/tripod position

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General Line of Treatment for Asthma

1.) Long-term controller

  • Reduce airway inflammation, symptoms, and risk of exacerbation

  • Inhaled corticosteroids (foundation of treatment)

2.) Reliever

  • Used PRN to relieve breakthrough symptoms

  • SABAs (albuterol)

  • Low-dose ICS-formoterol (LABA)

3.) Add-on therapies

  • For severe asthma

  • Systemic corticosteroids

  • Anticholinergics

Max doses:

Budesonide-formoterol (Symbicort)→ 12 for adults, 8 for children.

Beclometasone-formoterol (Fostair)→ 8 for everyone.

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Steps 1-2

-Symptoms less than 4-5 days a week

-Take 1 puff low dose ICS-formoterol PRN

+rescue inhaler

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Step 3

-Symptoms most days, or waking with asthma once a week or more.

-Take 1 puff low dose maintenance ICS-formoterol 2x/day + 1 puff inhalation PRN

+rescue inhaler (low dose ICS-formoterol)

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Step 4

-Daily symptoms, or waking with asthma once a week or more, AND low lung function.

-Take 2 puffs 2x daily + 1 puff PRN

+Rescue inhaler (low dose ICS-formoterol PRN)

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Step 5

Step 4 +

  • Add-on LAMA

  • Refer for assessment of phenotype

  • Consider High dose maintenance ICS-formoterol + antibodies

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Cystic Fibrosis

-Autosomal Recessive trait → abnormal mucus production → obstruction of glands and ducts


  • CTFR gene mutation → abnormal chloride & water transport → thick, viscous secretions.

Clinical Manifestations

  • Infancy: Meconium ileus, failure to thrive, diarrhea from malabsorption.

  • Pulmonary: Most common cause of Bronchiectasis.

  • GI: Malabsorption → fatty stools, foul smelling.


  • Elevated Tripsinogen in neonatal screening = Red flag.

  • Elevated Sweat chloride = Test of Choice (most accurate)

    • NaCL 60mmol/L or greater on 2 occasions after Pilocarpine administration.

    • Pulmonary function test → obstructive pattern. (irreversible)

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Cystic Fibrosis Management


  • Abx are often needed: Macrolides, Cephalosporins….(all broad spectrum)

  • Airway clearance treatment

  • Supportive (Pancreatic enzymes, fat-soluble vits., vaccinations.)

General measures:

  • Mean survival is 47yrs

  • First few years of life → resp infx from staph and H. flu

    • P. aeruginosa = major cause of infection after first years of life.

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Foreign Body Aspiration

-Peanuts are MC FB aspirated in children

  • MC age is 2yrs, MC cause of death is hypoxic brain injury.

-Most common on the right side (position may influence locations:

  • Supine → MC in sup. segment of right lower lobe

  • Sitting/standing: MC in posterobasal of RLL

  • Lying on right side → MC in right/middle lobe or Post. seg. of RUL.

Clinical Manifestations:

  • Sudden onset of choking, cough, and dyspnea.

  • Wheezing or asymmetric breath sounds.

    • Inspiratory stridor if FB is high in airway

    • Wheezing & decreased breath sounds if in low airway.

Dx: CXR or CT (air trapping MC finding)

  • Right bronchoscopy = definitive dx. (also therapeutic)


  • Rigid Bronchoscopy → removal of FB

    • Thoracotomy if refractory

  • Emergency → Heimlich maneuver

    • Tracheostomy if unsuccessful

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Hyaline Membrane Disease

(Resp. distress syndrome)

-Atelectasis & pulm. perfusion w/o ventilation d/t insufficiency of surfactant production by an immature lung.


  • Lack of surfactant production (if born before 35wks = very high risk)

    • Airways collapse => struggle to breath until MOD and death

  • MC single cause of death in 1st month of life.

Risk factors:

  • Caucasians, Males, Multiple births, maternal diabetes.

Clinical Manifestations: Present @ birth (tachypnea, chest wall retractions, expiratory grunting, nasal flaring, cyanosis.

Dx: CXR → bilateral reticular atelectassi (ground glass appearance) + air ronchograms

  • ABG → hypoxia


  • Exogenous surfactant via endotracheal tube + Mechanical Vent (CPAP)

    • This opens up the alveoli


  • Antanatal glucocorticoids given to mature lungs if premature birth suspected (24-36 wks.)

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Croup (Laryngotracheitis)

Etiology: MCC = parainfluenza type 1, RSV, Adenovirus, and Rhinovirus

  • MC between 6months-6 years, esp in fall/winter

Clinical Manifestation:

  • Upper airway involvement: Harsh seal-like barking cough” = Hallmark of disease

    • Inspiratory stridor, hoarseness in older children.

  • URI symptoms

Dx: Clinical diagnosis (once epiglottitis & FB aspiration are excluded)

  • Frontal cervical radiograph: Steeple sign (subglottic narrowing of the airway)


  • Mild (no stridor @ rest, no resp. distress)

    • Supportive care (cool humidified air), Dexamethasone/Prednisone

  • Moderate (Stridor @ rest, mild/mod retractions)

    • Dexamethasone or PRednisone

    • nebulized epi (racemic epi)

  • Severe (Stridor @ rest, marked retractions)

    • Dexamethasone + nebulized epi and Hospitalization

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MC causes:

  • Bronchitis (50%)

    • Hemoptysis, dry cough, cough w/ phlegm

  • Tumor mass (20%)

    • Hemoptysis, chest pain, rib pain, smoking hx, wt. loss, clubbing

  • TB (8%)

    • Hemoptysis, chest pain, sweating

  • Other

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Pulmonary Nodules

<3cm = Nodule, >3cm = Mass

-Typically incidental findings, if found get CT (best imaging)

  • Suspicious → biposy

  • Not suspicious → monitor @ 3mo, 6mo, then yearly.

    • smooth, calcifications, not in upper lobe

Carcinoid tumors:

  • Most pt. have a centrally located tumor that are symptomatic (wheezing, cough, hemoptysis…)

  • Carcinoid syndrome:

    • Diarrhea (Serotonin release), flushing, tachy, wheezing, hypotension.

  • DX: Chest CT and bronchoscopy (pink/purple well vasc. central tumor)

  • TX:

    • Surgicla = definitive

    • Octreotide = symptom management.

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Pleural Effusion

Pathologic accumulation of fluid

Transudate effusions: (CHF (MC), nephrotic syndrome, Cirrhosis)

  • Increased hydrostatic pressure

  • Decreased oncotic pressure

Exudate effusions: (increased capillary perm.)

  • any condition assoc. w/ Infection or inflammation.

Clinical presentation:

  • Dullness to percussion, decreased fremitus, decreased breath sounds


  • Xray → inital test of choice (lateral decubitus = best postion)

    • Blunting of costophrenic angles (Menisci sign)

  • Thoracentesis = dx standard

    • Light’s criteria: exudate present if any of three are present

      • Pleural fluid protein (>0.5)

      • Pleural fluid LDH (>0.6)

      • Pleural fluid LDH >2/3 normal limit.

  • CT scan or U/S = mrore accurate than lateral decubitus.


  • Treat underlying disease = mainstay

  • Chest tube fluid drainage if empyema

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-Accumulation of air in the pleural space, leading to lung collapse from the positive pressure.


  • Primary spontaneous → atraumatic and idiopathy

  • Secondary spont. → underlying disease (COPD/Asthma)

  • Tension → Any type in which positive air pressure pushes the trachea, great vessels, &/or heart to the contralateral side.

Sx: sudden onset dyspnea & chest pain (usu. pleuritic, ipsilateral, unilateral, non-exertional.


  • Air: Hyperresonant, decreased fremitus and breath sounds.

  • Tension: Increased JVP, systemic hypotension, pulsus paradoxus.

Dx: Chest XR → initial test of choice (expiratory upright)


  • Small PSP (<3cm from chest wall):

    • Small & first episode: Obsv. for 4-6hrs if pt. is reliable

  • Large PSP:

    • Needle aspiration (chest tube if fails)

  • Stable, Secondary PT:

    • Chest tube placement (tube thoracostomy) and hospitalization.

  • Tension PT:

    • Needle aspiration followed by chest tube thoracostomy

      • VATS if a persistent leak or no regression

Pt. Ed: Avoid pressure changes for a minimum of 2 weeks.

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Pulmonary Embolism

-70% arise from DVT

-Virhcow’s triad

Clinical Manifestations:

  • Sudden onset dyspnea (MC) followed by pleuritic chest pain and cough (sometimes hemoptysis)


  • CXR: Westermark sign (sharp cut-off of pulm. vessels, Hampton’s hump (wedge-shaped, pleural-based opacity at periphery of lung)

  • ECG: S1Q3T3 pattern not common but most specific for PE.

  • D-Dimer, ABG, Well’s criteria

  • Pulmonary angiography = Gold standard

Tx: (anticoag should continue for at least 3 months.)

  • Anticoagulation = mainstay of treatment.

    • IV heparin then switch to oral after 5 days.

    • Oral monotherapy (Rivaroxaban or Apixaban) (preferred to warfarin for prophylaxis)

    • IV heparin “bridged” to warfarin.

  • IVC filter

    • For those who fail anticoagulation or it is contraindicated in.

  • Unstable → Thrombolytic therapy or embolectomy

  • Pregnant/malignancy → LMWH

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MCC of lower resp. tract infection in children. MCC of pneumonia and bronchiolitis.

  • Sx of viral infection

Dx: RSV test or CXR shows diffuse bilateral infiltrates.

Tx: Supportive (should resolve in 5-7 days)

  • Hospitalize → Tachypnea w/ feeding, Visible retractions, decreased O2

  • Vaccine for children w/ lung issues or premature/immunocom.

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Sx: Fever, night sweats, wt. loss


  • >5mm: + for high risk pts.

    • CXR w/ evident findings, HIV, steroids daily, contact w/ infectious pt.

  • >10mm: Some risk factors

    • IVDU, recent immigrants, renal dz, prison/homeless, diabetes, head/neck cancer, GI bypass surgery.

  • >15mm: no risk factors


  • PPD+ and CXR negative = latent → Isonazide x9mo

  • PPD+ and CXR+ = Active. → quad therapy

    • RIPE x8 wks, RI x 16wks

    • Rifampin: Orange body fluids, hepatitis

    • Isoniazid: Peripheral neuropathy (B6 to help)

    • Pyrazinamide: Gout (hyperuricemia)

    • Ethambutol: Optic neuritis, red-grn color blindness.

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