requires oxygen
in mitochondria
aerobic respiration
6 second contraction
produce enough ATP to meet needs
stored ATP
15 seconds contraction
used to convert ADP → ATP
produce enough ATP to meet needs
creatine phosphate
in cytoplasm
without oxygen
2.5 X faster than aerobic respir.
produce enough ATP to meed needs
anaerobic respiration
↑ aerobic respiration
cell uses oxygen in myoglobin
cardiovascular + respiratory systems have ↑ O2 delivery to tissues → ↑ ATP production aerobically
as long as cardiovascular + respiratory systems can deliver sufficient O2 to tissues to make all ATP needed for contraction aerobically →
activity continues
what happens when cardiovascular + respiratory can no longer deliver sufficient O2 to tissues to make all ATP needed for contraction aerobically →
aerobic respiration also kicks in → continues for just a few minutes
what produces enough ATP to meet needs
stored ATP
creatine phosphate
anaerobic respiration
the amount of O2 needed after exercise to return body to pre-exercise condition
need O2 to resupply myoglobin w O2
need O2 to ↑ ATP production aerobically
excess post-exercise O2 consumption (EPOC)
what is required for:
sweat to cool the body
adjust pH
have ↑ metabolism
reapair tissues
muscle fiber:
have lots myoglobin (store O2)
more capillaries + mitochondria
smaller diameter
fewer myofibrils
adapted for aerobic respiration
fatigue slow
postural muscles, leg muscles
type I fibers (slow twitch red)
muscle fiber:
less myoglobin
fewer mitochondria
fewer capillaries
larger diameters → take longer for O2 diffuse through cells
more myofibrils
stronger contraction
adapted for anaerobic respiration
fatigue quicker, short period of time
more enzymes in cytoplasm for anaerobic resp.
store more glycogen
quick mvmt muscles: eyes, hands, arms
type II B (fast twitch white fibers)
intermediate between type I and type II B
type II A (fast twitch pink/intermediate)
type of exercise:
making muscles more "red"
↑ myoglobin
↑ mitochondria
↑ capillaries
aerobic exercise
type of exercise:
make muscles big + strong
anaerobic activity
make muscles more "white"
↑ glycogen storage
↑ enzymes in cytoplasm for anaerobic resp
make muscles bigger
↑ myofibrils in each muscle cell
↑ CT around muscle cells
strength training exercise
what makes muscles "bigger"?
↑ myofibrils in each muscle cell
motor units differ in:
number of muscle cells in motor unit (10-sev 100s)
sensitivity to stimuli (some respond to weak/strong)
only part of neuron that initiates impulses, send info to other neurons, muscle/gland cells
part of neuron that receive info from environment, sensory receptors, other neurons
one neuron + all skeletal muscle cells it contacts
motor unit
usually closed, opens in response to stimuli → allow calcium to diffuse in because more calcium outside cell than in
calcium channel
filled with Ach
type of neurotransmitter
synaptic vesicles
Na+ channels, usually closed, open when Ach binds to them
allow Na+ to enter because more Na+ outside cell than in
Ach receptors
single cx in response to single stimulus
muscle twitch
impulse travels along nerve, crosses to muscle at neuromuscular junction
calcium released, cross bridges form
lag period
power stroke alternating with recovery stroke
cx phase
pump calcium back into S.R
0 cross bridges form
0 cx
stimulus / lag period
blue arrow
cx phase
stronger stimulus reaches threshold more motor units
more muscle cells cx
multiple motor unit summation
lowest stimulus where observational cx occurs
threshold is just strong enough to reach threshold of motor unit
threshold stimulus
no ↑ in cx strength after this event
lowest stimulus strength where all motor units respond
maximal stimulus
dark blue circle
subthreshold stimuli
value circled in light blue
threshold stimulus
value circled in pink
maximal stimulus
values in green
multiple motor unit summation
values in peach
supermaximal stimuli
more calcium available if partial relaxation → not all calcium returned to SR → more calcium = more cross bridges = stronger cx
wave summation
partial relaxation between cx
muscle stimulated to cx again before it begins to relax
sustained cx
wave summation
partial relaxation b/t cx
still some tension on tendon if muscle not completely relaxed → less slack to take up
↑ frequency of stimuli
change amount of overlap b/t actin + myosin filaments →
changes cx strength
change length of muscle
optimum length for sarcomeres →
provides optimal overlap b/t actin + myosin
change length of muscle
can form cross bridges →
gets lots of sliding of actin over myosin
change length of muscle
overlap just enough so all myosin heads can bind to actin
change length of muscle
muscle too stretched = little overlap b/t actin + myosin
→ few cross bridges can from →weaker cx
change length of muscle
muscle too short = so much overlap, sarcomere so short
→ little sliding of actin over myosin → weaker cx
change length of muscle
type of muscle:
striated: has actin + myosin arranged into sarcomeres → alternating arrangement
involuntary: can initiate its own impulse to cause heartbeat
intercalated discs b/t cells
less SR than skeletal muscle
cardiac muscle
highly folded PM b/t cells ↑ surface area lots of desmosomes (hold cells together)
intercalated discs
calcium entering cell from extracellular fluid → release more calcium from SR
calcium induced calcium release
type of muscle:
walls hallow muscular organs
smooth, no striations
actin + myosin filaments present, but not arranged into sarcomeres → arranged diagonally
myosin filaments have heads along entire length
no Z discs, has dense bodies instead that actin filaments attach to
smooth muscle
actin + myosin present, not arranged into sarcomeres
myosin filaments have heads along entire length
allow cx of very stretched muscle
type of muscle:
has intermediate filaments
no troponin
little SR can cx from impulse, hormones, stretching, local tissue conditions
smooth muscle
each cell must get its own impulse from neuron to cx
each cell acts individually
bronchi, walls of larger arteries, arrector pili muscles
multi-unit smooth muscle
cells joined by gap junctions impulse travels cell to cell thru gap junctions wave-like pattern of cx most viscera move something thru particular organ
single unit (visceral) smooth muscle
decrease in size of muscle b/c disuse or denervation
< 1 year: muscle cells lose myofibrils, REVERSIBLE
1 year: muscle cells die, replaced by scar tissue
followed prolonged atrophy
scar tissue shrinks, cause permanent flexing at the joints
genetic disease
mother → son
lack of dystrophin protein
smooth muscle affected
no cure
no dystrophin: muscle cells tear to point they can't be replaced/repaired → muscle cells start to die, replaced by scar tissue
duchenne muscular dystrophy
autoimmune disease
antibodies produced, block some Ach receptors on sarcolemma
fewer Ach receptors produced → ↓ Ach binding to receptors ↓ muscle cx
facial muscles affected first
problems speaking, swallowing, control eye mvmts
myesthenia gravis
TX duchenne muscular dystrophy
walking + breathing assistance
steroids to slow the progression
TX myesthenia gravis
immune suppressing drugs, steroids Ach-E inhibitors → inhibit breakdown Ach →more Ach binding to receptors
tear/stretch of muscle tissue TX = RICE
weakness in organ wall, organ can protrude
most common hernia, in inguinal canal
men>women due to larger inguinal canal
inguinal hernia
hernia in umbilical region
second most common
umbilical hernia
hernia where small intestine returned to abdomen cavity manually
reducible hernia
hernia that is not reducible
may become strangulated
vessels of small int compressed → no blood supply to tissue → tissue dies
irreducible hernia
multiple layers of PM wrapped around axon
myelin sheath
surrounded by myelin sheath
insulates + protects axon
↑ speed impulse conduction
myelination of axons
type of cell that forms myelin sheath in peripheral nervous system
line up along axon → wrap around axon many times → multiple layers PM wrapped around axon
schwann cells
all cytoplasm + organelles get squeezed to outer margins of schwann cells
areas of axon with no myelin (b/t myelinated areas)
nodes of ranvier
provide white color (white matter)
myelin/myelinated fibers (axon)
form myelin sheath in central nervous system
has multiple flat extensions
each wrap around part of axon many times → form myelin sheath
when does myelin sheath begin forming?
before birth, not complete until adulthood
autoimmune disease
destruction of myelin sheath in CNS
immune system cells damage myelin in CNS
replaced scar tissue
interfere with impulse conduction
↓ muscle activity
cognitive/balance impaired
↓ sensation
burn/tingle sensation
facial muscles affected first (slurred speech, difficult swallowing)
multiple sclerosis
TX multiple sclerosis
immune suppressing drugs plasma phoresis
classification of neurons
type of neuron classified by structure:
99% neurons
many dendrites, one axon
all motor neurons
all association neurons (interneurons)
multipolar neurons
type of neuron classified by structure:
2 cytoplasmic extensions with cell body b/t
1 axon, 1 serves as dendrite
some sensory neurons (eyes, nose)
bipolar neurons
type of neuron classified by structure:
one long cytoplasmic extension, neuron cell body to side
distal, unmyelinate = dendrites
myelinated = axon
unipolar neurons
type of neuron:
most unipolar, some bipolar
body → CNS
sensory neuron
type of neuron:
CNS → body
all multipolar
motor neurons
type of neuron:
interconnecting neurons/association
carry info neuron to neuron in CNS
all multipolar
gray matter
info integrated, processed, decisions made
most in CNS
clusters neurons cell bodies
where is gray matter located in CNS
outer surface brain "cortex"
inner regions spinal cord
nuclei : other clusters neuron cell bodies
where is gray matter in peripheral NS
clusters neuron cell bodies (gray matter) in peripheral NS
white matter
myelinated axons
carry info place to place
white matter - myelinated disc
bundles of white matter in CNS
carry info place to place in brain or b/t brain + spinal cord
bundles of white fibers in peripheral NS
carry info back and forth from body to CNS
make up the control system
nervous + endocrine
nerve impulses + neurotransmitters
nervous system
communicate with hormones
endocrine system
part of NS that includes brain + spinal cord only