What did socialism emerge as a response too?
Attempt to find an alternative to capitalism.
What did socialism seek to achieve?
seeks to find a more human economic system
Seeks to remove class division
seeks to remove inequality produced by capitalism
What is the concept of collectivism ?
People are unified by the concept of community.
What can a community achieve?
You can use communities to overcome economic and social difficulties
Why is community central to socialism?
As a group we are more powerful than as individuals
Follow group goals not self interest
People share commonality and have common goals and therefore share fraternity
How does the belief in collectivism/community relate to nationalisation?
If many people work on a property/project then they should all share ownership of it not just one person
Private property leads to individualism and greed
Leaves working class exploited
when do socialists believe human nature is formed?
human nature is not formed at birth and is entirely flexible
human nature is shaped by the environment and experiences of life.
What does Marx say about human nature?
Human nature has been corrupted by capitalism by making us greedy and individualistic
How does human nature relate to society?
People are inseparable from society and it creates all aspects of someone’s identity
People are not self sufficient individuals and can only be understood in relation to society
What do socialists associate private ownership with?
competition, individualism and selfishness
How does Marxism say collectivism is best achieved?
Collectivism is best achieved through abolition of private property
Property should be collectivised through being owed by the state- nationalisation
These results in communism and no class division.
How do social democrats believe collectivist goals can be achieved?
Collectivist goals should be promoted though progressive taxation, welfare and public services.
use a mix economy
achieve social justice not equality
Capitalism is retained however the inequalities caused by it are addressed.
what do fundamentalist socialists argue?
capitalism must be abolished to achieve a socialist state
There are differences on how it should be abolished
What is the belief of evolutionary socialism?
The belief that socialism will be achieved gradually within current systems.
What is revisionist socialism?
The belief that socialism is not incompatible with capitalism
What is fraternity?
The relationship between the people.
What are four things that revolutionary socialists belief?
destruction of capitalist system
Creation of a socialist state
Total state control over the economy- common ownership
Socialist or communist state should be governed by a dictator or proletariat dictatorship
What key thinkers are associated with revolutionary socialism?
Karl Marx
Rosa Luxembourg
What are the key beliefs of democratic socialists?
replacement of the capitalist system by socialist system.
Socialist stat can evolve from current systems without revolution
Can be achieved through socialist parties winning electoral majorities
Nationalism and common ownership
Who are the key thinkers associated with democratic socialism?
Beatrice Webb
What branch of socialism is social democracy?
revisionist socialism
What are the core beliefs of social democracy?
Evolutionary socialism
Operating within current political structures
Major state involvement in economy- mixed economy with capitalist framework
Persuading voters of inevitable benefits of socialism through social justice
Who is the key thinker associated with social democracy?
Anthony Crossland
What are the key beliefs of the third way?
focus on equality of opportunity rather than equality of outcome
Liberalising of economy to provide more money for public spending
Privatisation over nationalisation
Social and political equality as well as economic equality
Who is the key thinker associated with the third way?
Anthony Giddens
Who says that classlessness is “social engineering”?
Anthony Giddens
Who advocates for meritocracy?