chapters 7-12
around college age
Dependent on life changes such as college, jobs, romantic relationships, moving, or starting a family
Value reciprocation of caring, trust, commitment, self-disclosure, helpfulness, and support
Help us build skills for successful romantic relationships and give us people to confide in for advice or manage stress of transitions
partner 1 is violent/controlling and partner 2 is violent and non controlling or nonviolent (11%)
Perpetrated almost exclusively by men
Most frequent use of violence
Most likely to escalate to injury
Most likely to result in severe injury, PTSD/psychological stress, seeking medical/legal assistance
Far less likely to incur violent response
Cognitive function: eye contact provides clues to thinking patterns
Monitoring function: look at others to determine whether they like what you are saying
Regulatory function: regulates who you are likely to communicate with
Expressive function: provides information about the emotions you display
Ambiguous: what we pick up may not have any meaning or a meaning that is foreign to us
Continuous: generally do not have starting or stopping points to aid our understanding
Multi Channeled: have numerous sources
Culture-based: each culture has unique rules for displaying and interpreting nonverbal behavior
Refusal to engage/non-action
Ignore and side-step any problems
Usually a lose-lose situation
Pursue our own goals at the expense of our partners’
Seeks to win while the other person loses
Negotiate mutual give-and-take concessions
Lose-win, lose-win