Government 2305 Final

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An amendment to the us constitution may be proposed in which of the following ways.

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An amendment to the us constitution may be proposed in which of the following ways.

two thirds vote in both houses of congress

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which provision allows cities a guarantee of noninterference in various local affairs by state governments

home rule

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the formal institutions that rule a people


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under the great compromise small states were given an advantage in the


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According to Harold Lasswell, politics is

who gets what, when do they get it and how

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What kind of government do we have?


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The power of judicial review

was assumed by the supreme court

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which of the following statements best captures the meaning of the concept of devolution of authority

the national government grants the states more authority over a range of policies

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Which is a key American value in our political culture

liberty, equality and democracy, all are american values

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What is the purpose of the tenth amendment?

to limit the powers of the central government by establishing reserved powers for states and individuals

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Which president is best known for his attempts to return power to the states?

Richard Nixon

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Proponents of the "living constitution" argue that

the judiciary is the institution best qualified to adjust the constitutions principles to new problems and times

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Which of the following is a traditional area of national government responsibility?


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Specific powers provided to the national government in the us constitution are called _____ powers


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Regulations or new conditions for receiving grants that impose costs on state and local governments for which they are not reimbursed by the national government is the definition of

unfunded mandates

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A system of government that recognizes no formal limits on its power is


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Government run by a few people is called


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Which of the following best exemplifies the doctrine of preemption

federal criminalization of marijuana even when states or cities allow medicinal use

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The purpose of the first ten amendments was to

provide clear limitations on the powers of the national government

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_________ is a system of government in which power is divided, by a constitution, between a central government and regional governments


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the first continental congress met in 1774. which of the following actions did the delegates at the congress take?

they called for a total boycott of british goods

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Trust in government in the united states

has declined in the last fifty years

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The majority of americans believe that government is run by a few big interests and that government officials don't care what people think. the term used to describe this would be

low efficacy

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The US definition of liberty refers to

personal and economic freedom

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_______ is a system of government in which states retain sovereign authority except for the powers expressly delegated to the national governments

a confederation

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Over the course of american history the federal government has _____ compared with state governments

grown stronger

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In a democracy sovereignty is vested in

the people

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Laissez-faire capitalism has been limited by

government regulation

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The united states first written constitution was

the articles of confederation and perpetual union

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The division of powers and functions between the national government and state governments is the definition of


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Which of the following statement best captures the meaning of the concept regulated federalism

the national government sets standards of conduct or requires the states to set standards that meet national guidelines

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the process of transferring more responsibilities of governing from the national level to the state level is known as


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The United States core political values are

liberty equality and democracy

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The three-fifths compromise dealt primarily with what issue

A slave would count as three fifths of a person when determining population

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Which of the following concepts best explains the underlying reason for the bill of rights

limited government

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The belief that citizens can affect government is called political


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Which of the following best represents a unitary system of government

the national gov selects the textbooks and curriculum for all schools

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According to your textbook, why are knowledgable citizens more engaged in politics

because the understand how politics affects their lives

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Why did the framers of the constitution limit the power of the federal government

they were suspicious of centralized power

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the era of new federalism began in the


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How much do americans know about their government?

very little

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Which type of grant provides more control to state and local governments in the distribution of federal grants in aid


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Under the original unamended constitution the only persons elected directly by the people was/were

members of the house of representatives

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Implied powers or the necessary and proper clause allows

the national government to interpret its delegated powers expansively

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New politics groups use ____ to efficiently identify and mobilize their adherents

electronic communication

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Which powerful interest group represents the interest of older americans


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In 2004 the gambling industry in Missouri wanted to change the Missouri Constitution to expand gambling. They organized a campaign through voter signature and put their proposal directly on the ballot for a vote of the people. This is called a(n)


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What method of policy making has become popular as a means of direct democracy


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Which of the following reasons best explains the short lives of third parties

their causes are usually eliminated by the ability of the major parties to absorb their programs and to draw their supporters into the mainstream

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The number of a states electoral votes is determined by the

number of members it has in both houses of congress

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Which of the following variables is likely to affect the public opinion

income, race, gender, education all of the above

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American radio and television are regulated by the


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______ are scientific instruments for measuring public opinion

public opinion polls

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______ voting occurs when voting is based on the imagined future performance of a candidate


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Which of the following is a task of the democratic and republican national committees

raising campaign funds

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The processes through which underlying political beliefs and values are formed are collectively called

political socialization

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_____ wrote that "liberty is to faction as wire is to fire" and that interests should be permitted to regulate themselves by competing with one another

James Madison

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The impression conveyed by polls that something is important to the public when it actually is not is known as the

illusion of saliency

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_____ is the ability to influence government and politics

political efficacy

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According to the text, what tactic did microsoft and walmart use to get favorable treatment from the government


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According to James Madison a good constitution

encourages multitudes of interests so that no single interest can ever tyrannize the others

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General Motors is an example of a(n) ______ interest group, the AFL-CIO is an example of a(n) ______ interest group, and the American Bar Association is an example of a(n) ______ interest groups

Business:Labor:Professional association

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Except in rare occasions, boundaries for congressional and state legislative districts in the United States are redrawn by the states every ___ years


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According to the authors of the text by far the most common electoral strategy employed by interest groups is

giving money to political parties or to particular candidates

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Joe walks into his voting station and the election judge asks him which party's ballot he would like to vote on today. Joe is in

and open primary state

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What is the error in the following poll question: "Do you think it was appropriate for president bush to lie to get is into war with Iraq"

push polling

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In the 2000 presidential race, George Bush won Missouri 50 percent to 47 percent. How many of Missouris eleven electoral votes did Bush get in 2000


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Which are organizations established by corporations, labor unions or interest groups to channel the contributions of their members into political campaigns ?

political action committees.

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The FCC requires broadcasters to provide individuals the right to respond to personal attacks, which is known as the

right of rebuttal

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Which of the following is not important in determining the reliability of a poll

size of the population

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I support the social and political status quo and I am suspicious of government regulation of business. However, I favor government involvement in social issues and believe the government should promote prayer in public school. I am most likely

a conservative

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Which of the following agents of socialization provide most people with their initial orientation to politics


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The _____ is the interplay of opinions and views that takes place as competing forces attempt to persuade as many people as possible to accept a particular position on a particular event

marketplace of ideas

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The original party system in the US pitted by the federalists supported by ____ against the jeffersonian republicans, supported by _____

merchants: agrarian interests

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Over the past 25 years the number of interest groups has

increased enormously

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Which group is the most influential agent of socialization in early childhood?


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What is a free rider

a person who enjoys the benefits of an action or service without any effort on his or her part

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Peoples underlying beliefs and ideologies

color the perceptions so that they often may make automatic judgements on particular issues

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Which of the following differentiates an interest group from a political party

an interest group seeks to influence government on a narrow range of issues whereas a part attempts to win elections

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The set of underlying orientations, ideas and beliefs through which individuals come to understand and interpret politics is called


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What mechanism is currently used by many states to allow public opinion to directly control policy

the initiative and referendum

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The process by which a relatively similar picture of events issues and problems is presented to the entire nation is referred to as

nationalization of the news

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I run a Washington-based consulting firm. An interest group hires my firm to persuade Congress not to pass a particular bill. I use mailing lists to send members of congress thousands of letters showing an "outpouring of opposition to the bill" In many cases the individuals whose names were on the letters had no strong feelings or even no opinion about the bill. The process is called

Astroturf lobbying

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Above all, a public opinion sample must

be representative

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The FCCs fairness doctrine

is no longer in effect

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I support political and social change, government intervention in the economy and the expansion of federal social services. However i mistrust government involvement in personal issues such as telling my children when or how to pray. I am most likely

a liberal

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A psychological tie to a political party is the definition of

party identification

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The term used to denote the beliefs that people have about issues events and personalities is

public opinion

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Polling is used in a political campaign to

assess the electorates' needs, hopes, fears, and past behaviors, craft campaign strategies, develop themes for the campaign, all of the above

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According to the authors, which of the following depend on the existence of strong competitive political parties

Liberty, equality and democracy. All of the above

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Which person came up with the southern strategy in order to get white southerners to start voting republican

richard nixon

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broadcasters must provide candidates running for the same political office equal opportunities to communicate their messages to the public

equal time rule

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Who was the founder of the democratic party

andrew Jackson

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According to the authors of the text, in regards to the media and foreign policy, the government has the difficult task of balancing

security and freedom

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How does the middle class benefit from social policies

all of the above

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The government provides public goods such as roads

because individuals could not afford to build them privately

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Monetary policy seeks to influence the economy through

the availability of credit and money

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_____ means to try to cut off contacts with the outside, to be a self sufficient fortress


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Which institution has the formulation of the nations monetary policy as its primary mission

Federal Reserve Board

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The abrupt end of the ___ unleashed another dynamic factor, the globalization of markets; one could call it the globalization of capitalism

cold war

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