The first step of glycolysis is…
irreversible and driven in direction of G6P by ATP
The second step of glycolysis is
reversible and has a positive deltaG
How is Hexokinase IV different from the other three?
It has low affinity for glucose, higher hill number and no product inhibition
In reaction 3 of glycolysis, ATP is the donor, this means….
this is an irreversible step and is the first committed step
Why is it important to interconvert DHAP and G3P
only glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is a substrate for the remaining reactions of glycolysis
In the first stages of glycolysis, glucose is converted to…
two molecules of G3P
Key intermediate for the first phase of glycolysis
ATP-dependant phosphorylation of fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-biphosphate
Which step is the first energy yielding step in glycoysis
reaction 6, the foramtion of 1,3-Biphosphoglycerate
net ATP yield of glycolysis up to reaction 7 is…
Sites of regulation in glycolysis
Hexokinase (reaction 1)
PFK-1 (reaction 3)
Pyruvate Kinase (reaction 10)
Reaction 1 of glycolysis
the ATP-dependant phosphorylation of glucose
Reaction 3 of glycolysis
The ATP-dependant phosphorylation of fructose 6 phosphate
Reaction 4 of glycolysis
The cleavage of F-1,6-B into two different triose phosphates
Reaction 5 of glycolysis
Interconversion of dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P)
Reaction 6 of glycolysis
Formation of 1,3-biphosphoglycerate
Reaction 7 of glycolysis
substrate level phosphorylation of ADP and formation of 3-phosphoglycerate
Reaction 8 of glycolysis
isomerization of 3-phosphoglycerate
Reaction 9 of glycolysis
dehydration of 2-phosphoglycerate
Reaction 10 of glycolysis
substrate level phosphorylation #2 and the conversion of PEP to pyruvate
Pyruvate kinase is allosterically inhibited by
ATP and acetyl-CoA
Pyruvate kinase is allosterically activated by
AMP and fructose-2,6-biphosphate
NAD+ is required in the oxidation of…
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate to 1,3-biphosphoglycerate
If O2 is available in glycolysis,
NADH is re-oxidized by the electron trnasport chain
If O2 is unavailable in glycolysis
NADH is re-oxidized by the reduction of pyruvate to either lactate or ethanol
Pyruvate is converted to lactate in
anaerobic tissues (NAD+ is recycled in the process)
In some organisms, pyruvate is converted to ethanol in a process requiring...
thiamine pyrophosphate as a coenzyme (NAD+ is recycled)
Glycogen breakdown three steps
release of glucose-1-phosphate from glycogen
conversion of glucose 1-phosphate to glucose 6-phosphate
“remodeling” of glycogen to facilitate further breakdown
Glycogen breakdown step 1
No ATP involved, catalyzed by glycogen phosphorylase
product is Glucose-1-Phosphate
Glycogen breakdown step 2
catalyzed by phosphoglucomutase
product is glucose-6-phosphate
What additonal enzyme is required to completely convert glycogen to glucose
debranching enzyme
The debranching enzyme catalyzes two reactions…
transferase activity and a-1,6-glucosidase activity
Glucose units are added to the…
non-reducing end of glycogen
What adds individual glucose molecules to the non-reducing end of glycogen
NDP-sugar pyrophosphorylase and glycogen synthase
The enzyme glycogenin serves as
both the primer and the catalyst for synthesis of new glycogen molecule
Phosphorylase exists in 4 forms…
Phosphorylase a:
inactive or less active: taut ot T-form
active (phosphorylated): relaxed or R-form
Phosphoylase b:
same as a
glucose binding to the R-form of phosphorylated phos. a causes…
a conformational change exposing the phosphorylated Ser residues to phosphoprotein phosphatase
High glucose decreases the need for….
the cell to breakdown glycogen into glucose
Glycogen synthase exsits in two forms…
a: active form
b: inactive form
On thermodynamic ground alone, gluconeogenesis cannot..
be a simple reversal of glycolysis
Gluconeogenesis reaction 1
conversion of pyruvate to oxaloacetate
Gluconeogenesis reaction 2
conversion of OAA to PEP
Gluconeogenesis reactions 3 to 8
conversion of PEP to Fructose-1,6-biphosphate
Gluconeogenesis reaction 9
conversion of fructose-1,6-biphosphate to fructose-6-phosphate
Gluconeogenesis reaction 10
conversion of fructose-6-phosphate to glucose-6-phosphate
Gluconeogenesis reaction 11
conversion of glucose-6-phosphate to glucose
signal in the cell for low energy
F26BP allosterically activates
PFK-1 and allosterically inhibits FBPase-1
Pyruvate can be converted t glucose and glycogen via gluconeogenesis or….
oxidized to acetyl-CoA for energy production
Acetyl-CoA activates/inhibits…
activates: pyruvate carboxylase
inhibits: pyruvate dehydrogenase
Metabolic fates of G6P
substrate for glycolysis, glycogen synthesis, and PPP
Cellualr respiration produces
CO2 from O2
cellular respiration occurs in three stages…
acetyl-CoA production, acetyl-CoA oxidation via the citric acid cycle, electron transfer and oxidative phosphorylation
Three processes that play central role in aerobic metabolism
citric acid cycle, electron transport, and oxidative phosphorylation
oxidative breakdown of nutrients A
reductive synthesis of biomolecules
The citric cycle is amphibolic, meaning….
it plays a role in catabolism and anabolism
In Euk., the Citric acid cycle occurs in
the mitochondria
In Euk., glycolysis occurs in
In Euk., oxidative phosphorylation occurs in
the inner membrane
Stage 1 of citric acid cycle
Acetyl-CoA production
oxidation of fatty acids, glucose, and some AA. Yields some ATP NADH and FADH2
oxidative decarboxylation of puyruvate
remaining 2 carbon atoms of pyruvate enter the citric acid cycle as acetyl-CoA and yield energy
catalyzed by pyruvate decarboxylase complex
Channeling minimizes
side reactions
Stage 2 of citric acid cycle
oxidation of Acetyl-CoA
generates NADH, FADH2, and one GTP
catalyzed by citrate synthase
Conformational change occurs upon…
the binding oxaloacetate
Open conformation
free enzyme does not have a binding site for acetyl-CoA
Closed conformation
binding of oxaloacetate creates site for binding of acetyl-CoA
reactive baranion is protected in the closed conformation
poor substrate for oxidation
elimaination of H2O from citrate gives
a cis C=C bond
a good substrate for oxidation
Isocitrate dehydrogenase catalyzes…
the oxidative decarboxylation of D-isocitrate to a-ketoglutarate
a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex catalyzes the…
oxidative decarboxylation of a-ketoglutarate to succinyl-CoA
The conversion of pyruvate to succinyl-CoA has resulted in
introduction of 2 carbon atoms as acetyl-CoA, loss of two carbon atoms as CO2
Reaction 5 of citric acid cycle
substrate level phosphorylation of GDP as succinyl-CoA is converted to succinate
Reaction 6 of citric acid cycle
FAD-dependent oxidation of succinate to fumarate
Reaction 7 of citric acid cycle
stereospecific trans hydration of the double bond to form an alcohol
it is very specific for fumarate and L-malate
Reaction 8 of citric acid cycle
dehydrogenation to give NADH
The most important anaplerotic reaction
the reaction catalyzed by pyruvate carboxylase
pyruvate carboxylase is allosterically activated by
The two major regulatory points of the citric acid cycle
production of acetyl-CoA by the pyruvate dehydrogenous complex
entry of acetly-CoA into the citric acid cycle as catalyzed by citrate synthase
Regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex occurs at tow levels…
allosteric inhibitors and activators (ATP, AMOP, NADH, NAD+…)
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity is off when
fuel energy is high
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity is on when
fuel energy is low
citrate synthase is inhibited by
NADH, Succ-CoA citrate and ATP
citrate synthase is activated by
isocitrate dehydrogenase is inhibited by
Isocitrate dehydrogenase is activated by
Citric acid cycle makes…
GTP and reduced cofactors that could yield ATP
What converts pyruvate into acetly-CoA
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
convolutions of the inner membrane and serve to increase the surface area
lipid-soluble conjugated dicarbonyl compound that readily accepts electrons
small, water-soluable, colored, proteins that have important roles in biological redox reactions C
Cytochromes are classified as a, b, or c based on
spectral characteristics
All cytochromes undergo…
one electron reduction/oxidation at heme-based iron
How many redox reactions are involved in transferring electrons from NADH to O2
about 12
The electron transport chain can be divided into discrete segements…
Complex I, II, III, IV, and ATP synthases
Complexes I, III, IV can drive…
ATP synthesis
Complex IV is the link to
Uncouplers inhibit the
phosphorylation of ADP without affecting electron transport
F0 protein
hydrophobic proton channel buried in the inner mitchondrial membrane
F1 protein
projects into the mitochondrial matrix