Life history

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The potential reproductive capacity of an individual organism or population

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★ cohort

group of individuals in a population that were all born at around the same time

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★ kin selection

a process whereby natural selection favours a trait due to its positive effects on the reproductive success of an organism's relatives

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★ clutch size fast facts

clutch size increases with increasing latitude and day length

lay less than expected so that more can survive

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★ survivorship curve

plots survivorship against age and characterizes the pattern of mortality

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★ age specific fecundity

charcterizes fecundity at a particular age

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★ net reproductive rate

average number of female offspring that a female is expected to have in a life time

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★ life table parameters

age class, number surviving, number of births, survivorship, fecundity

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Fecundity rate

The average number of offspring per reproductive female per year

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★ Life history

The sequence, time in, and nature of events in an organism's life, from birth to reproduction to death

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★ Life history strategy

Pattern of life history traits that has evolved by natural selection over time in a population in response to particular ecological and environmental conditions

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Life history trait

  • A heritable trait that determines some aspect of life history of an organism or species

    • Age and size at maturity, number of offspring

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★ Key life history questions

  • How long and how big to grow

  • When sexually mature and how long reproductively active

  • How many offspring and how much to invest in each

  • How much to invest in growth and survival vs. reproduction

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Life history trade offs

  • Arise because resources allocated to one trait cannot be used for another

  • Every life history strategy comes with both costs and benefits

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  • Limit how an individual can invest in survival and reproduction

  • Can be imposed by environment

  • Some are imposed by physiology

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if allocation to survival and growth increases

  • The allocation to reproduction must decrease

  • The allocation to each offspring must decrease

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Growth rate

  • r = b - d

  • r > 0 : pop is growing

  • r = 0 : pop is stable

  • r < 0 : pop is shrinking

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Age structure

  • Pre-reproductive: 0-20

  • Reproductive: 20-50

  • Post-reproductive: 50+

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★ successful life history

stable or growing populations

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Demographic parameters

  • Quantitative values that characterize the life history of a species

    • Birth rate 

    • Death rate

    • Fecundity

    • Age of first reproduction

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Life table

Summarizes how fecundity and mortality vary with age

Estimate population growth more accurately

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★ Survivorship

The fraction of the initial cohort that survives to start an age class

Divide the live individuals by initial cohort size

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Type 1

Human, elephant

High survivorship in early and middle ages, quick decline at old age

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Type 2

Squirrel, birds

Constant mortality rate throughout life. Same proportion survive each age class

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Type 3

Barnacle, trees

Very low survivorship for young individuals, high for those who reach middle and old age

Many offspring

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Fecundity schedule

Set of age specific fecundities of a population

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Net reproductive rate

  • Average number of female offspring that a female has in her lifetime

  • Depends on how many offspring she has at each age and her survival to that age

  • R0 = Σlxmx

  • If R0 is greater than 1, then the population is growing

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Generation time

The average time that elapsed from the birth of a female until the birth of her daughters

Unit of G is in years

Shorter generation time = larger population growth rate

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★ Per capita population growth rate

r = b - d

The average number of individuals added to the population per individual per unit time

Depends on how many daughters a typical female produces and how long it takes her to produce daughters

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Exponential growth equation

  • Estimate the size of a population that has been growing for a time period from an initial size

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Demographic transition

<p><span><img src="" width="410" height="264"></span></p>
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Stage one

  • High birth

  • High death

  • Stable population

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Stage two

  • High birth

  • Falling death

  • Rapid increase in population size

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Stage three

  • Falling birth

  • Falling death, slower

  • Slower increase in population size

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Stage four

  • Low birth

  • Low death

  • Falling then stable population

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Trade offs with age of first reproduction

  • The age at which a fish reaches sexual maturity can affect its fecundity

  • Fish that mature early spec into reproduction and spec out of growth and survival

  • Fish that delay reproduction can spec into growth

  • Fish they delay reproduction are more fecund when they start reproducing

    • Have more gametes

    • Maintain this advantage through life

  • They can reproduce early but remain less fecund or they can delay reproduction and remain more fecund for longer

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Principle of allocation

Any resource used for one function reduces the amount of energy available for another function

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  • Multiple bouts of reproduction during an individual's lifetime

  • Iteroparous

  • Reserve resources during each reproductive bout to invest in growth, maintenance, and future reproduction

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  • A single bout of reproduction in a lifetime

  • Semelparous

  • Produce a huge number of offspring

  • Benefit by delaying reproduction until they are grown big, can invest heavily in reproduction

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Species are classified as r or K selected based on how they respond to disturbances which reduce population densities and make resources more readily available

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  • Reproduce early and often

  • Invest lightly in each offspring

  • More successful in environments where disturbances are regular

  • Competition isn’t important

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  • Highly competitive

  • More successful in stable environments

  • Perform well when population size is close to K

  • Grow larger, live longer, reproduce later, invest resources into offspring

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  • r-selected plants stay small, reproduce early, invest heavily in seed production

  • Seed survive long periods of dormancy

  • Grass, dandelions

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  • K-selected plants have low mortality, efficiently take up water and nutrients, live long, devote more energy to growth and survival and reproduction

  • Do best environments what are low stress and low disturbance

  • Oak, hickory

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Stress tolerant

  • Have adaptations for tolerating periods of scarcity and exploiting ephemeral resources

    • Water after a storm

  • Slow growth rates, evergreen, long-lived tissues, storage of nutrients and water

  • High reproductive rates, low juvenile survivorship, long lifespans

    • Cacti, arctic lichens

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<p><span><img src="" width="257" height="228"></span></p>

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<p><span><img src="" width="323" height="336"></span></p>

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<p><img src="" width="428" height="217.6875"></p>

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  • Early, frequent

  • Low Juvenile survivorship

  • Low Fecundity

  • Guppies, anchovies

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  • Late

  • High Juvenile survivorship

  • Low Fecundity

  • Sharks, catfish

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  • Late

  • Low Juvenile survivorship

  • High Fecundity

  • Sturgeon

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<p><span><img src="" width="318" height="365"></span></p>

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Large scale variability

Response to strong seasonality or special variability

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