Highway Transportation System: It is composed of motor vehicles, streets, highways, and people
Nevada Motor Vehicle Laws
a set of laws that intend to provide traffic safety in Nevada
Graduated Drivers Licensing; 3-stage approach to granting full license privileges
administrative action disallowing continued use of a license for a period of time
a law or rule that limits or controls something
Regulatory Sign
a range of signs that are used to indicate or reinforce traffic laws and regulations
Warning Sign
a type of traffic sign that indicates a hazard ahead of the road
Guide Sign
signs used to indicate locations, distances, directions, and routes
Traffic Control Signs
devices placed along, bedside, or above a roadway to guide, warn, and regulate traffic
Roadway Markings
lines and symbols on the roadway surface that indicate or convey official information
HOV Lane
a restricted traffic lane reserved for the driver and one or more passengers
Rumble Strips
raised strips across a road or along it's edge that result in a warning noise
Speed Bumps
a ridge set in a road surface to control the speed of vehicles.
Head Restraint
an automotive safety feature, attached to the top of each seat
Key Fob
a remote control for locking/unlocking a car door
Mirror Usage
proper use of side and rear-view mirrors
Safety Belt
a belt fastening a person to an object (such as a car seat) to prevent falling or injury
Shift Lever and Indicator
a lever that enables the driver to shift, or change, gears
Emergency Flashers
lights warning other drivers of an emergency you may be in
Hood Release Lever
a lever that releases the hook in the front of the car so it can pop open
an instrument for measuring the distance traveled by a vehicle
Parking Brake
a latching brake that is usually used to keep the vehicle stationary
an instrument on the vehicle's dashboard indicating its speed
Steering Wheel
a wheel that a driver rotates in order to steer a vehicle
an instrument that measures the working speed of an engine
increase in the rate of speed of something
Clutch Pedal
a pedal or lever that engages or disengages a rotating shaft and a driving mechanism
the mechanism by which power is transmitted from an engine to the wheels of a motor
a continuously moving traffic circle that flows in one direction
Angle Parking
parking the vehicle diagonally to the curb
Parallel Parking
parking the vehicle parallel to the curb
Perpendicular Parking
parking the vehicle at a right angle to the curb
Central Vision
eyes focus straight, allowing us to drive, read, and see sharp details
Peripheral Vision
what is seen on the side by the eye when looking straight ahead
Depth Perception
the ability to perceive the relative distance of one's visual field
Search, Identify, Predict, Decide, Execute
Fringe Vision
used to see reference points, stay on the targeted path, and judge depth and perception
Space Management
managing the road space around your car
Open Zone
available space that you can see and move into
Closed Zone
restricted space that you cannot move into or an area that is restricted by lack of visibility
Braking Distance
the approximate distance traveled before coming to a complete stop when the brakes are applied in a vehicle moving at a specified speed
a force that pulls all objects toward the center of the earth
the tendency of an object at rest to stay at rest or of an object of motion to stay in motion
the product of velocity and mass
Reaction Time
the length of time needed to apply the brake
Center of Gravity
the point in a body through which the earth's gravitational force acts and around which the body's weight is evenly balanced
the mark left by a loaded tire's tread as it comes in contact with the road surface
a form of friction that enables the tire to grip the roadway surface
the grooved surface of a tire
Glare Recovery
the time your eyes need to regain clear vision after being affected by glare
Night Blindness
the ability to see well at night
Active Restraint Device
restraint device that you have to engage
Force of Impact
the force with which a moving object hits another object
Passive Restraint Device
a safety device that is activated automatically to protect an automobile passenger at the moment of impact when a collision occurs
places where two or more streets meet or cross each other
Staggered Stops
when the stop line for the right-most lane is set as far forward as possible and the stop line for the other lanes set further back
Point of No Return
point beyond which a driver can no longer stop safely without entering the intersection
Uncontrolled Intersection
an intersection that has no signs or signals to regulate traffic
Controlled Intersection
the intersection at which traffic signals or signs determine the right of way
Protected Turn
when you have the assistance of a light/signal for a turn
Unprotected Turn
when you do not have the assistance of a light/signal for a turn
a circular intersection where drivers travel counterclockwise around a center island
an act or the process of moving past another vehicle or person traveling in the same direction
Space Cushion
the open area around a vehicle consisting of adequate following distance between it and the vehicles ahead and behind, plus swerve paths to left and right
One-way Street
a street on which vehicles should only move in one direction
Two-way Street
a street that allows vehicles to travel in both directions
Multi-lane Street
a street that has two or more lanes for traffic
Rural Roadways
low traffic roads located in forested and rangeland settings that serve residential, recreational, and resource management use
Open Range
a large area of grazing land without fences or other barriers
reserved lane by the verge of a road or motorway; serves as an emergency stopping lane
Traffic Flow
total number of vehicles passing a given point at a given time
process of moving past another vehicle or person traveling in the same direction
a highway designed for fast traffic
traffic lane reserved for vehicles with a driver and one or more passengers
where drivers can cross over or under traffic and enter or exit the expressway
Weave Lane
a lane used for both entering and exiting the highway
Toll Plaza
a place where a driver stops to pay money before going onto a highway
road Rage
violent anger caused by the stress and frustration involved in driving a motor vehicle in difficult conditions
Aggressive Behavior
reactionary and impulsive behavior that often results in breaking household rules or the law
the act of driving on a road too close to the vehicle in front, such that the distance between the two vehicles do not guarantee that stopping to avoid a collision is possible
deterioration of an individual's judgment and decrease in his or her physical ability
blood-alcohol concentration; the percentage of alcohol in the bloodstream
driving under the influence; the act or crime of driving while affected by alcohol or drugs
a substance that is able to diminish or reduce nervous or functional activity
a substance that raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body
a drug that causes hallucinations
extreme tiredness
Peer Pressure
an external force that results from peers trying to influence you to do certain things
Driver Inattention
the failure to pay proper attention to the road while driving
Distracted Driving
the practice of driving a motor vehicle while engaged in another activity
a person walking along a road or in a developed area
the chance of injury, damage, or loss
a transport vehicle consisting of a semi-tractor and attached trailer
a hole formed in the pavement, as by excessive use or by extremes of weather
Frontal Collision
a traffic collision where the front ends of two vehicles hit each other in opposite directions
Rear-End Collision
a traffic accident in which a vehicle crashes into the vehicle in front of it
Right of Way
the privilege of having immediate use of the roadway
Brake Fade
the partial or total loss of braking power used in a vehicle brake system
a plan used to decide the amount of money that can be spent and how it will be spent
an agreement to pay only a portion of the vehicle's cost, which is the part that you "use up" during the time you are driving the vehicle