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Arnold Berthold
Studied effects of testes on rooster behavior.
Testes Removal
Caused roosters to exhibit female characteristics.
Testes in Chest Cavity
Resulted in normal rooster behavior.
Frank Beach
Investigated mating behavior in rats.
Testosterone Injection
Rats resumed mating after testosterone administration.
Hormones and Behavior
Journal founded by Frank Beach.
Surgical removal of testes affecting sexual drive.
Castrated men maintaining high voices historically.
Caster Semenya
Athlete barred for high testosterone levels.
Lia Thomas
First NCAA D1 trans athlete winner.
Winner Effect
Testosterone levels change based on sports outcomes.
Endocrine System
System regulating hormones in the body.
Tinbergen's Four Levels
Framework for understanding biological questions.
Proximate Explanations
Focus on how traits emerge and function.
Ultimate Explanations
Focus on why traits evolve and persist.
Bird Song Mechanism
High testosterone in males triggers singing.
Bird Song Function
Singing defends territory and attracts mates.
Developmental Aspect
Young birds learn songs from their fathers.
Evolutionary History of Singing
Songbirds evolved to have singing capabilities.
Behavioral Endocrinology
Study of hormone-behavior interactions.
Chemical messengers affecting physiological processes.
Songbird Behavior
Singing affected by hormonal levels.
Chemical messengers
Substances that transmit signals in the body.
Endocrine gland
Gland that secretes hormones into bloodstream.
Target cells
Cells that respond to specific hormones.
Intracrine mediation
Chemical signaling within the same cell.
Autocrine mediation
Cell signals affecting itself.
Paracrine mediation
Cell signals affecting nearby cells.
Endocrine mediation
Hormones traveling through the bloodstream.
Ectocrine mediation
Chemical signals released outside the body.
Exocrine cells
Secrete substances into ducts, not blood.
Endocrine cells
Secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.
Neural communication
Fast, voluntary signaling between neurons.
Hormonal communication
Slow, involuntary signaling via hormones.
Protein hormones
Large, water-soluble hormones stored in cells.
Steroid hormones
Cholesterol-derived, fat-soluble hormones produced on-site.
Amine hormones
Hormones derived from single amino acids.
Negative feedback
High concentration inhibits hormone production.
Positive feedback
High concentration stimulates more hormone secretion.
Pineal gland
Secretes melatonin, regulates sleep cycles.
Thyroid gland
Produces T3 and T4, regulates metabolism.
Adrenal glands
Release stress and steroid hormones.
Regulates pituitary gland hormone release.
Anterior pituitary
Releases hormones into bloodstream, regulated by hypothalamus.
Hormone levels
Influence behavior in dose-dependent or inverted U patterns.
Hormone receptor
Requires specific tissue sample for measurement.
Sensitivity to hormones
Varies among different hormone receptors.
Prairie voles
Exhibit monogamous mating behavior.
Montane voles
Exhibit polygamous mating behavior.
Includes cortisol, corticosterone, and aldosterone.
Includes testosterone, DHT, and DHEA.
Includes estrone, estradiol, and estriol.
Includes progesterone and allopregnanolone.
Steroid hormone action
Binds to receptors, transcribes DNA into RNA.
mRNA function
Translates to amino acids for protein synthesis.
Estradiol in birds
Binds to receptors, transcribes mRNA for vitellogenin.
Peptide hormones
Include hypothalamic and pancreatic hormones.
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone from the anterior pituitary.
Regulates glucose levels in the bloodstream.
G protein-coupled receptors
Activate signaling via G protein upon hormone binding.
Signal transduction
Process of converting hormone binding into cellular response.
Berthold's experiment
Demonstrated testes are transplantable and functional.
Ablation-replacement method
Tests hormone's role by removing and restoring it.
Lordosis behavior
Measured response in females based on hormone levels.
Behavior assessment criteria
Must be objective, reliable, and valid.
Secondary messenger produced from ATP during signaling.
Phosphorylation cascade
Series of reactions activated by hormone binding.
Transcription factor
Regulates gene expression in response to hormones.
Hormone Concentrations
Measured in micrograms, nanograms, picograms.
Tests hormone effects on living animals.
Dose Response Curve
Graph showing effect of hormone dosage.
Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Common method for accurate hormone measurement.
Direct ELISA
Uses enzyme-conjugated antibodies for detection.
Indirect ELISA
Utilizes secondary antibodies for detection.
Sandwich ELISA
Involves three antibodies for detection.
Competitive ELISA
Measures hormone concentration via competition.
Standard Curve
Plots signal from varying conjugate amounts.
Proportion Measurement
Ratio of labeled to non-labeled hormones.
Chromosomal Sex
Determined by XX or XY chromosomes.
Turner Syndrome
XO chromosomes; develops female but sterile.
Trisomy X
XXX chromosomes; develops female and fertile.
Klinefelter Syndrome
XXY chromosomes; develops male but sterile.
XYY Syndrome
XYY chromosomes; develops male and fertile.
XXYY Syndrome
XXYY chromosomes; develops male but sterile.
De la Chapelle Syndrome
XX with SRY gene; develops male but sterile.
Swyer Syndrome
XY without SRY gene; develops female and sterile.
Gonadal Sex
Identifies presence of testes or ovaries.
Hormonal Sex
Determined by testosterone or estradiol levels.
Freemartin Calves
Sterile female twin shares uterus with male.
Alfred Jost Experiment
Tested hormonal influence on sex differentiation.
Mullerian Ducts
Female ducts that disappear with AMH.
Wolffian Ducts
Male ducts formed by SOX9 and AMH.
Protein crucial for male sex determination.
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)
Hormone that causes mullerian duct regression.
Genital Tubercle
Develops into clitoris or glans penis.
Urogenital Fold
Structure involved in genital development.
Bipotential Genitalia
Initial state of genitalia before differentiation.
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
Active form of testosterone for male genitalia.
5 Alpha Reductase
Enzyme converting testosterone to DHT.