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Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Secreted by the parathyroid gland
Released when calcium level in blood is low (hypocalcemia)
1. Stimulates osteoclasts to reabsorb bones
This releases calcium into the circulation
Increases absorption of calcium into small intestine
By promoting the activation of vitamin D in the kidney
Increases Ca2+ reabsorption in kidney
A or R: The thyroid gland is directly involved in the parathyroid gland
Reject, the thyroid gland is not directly involved
A or R: PTH is the most important hormone in bone metabolism
Accept or R: The target of the PTH is the osteoblasts/osteoids
Reject, the target of PTH is osteoclasts
PTH can speed up/slow down osteoclasts
A or R: Parathyroid activates vitamin D to become vitamin D3, used in small intestine
Secreted by parafollicular cells of thyroid gland during hypercalcemia
When is calcitonin released?
When calcium levels in the blood excessive (hypercalcemia)
But only when above 20%
Affects are short-lived, rapid
Inhibits osteoclasts and thus acts to accelerate bone deposition
A or R: Calcitonin has an important role in Ca2+ homeostasis?
Reject, calcitonin does not have an important role in homeostasis
A or R: Bone metabolism is homeostatically regulated
Reject, calcium is homeostatically regulated, but bone metabolism is not
A or R: PTH is an efferent pathway
When is peak bone mass?
Generally between ages 25-35
Disease where bone resorption is greater than bone deposition to the point that bones become porous and lighter
Characteristics of osteoporosis
“Pediatric disease with adult consequences”
Normal composition, bone mass reduced
Asymptomatic - x-rays are unable to pick up until 30-50% of bone mineral is lost
Often undiagnosed until far advanced
If current trends persist, 1 in every 2 American women will have postmenopausal osteoporosis
A or R: All people will have normal bone mass loss throughout life. However, this is 27% higher for a woman
What is the affector in the PTH?
The osteoclasts
What is the effector in the PTH pathway?
Parathyroid glands
What age does trabecular bone loss begin?
Age 20
How much of the vertebral bodies are composed of trabecular bone?
-Leads to compression fractures in the vertebrae
Hip fracture
Not breaking the “hip bone” - actually the femoral neck (which is 45% trabecular bone)
Very dangerous - ¼ of people will die within 1 year of hip fractures
What is most important for prevention of osteoporosis while still in peak bone mass area?
Dietary calcium - raw material for making bone from osteoblast activity and vitamin D so that it can be absorbed
How much calcium do you need per day?
1000-1200 mg
How much vitamin D do you need per day?
500 IEUs
How much calcium is in 1 8 ounce cup milk?
About 300 mg
What is the benefit of exercise for preventing osteoporosis?
Stress on the body → increases osteoblast activity → increases osteoid → building hydropaxities
What is also important for prevention of osteoporosis during peak bone mass?
Estrogen/testosterone restrain osteoclast activity (osteoclast inhibitors)
Estrogen production thoughout life
When menopause sets in → SHARP decline - hardly any/no estrogen is being produced
Testosterone progression throughout life
Decline is much less dramatic - steady decline throughout life
As a result, most men do not show osteoporosis before age 60
Is broccoli a source of calcium?
Yes, but a ciliated source - the body can’t absorb it well - need 16 cups of broccoli per day
A or R: 1 in every 2 American women will have postmenopausal osteoporosis
When are x-rays able to pick up on bone loss?
Only when 30-50% of bone mineral is already lost
A or R: Osteoporosis is symptomatic
Reject, it is asymptomatic and often doesn’t show up on an x-ray
A or R: With osteoporosis, the bone mass is reduced by the composition of bone is normal
Absence of menstrual period
% of body fat when cycling/menstruation stops
Side effects of amenorrhea
Not producing enough estrogen - estrogen is very low
Women 16-24 who have amenorrhea are already losing bone mass, and can have osteoporosis in their 20s!
Birth control - role in prevention of osteoporosis caused by lack of estrogen
Beneficial - some methods increase both estrogen/progesterone levels
Some just progesterone - which can be problematic because it contributes to destroying the skeletal system
When do peak estrogen levels occur?
During menstruation
Impact of smoking on bones
Smoking - contains several harmful chemicals that accelerate bone loss (like cadmium)
Smoking causes a decline in estrogen and an increase in testosterone (deeper, raspy voice)
Impact of excessive protein intake on bones
Causes calcium loss through the urine
Impact of sodium chloride (salt) on the bones
Causes calcium leaching from the bones
Bone tissue formation
Two types of ossification
Intramembranous ossification
Endochondral (“in cartilage”)
Both occur after 8 weeks
A or R: Most of the human skeleton is initially made up of cartilage and fibrous membranes
A or R: Cartilage and fibrous membranes become bone
Reject, cartilage and fibrous membranes are replaced by bone
How long is an embryo’s skeleton composed of fibrous membranes and cartilage?
Before 8 weeks
What does intramembranous ossification form?
Skull, some facial bones (like the mandible), hyoid, and clavicle (all considered flat/irregular bones), but no long bones
Intramembranous ossification
Bone develops from a fibrous CT - producing membranous bones
Some fibrous CT cells become osteoblasts → forming an ossification center
Osteoblasts initiate formation of osteoid → mineralizes within a few days
Trapped osteoblasts become osteocytes
Other structural development occurs → formation of trabeculae (little beans) → spongy/compact bone, blood vessel network, bone marrow, periosteum
Heterotropic bones
Bones that develop in unusual places
Physical/chemical events can stimulate the development of osteoblasts in normal CT
Myositis ossifications
Type of heterotropic bone
Deposition of bone around skeletal muscle
Unknown trigger/cause
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
Bone growth outside of the skeletal system
Can also be congenital (present at birth)
Endochondral Ossification
Hyaline cartilage is used for a model for bone construction - produces cartilage bones (that is broken down as ossification continues)
Forms all other bones in the body
At the site of bone formation, CT cells crowd together in the shape of the future bone
These “Mesenchymal cells” develop into chondroblasts → to make a cartilage matrix
This produces cartilage that continues to grow in length and thickness
Stage 1 (EO)
Cartilage cells under the periosteum (surface of bone) specialize into osteoblasts
Bone collar forms around the shaft (diaphysis) - encasing the cartilage
Bone collar doesn’t start the process, it supports the process
Stage 2 (EO)
Within the shaft, cartilage cells enlarge
pH changes signal calcification (hardening) of the matrix
Other chondrocytes are trapped and die - forming cavities
But cartilage model is stabilized by bone collar
Stage 3 (EO)
Periosteal bud invades the forming cavities in the 3rd month
Osteoclasts erode the calcified cartilage
Osteoblasts secrete osteoid
Osteoid → produces bone covered cartilage trabeculae
Periosteal bud
Collection of vessels, nerve fibers, lymphatic, red marrow, osteoclasts, osteoblasts
Stage 4 (EO)
Osteoclast break down new spongy bone → leads to formation of the medullary cavity
Shortly before birth, secondary ossification centers appear in the epiphyses (ends of bone)
Stage 5 (EO)
Next, the same process occurs in the epiphysis - except osteoclasts do not break down the new spongy bone
Hence, no medullary cavity is formed
Where does hyaline cartilage remain at the end of ossification?
On the ends of bones where a junction/articulation is present with another bone (articular cartilage)
Between diaphysis and epiphysis (epiphyseal plates/growth plates)
Bone growth AFTER birth
Growth in the length of long bones
Similar process to endochondral ossification
Occurs at epiphyseal plate
Most important and major influence on bone growth after birth
Human growth hormone (hGH)
Secreted from the anterior pituitary during infancy and childhood
Secondary influence on bone growth after birth
Increase in testosterone and estrogen - provide for a “growth spurt”
However, high levels of testosterone and estrogen later induce closure of epiphyseal plate (age 18 for women, age 21 for men)
Growth occurs in thickness, especially to stress
Bone Remodeling
Microscopic areas of bone are continuously broken down, reabsorbed, and then the area is reconstructed
How: Through “remodeling units” of adjacent osteoclasts/osteoblasts
Where: At periosteal/endosteal surfaces (both external and internal surfaces of the bone - internal = trabeculae, medullary cavity, volkmans canal)
A or R: Bone remodeling is uniform
Reject, bone remodeling is not uniform - some areas are replaced much more frequently than others
Ex: distal end of the femur is replaced more than 2x per year!
Extra bone growth
Occurs at sites of high stress - not always good
Rate of deposition increases where a bone is injured
Ex: Plantar fascia - inflammation = bone spur growth = pain
When does bone remodeling take place?
Throughout the lifetime of an individual
Rate of deposition increases when bone is injured - stress is placed on bone (weight-bearing exercise)
Rate of resorption increases when bones are not stressed - (astronauts, atrophied bones of bedridden people)
Bones will grow in circumference
Where? From muscles pull on them - large, bony projections - occurs where heavy, active muscles attach
Why does bone remodeling occur?
In response to mechanical and gravitational forces
To maintain Ca2+ homeostasis in extracellular fluid
What is the result of abnormally high secretion of hGH before puberty?
Giantism (hyper-hGH)
What is the result of abnormally low secretion of hGH before puberty?
Dwarfism (hypo-hGH)
Achondroplastic (genetic dwarfism)
Only effects epiphyseal plates of long bone - do not respond normally to hGH
Head/torso are regular size, but limbs are shortened
What is the result of hypersecretion of hGH that just occurred after puberty?
Enlargement of bones, giantism, hands, tongue, oily skin (extra sebaceous glands), secondary diabetes, sleep apnea
Sending an electrical signal to something
Smooth muscle location
Found in blood vessels, small/large intestines, walls of hollow organs
Smooth muscle contractions
Very slow, but can be sustained
Ex: BP in blood vessels - continous process
A or R: Cardiac muscle is found in the blood vessels
Reject, cardiac muscle is only found in the heart
Tissue type in wall of urinary bladder
Smooth - expansion is not under conscious control
Tissue type in the wall of the opening out of the urinary bladder
Skeletal - under voluntary contraction of muscle
Tissue type in the body of biceps brachii
Skeletal - conscious workload
Tissue type in the wall of a large artery in biceps brachii
Tissue type in the iris of the eye (opens/closes the pupil)
Smooth - not under voluntary control
Tissue type in the diaphragm (muscle in breathing):
Cardiac muscle location
Found only in the walls of the heart
Cardiac muscle contraction
Slow/moderate, steady rate
Voluntary muscles
Under conscious control - skeletal muscle
Involuntary muscle
Not under conscious control - smooth muscle, cardiac muscle
Characteristics of skeletal muscle
Obvious striations, multinucleate cells, long
Characteristics of cardiac muscle
Branching, striated, generally uninucleate cells, intercalated disks
Characteristics of smooth muscle
Elongated cells, no striations, cells are arranged closely to form sheets
A or R: For skeletal muscle, a signal causes both contraction and relaxation
R, a signal causes contraction, but there is no signal that causes relaxation (lack of signal)
Both smooth and cardiac muscle are innervated (motor control) by the ________
autonomic nervous system
Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
Has parasympathetic/sympathetic divisions
Deals with cardiac and smooth muscle
Conducts impulses from the CNS → muscles
Sympathetic divison
Mobilizes the body systems during activity - speeding up
“Fight or flight" response
Sends excitatory signals → causes contraction
Parasympathetic division
Conserves energy - slows down
Promotes functions during rest
“Breed and feed”
Sends inhibitory signals → inhibits contraction, maintains relaxation
Somatic nervous system
Voluntary control
Deals with skeletal muscles
Conducts impulses from CNS → skeletal muscles
Skeletal muscle contraction
Slow to fast
Can contract rapidly
Can exert tremendous power
But tires/fails easily - must rest after activity
Only involves one type of nerve fiber
Nerve impulse = contraction, no nerve impulse = relaxation
A or R: Each skeletal muscle is an organ
“epi = covering”, “my” = muscle
Covering of dense irregular CT around a whole muscle
Epimysium fused to periosteum
Direct, fleshy attachments
Indirect - all CT wrappings extend beyond muscle as a:
Rope-like attachment
Can cross over rough bony projections - preventing wear/tear
Indirect - sheet like covering
Indirect attachment