All Bacteria and Archaea.
lack a membrane-bound nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membrane-bound organelle
all eukaryotes except plants, animals, and fungi
Prokaryote - Cell shape
Cocci - Spherical (round) Bacilli - rod Spirochete - spiral
Cocci - Spherical (round)
Form chains Ex: Streptococci and Strept Throat
Form clusters Ex: Staphylococci and/or Staph infection
Bacilli - rod
Most occur alone which can cause food poisoning
Some occur in pairs or chains
Spirochete - spiral
Usually alone Ex: Lyme disease and/or syphilis
Prokaryote - Cell walls
Nearly all prokaryotes have a cell wall which provides protections Two types
Lipids and carbs Many have a capsule Archaea -No peptidoglycan but can be G+ or G-
What types of cell walls do bacteria have?
peptidoglycan (gram positive)
Lipids and carbs (gram negative)
Allows bacteria to stick to things and each other
Prokaryote - projections
External structures Flagella Fimbriae
whip like structure that enables swimming
hair like projections• Help them stick to other things
Capture energy from sunlight (Photo) Use CO2 for carbon Cyanobacteria (blue green algae)
Capture energy from sunlight (Photo) Obtain carbon from organic sources (complex molecules) Purple non-sulfur bacteria (Found in aquatic sediments)
Capture energy from inorganic chemical (not carbon based) Use CO2 for carbon Can live in extreme environments (Hydrothermal vents) or regular environments (soil)
Capture energy from inorganic chemical (not carbon based) Obtain carbon from organic sources (complex molecules) Largest and most diverse group Eats pretty much anything
a close association among two or more organisms
What are the 4 key bacteria groups
Gram-positive bacteria
Gram negative Nutritionally diverse -Photoautotroph -Photoheterotroph -Chemoautotroph -Chemoheterotroph Pathogens Ex: Coli or salmonella Symbiosis
Gram-positive bacteria
Gram positive Nutritionally diverse -Photoautotroph -Photoheterotroph -Chemoautotroph -Chemoheterotroph Pathogens Ex: Strept throat or Staph infections
Gram negative Photoautotroph Caused the first mass extinction Toxic Blooms!
Gram negative Chemoheterotrophs Pathogens Ex: Lyme disease or Syphilis Spiral shaped
What are the two main branches of prokaryotic evolution
Bacteria and Archaea
Thrive in extreme environments Halophiles - salt loving Thermophiles - heat loving Methanogens - live in anaerobic (no oxygen) conditions and produce methane as waste
Protists have diverse nutrition - Autotrophs
Protists have diverse nutrition - Autotrophs
Eat other things
Protists have diverse nutrition - Mixotrophs
What are the supergroups of protist diversity
What are the 3 ranges of the SAR supergroup of protist diversity
SAR - Stramenopiles
Diatoms -Unicellular algae -Autotrophs -Cell walls contain silica -Found in aquatic environments
Brown algae (sea weed) -All multicellular -Autotrophs -Mostly Marine
Water molds -Unicellular -Heterotrophs -Decompose dead plants
SAR - Alveolates
Dinoflagellates -Unicellular -Autotrophs, heterotrophs, mixotrophs -Red tide (nickname)
Ciliates -Use cilia to get food -Paramecium
SAR - Rhizarians
Foraminiferans -Most are fossils (90%) -Aquatic (fresh and marine) -Shells hardened with calcium
Radiolarians -Most are marine -Skeletons hardened with Calcium
"Excavated" feeding groove Autotrophs, Heterotrophs, mixotrophs Parasites
Amoebozoans -Heterotrophic -Closely related to fungi and animals -Free living amoebas -Parasitic Amoebas -Slime molds
Autotrophic Mostly multicellular Red Algae -Mostly multicellular Green Algae (more seaweed) -Lichens -Alternation of generations
Alternation of generations
Multicellular haploid and diploid individuals -Sporophyte: produces spores -Gametophyte: produces gametes
they secrete enzymes that digest plants and animals and then absorb the small nutrients
Fungi structures
fungus usually consists of a mass of threadlike filaments called hyphae, which branch repeatedly as they grow, forming a mycelium
mass of threadlike filaments
densely branched network of the hyphae of a fungus
What lifecycles do fungi have?
Asexual and sexual lifecycles
organisms that break down wastes and dead organisms and return raw materials to the environment
What are the 5 groups of fungi
Only fungi with flagellated spores Common in lakes and ponds Decomposers and Parasites Causing an amphibian mass extinction
Mostly terrestrial Mostly decomposers Characterized by presence of zygosporangium A few parasites on animal
Characterized by mycorrhizae which invade plant cells -Symbiosis -80% of the plants on earth have this symbiosis
Helped plants colonize land Trade -plant get nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) -Fungus gets carbon but not always
Characterized by sac like structure called asci that produces spores in sexual reproduction Marine, freshwater, or terrestrial Decomposers Plant pathogens Lichens
A symbiosis between an Ascomycete and a cyanobacteria or green algae
Mushrooms Characterized by a basidium - spore producing structure (mushroom) Decomposers -especially wood Parasites
What are the four key events in the history of the plant kingdom?
Origin of land plants
Origin of vascular plants
Origin of seed plants
Origin of flowers
Origin of land plants
Living on land presented several challenges Drying out - no longer surrounded by water Obtaining resources from two sources Support (Not falling over) Reproduction and Dispersal
Origin of land plants: Drying out
Plants evolved a waxy cuticle to keep from drying out. This prevents gas exchange -Need CO2 for photosynthesis -Release O2 as waste Stomata
tiny pores in the leaves of plants that open and close to let CO2 in and let O2 out
Origin of land plants: Obtaining resources from two sources
Get everything they need from soil or from the air Roots Stems - (Support) Leaves Vascular Tissue connects it all -Xylem: pulls water up from roots -Phloem: distributes sugars
Origin of land plants: Reproduction and Dispersal
Different approaches for different plants represent the evolutionary history of plants Reproduction -All plants have alternation of generations
Dispersal -Moss and ferns: water -Gymnosperms (cone bearing plants): wind, gravity, animals -Angiosperms (flowering plants): wind, ants, mammals, birds, water, gravity, etc.
Origin of vascular plants
First Plants were bryophytes (non-vascular plants)
What are some characters of bryophytes
Do not have true roots -Have Rhizoids Do not have true leaves (Phyllid) Do not have lignin for structural support Grow flat in dense mats Must have water for fertilization
Have stomata Multicellular rhizoid
Have stomata only on the sporophyte Multicellular rhizoid Some are parasitic
Produce slime Only have one chloroplast per cell Chloroplast
Cell that does photosynthesis
What are some characteristics of seedless vascular plants?
Have true roots Have leaves Have lignin for structural support Grow upright Have vascular tissues Must have water for fertilization
Vascular tissue - Xylem
Transports water and minerals from the roots to aerial parts of the plant (moves only up) Vessel wall consists of fused cells that create a continuous tube Vessels are composed of dead tissue and are hollow
Vascular tissue - Phloem
Transports food and nutrients to storage organs and growing parts of the plant (moves up and down) Vessel wall consists of cells that are connected at their ends to form porous sieve plates Vessels are composed of living tissue, however sieve tube elements lack nuclei and have few organelles
Club Moss (lycophyte)
Small leaves with one vein Dominant during Carboniferous (359.2 to 299 MYA)
Ferns (monilophyte)
Large leaves, many veins
2 key groups -Gymnosperms -Angiosperms
No longer need water to reproduce -Pollen: carries sperm through the air -Gametophyte and Sporophyte not separate plants
What are some Gymnosperms (cone bearing) species?
What are conifers?
Leaves in "needles" Seeds in cones -Separate male and female cones
Evergreen (mostly): doesn't drop leaves All woody -Secondary growth: increase of thickness and growth of plant
All tree and shrubs No ovaries
Origin of flowers - Angiosperms (flowering plants)
Floral morphology
Flowers usually consist of -sepals -Petals -Stamens -carpels
Flowers consist of - Sepals
which enclose the flower before it opens
Flowers consist of - Petals
which often attract animal pollinators
Flowers consist of - Stamens
male reproductive structures -Filament -Anther: contains pollen
Flowers consist of - Carpels
the female reproductive structures -Stigma -Style -Ovary
The worst place for a seed is next to the parent Many adaptations to move
What are the adaptations relating to dispersal?
Wings - wind dispersal Burs - Mammal dispersal Fruits - Bird and mammal dispersal Elaiosomes - Ant dispersal Buoyancy - water dispersal
What are fruit relating to plants?
modified ovaries that develop after seeds are fertilized
A key step in the lifecycle of an angiosperm is getting the pollen to the stigma Symbiosis Coevolved Pollination syndromes
Pollination syndromes
Similarities among flowers that share the same pollinators
What are some example of pollination syndromes?
Birds - bright red and orange flowers, no scents Bees - Marked with UV guides that lead to nectar Bats and moths - white flowers, highly scented, bloom at night Wind - no flowers, no scents
Monocot and Eudicot
What are the two major groups of angiosperms
embryonic leaves that form in the seed -Monocot: one cotyledon -Eudicot: two cotyledons
Monocot -parallel veins Eudicot -Branched veins
Vascular tissues: Leaf veins (Monocot and Eudicot description)
Monocot -Scattered vascular bundles Eudicot -Vascular bundles in rings
Vascular tissues: Steams (Monocot and Eudicot description)
Monocot -Parts in multiples pf 3s Eudicot -Parts in multiples of 4 or 5
Flowers (Monocot and Eudicot description)
Monocot -Fibrous root system (No main root) Eudicot -taproot (main root present)
Roots (Monocot and Eudicot description)
Root Shoot Leaf
What are the 3 systems that plants are comprised of?
Plant System: Root
Anchors the plant to the soil (fibrous and taproots) Absorbs and transports minerals and water -Facilitated by root hairs: increase surface area Taproots -stores carbs
Plant System: Root
Large taproots that store food Ex: Carrots, turnips, beets, sweet potatoes (Not regular)
Plant System: Leaf
Primary site for photosynthesis Consist of a -Blade: the leaf -Petiole: joins blade to the stem at a node
Modified Leaf
Spines: a modified leaf that protect the plant from being eaten Tendrils: modified leaves that help vines "climb"
Plant System: Shoot
Stems: organ that has the leaves and buds on it -Can photosynthesize -Nodes -internode Buds: are undeveloped stems -terminal bud -axillary bud
points at which leaves are attached
space between the nodes
terminal bud
primary growing point for getting taller
Axillary bud
between stem and leaf, usually dormant
Modified shoot
Stolon: horizontal stem aboveground -allows for asexual reproduction (cloning) Rhizome: horizontal stem belowground -store food, can form new plants Tuber: specialized storage structure Succulence: stores water