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fusion of ovum and sperm (pro-nuclei)
Germ layers
Ectoderm, Mesoderm, Endoderm
Before birth
Around birth
After birth
Newly born
Ability to express ALL the genes in the organism's genome; "all the things"
Ability to express genes that code for germ layers; "all three layers"
Ability to express genes that code for closely related family of cells (Progenitor cells); 1 derivative of 1 germ layer
Ability to undergo a limited number of divisions and express genes that produce SINGLE type of cell (Precursor cells); 1 kind of functional specialized cell
True stem cells include...
Totipotent cells and pluripotent
generation, differentiation, and growth of tissues and organs during development; where organism takes shape
Morphogenesis covers
cleavage, layer formation, gastrulation, neurulation, organogenesis
T/F Morphogenesis happens post-fetilization
splitting single sheet of cells by loss of adhesion
Delamination Example
Hypoblast formation
Division and migration of cells into internal area to form a separate layer
Ingression Example
Internal cell mass (ICM) and trophoblast separation
Depression in the cell layer depends due to cell vision; sides come together and pinch off existing layer
Invagination Example
Neural tube formation
Increase in # of cells on outer surface
Epiboly Example
Primitive streak formation
Inward rolling of cells along an exiting membrane to create layer
Involution Example
Myeline sheath formation
Fusion of female and male gametes to achieve karyogamy; female part is the ovum and the male gamete is the sperm
T/F Female birds and mammals can produce an infinite number of ova during their lifetime
False; birds and mammals have # ova set peri-natally
Cleavage Functions
Increase # cells via mitosis without growth 2) Establish embryonic vs. extraembryonic cell line
Cleavage Result Avian vs. Mammalian
Avian: blastoderm vs. Mammalian: blastocysts; ends when blastocyst makes contact with uterine wall
Yolk does not get cleaved; avian
Cells clump together into a disc-shape; avian
Open cell
Cytoplasm mixes with yolk; avian
T/D After 1-16 divisions daughter cells form a complete cell membrane (Avian)
False; open cells
Blastomere (Avian)
closed cell membrane and 16 divisions; not identical
Blastoderm (Avian)
Most central are closed cells (embryo only) and open cells beneath and around embryo
Doral-ventral axis (Avian)
Dorsal = egg shell side Ventral = Yolk side
Anterior-Posterior axis Avian)
Egg rotates in shell gland "heavy" blastoderm tilts away from top of yolk; lower end of blastoderm = anterior and upper end = posterior
Two cell lineages of blastoderm (Avian)
Closed cell and Open cells
Avian cleavage overview
Increase number of cells thu cell division 2) Establish embryonic vs. extraembryonic cell lines 3) Establish axes of polarity
Extends completely through ovum; Mammalian
Division occurs along different cleavage planes; Mammalian
T/F Cleavage occurs asynchronously to reposition cells with reference to one another
True; Mammalian
cells become tightly joinged
Formation of fluid filled cavity
3rd Cleavage; Mammalian
Cells squish and form tight junctions to seal off the interior
Inner cell mass (ICM)
small group of completely enclosed cells within interior (embryo proper)
external cells form epithelial-like layer (placenta); form tight junctions and fill morula with water
Compacted mrula
Has ICM and Trophectoderm; at 8-32 cells
Mammalian cleavage overview
Increase number of cells thu cell division 2) Establish embryonic vs. extraembryonic cells lines 3)
T/F ICM cells undergo apoptosis and cells bunch along one side
True, then forms blastocoel
Resulting fluid filled cavity; from ICM
2 Blastocyst lineages (Mammalian)
ICM and Trophectoderm
Layer Formation
irreversible physical segregation of cell lineages to form Hypoblast; prior to oviposition/implantation (visceral endoderm in rodents)
T/F Hypoblast is called "viseral endoderm" in rodents
T/F Oviposition refers to Mammals
False, refers to avain
T/F Implantation refers to Mammals
True, refers to mammals
Setting up for layer separation; avian
Blastoderm undergoes reduction via cell shedding 2) Fluid filled subgerminal cavity
Blastoderm undergoes reduction via cell shedding; Avian
Blastoderm undergoes reduction via cell shedding
T/F Delaminated cells undergo apoptosis
Fluid Filled subgerminal cavity forms; Avian
Blastoderm cell absorb water from albumen and pump between ventral surface and yolk (Similar to mammalian cavitation)
Area pellucida
Clear central area of clear cell undergoing rapid division, central blastoderm bull's eye; Avian
Area pellucida becomes...
embryo proper
Area opaca and marginal zone becomes...
Extraembryonic tissues and temporary embryonic structures
Area opaca
Area of open cells in contact with yolk outer ring; Avian
Marginal zone
Mixture of open and closed cells diving AP and AO middel ring; Avian
Continuous single-cell layer of AP+MZ+AO
Setting up for layer separation; mammalian
Cell determination and differentiation
Cell determination and differentiation; mammalian
Pluripotent ICM undergo determination; Epiblast & PE sifferentiation & seoarate layer, multipotent trophectoderm proliferate
ICM undergo determination into...
Epiblast progenitor cells and primitive endoderm progenitor cells (PE)
Separation of layers
Hypoblast is transitory stucture to prepare embryo for cellular complexity
T/F Separation of layers is well studied in birds and mammals
False, well studied in birds not so much mammals
Layer Formation (Avian)
AP epiblast cells delaminate and migrate toward yolk to become hypoblast cells; epiblast creates embryo and blastocoel cavity between epi- and hypoblast
epiblast + hypoblast = bilaminar
Hypoblast; Avian
Formed in subgerminal cavity below AP epiblast, gives rise to primordial germ cells; very transitory does not contribute
Elongation; Mammals
Epiblast forms amniotic cavity where proximal = aminion and distal = epiblast
Establish anterior-posterior axis; Mammals
Determination and differentiation PE cells split visceral endoderm/Hypoblast and Yolk sac endoderm; VE activated to distal VE
DVE (Distal Visceral endoderm); mammalian
Migrates up anterior side of blastocyst, becomes AVE
Blastula; mammalian
Epiblast and Hypoblast/VE = bilaminar
End of layer formation
Avian and Mammalian have blastula
cells differentiate and form lining of gut; starts posterior and goes anterior
Primitive streak
Site of ingression in epiblast; massive cell proliferation
How many phases does Gastrulation occur?
2, Ingression and Regression
Primitive streak formation; first wave = forming three germ cells form endo, meso, and endoderm; second wave =
T/F: Changes during Ingression will set the stage for an additional layer to form
Koller's sickle; avian
Blastomere forming the vanguard of posterior marginal zone; crescent shape, crucial for primitive steak and enables endoblast to replace hypoblast
Endoblast; avian
Hypoblast replaced by sheet of endoblast cells; epiblast cells on Koller's sickle condense and begins gastrulation
T/F Endoblast is a permanent structure
False, it is a temporary stucture
T/F Epiblast cells below KS groove form primitive streak
False, cells above KS do this
Epiboly; avain
Primitive steak triggers epiboly across epiblast and mirgrate; replaced by future ectoderm cells
2 New layers in blastocoel; avian
Endoderm (replace endoblast) and Mesoderm (above endoderm)
Migrated cells become....(Avian)
Mesoderm, head process and notochord, and endoderm
Hensen's node
at anterior end, specialized thickened region in primitive streak (left and right fully determined)
T/F Epiboly gives rise to ectoderm in epiblast
Endoderm; mammals
is replaces the endoblast/hypoblast/all VE
Blastula is ____ and becomes gastrula ______
bilaminar, trilaminar
Primitive streak degeneration, Hensen's node moves posterior, neurulation
T/F as primitive streak regresses the notochord completes
True; concludes with formation of anal region
formation of spinal cord precursor from epiblast ectoderm
T/F Neurulation begins after gastrulation
False, Neurulation begins as primitive streak regresses during gastrulation
Neural tube
rudiment of CNS, formed first
rod of mesoderm cells form under epiblast after Hensen's node moves; temporary structure and initials CNS formation