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discusses women’s health as health + illness issues unique or more prevalent in women
coordinate cooperative system of maternal + perinatal care w/in geographic area
level 1 care
basic, no complications UNEVENTFUL
level 2 care
some cases
level 2E care
some cases + special care nursery
level 3 care
ALL CASES, special care nursery + NICU
birth rate
# of live births in 1 year/1000 people in population
infant mortality rate
# of deaths of infants under 1 yr/1000 live births in population
fetal death
death in uterus at 20 weeks+ gestation
still birth
neonate death rate #
# of deaths of infants <28 days/1000 births
perinatal death rate
# of neonatal + fetal deaths/1000 liver births
fertility rate
# of live births/1000 women of childbearing age (15-44)
maternal mortality rate
# of maternal deaths from births, complications, childbirth, puerperium during first 42 days after termination of pregnancy/100,000 live births
hemorrhage, hypertension, infections, accidents don’t count
healthy people goal
improve health + wellbeing of women, infants, children, families, and eliminate health disparities
first visit patient history assessment
-past medical history
-current medical history
-gynecologic history
-social history
-religious/cultural history
nagele’s rule
calculates due date
pregnancy delivered past 20 weeks
term births
births (38-42 weeks gestation)
preterm births
births (20-37 6/7)
pregnancy ends before 20 weeks gestationl
living children
children alive
first visit physical exam
-baseline vital signs
-pelvic exam
pelvic adequacy
-vaginal exam
uterine enlargement
-fetal assessment
fetal heart tones (after 12 weeks)
is there baby, is it alive?
first visit lab work
-ABO, Rh type screen
-hep b surface antigen
-gonorrhea/chlamydia cultures
-pap smear (before preg)
-sickle cells for clients of African descent
prenatal teaching first trimester
-prenatal visit schedule
-dietary needs/restrictions
first 28 weeks
every 4 weeks (once/month)
until 36 weeks
every 2 weeks (twice/month)
after 36 weeks until delivery
prenatal checkups
-maternal vital signs
-maternal weight
-fetal heart rate
-fundal height measurement
-urine dip (protein, glucose, ketones)
-ultrasound/vaginal exam maybe
total weight gian
25-35 lbs
weight gain first trimester
3.5-5 lbs
weight gain last two trimesters
1 lb/week
additional calories needed
300 daily
8-10 glasses/day
first trimester
12 weeks
dietary no’s
-raw eggs/meats
-nicotine, alcohol, drugs
-artificial sweeteners
inc vaginal discharge (leukorrhea)
soap and water
inc sweating
bathe more frequently
bathing/shower safety
sitting is good
no hot tub
activity and safety
-exercise is beneficial
depends on normal activity
pelvic tilt, kegels
-shifting center of gravity
inc risk for falls
-adequate rest and sleep
inc risk for DVTs
no cat boxes or dirt in yard= toxoplasmosis
2nd trimester weeks
13-28 weeks
2nd trimester pregnancy changes
-what discomforts
-usually feel best during this trimester
2nd trimester nutrition assessment
1 lb/week or 4 lbs/month
2nd trimester screening
quad screening 15-20 weeks for fetal neural tube defect, down’s syndrome, multiple gestation
danger signs of pregnancy
-vaginal bleeding
-persistent vomiting
-fluid from vagina
-chest pain
-abdominal pain: ripping or tearing sensation
-s/s of PIH
-changes/lack of fetal movement
s/s oh pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH)
blurred vision, severe headaches,
3rd trimester
week 28-
3rd trimester pregnancy changes
-frequent urination (head on bladder)
-swelling of hands + feet
-braxton hicks contractions
-inc weight gain, 35 lbs
3rd trimester safety
weekly exams starting 35 weeks
monitor for PIH
3rd trimester prep for childbirth
-childbirth prep classes
-s/s of labor
-braxton hicks bs true labor
-when to call MD/go to doctor
3rd trimester screening testts
1 hr GTT
GBBS vaginal culture
1 hr GTT
24-28 weeks for gestational DM
group b beta strep that can be transmitted to baby, need antibiotics
maternal and fetal blood can intermingle when
-post amniocentesis (placenta damaged)
-post abortion/miscarriage
-after delivery when placenta separates
rh sensitization
mom produces rh antibodies that are bad for next pregnancies
immune globulin
-suppresses immune response
-blood product, get from blood bank
-deep IM injection
-causes soreness at injection site
-risks bloodborne pathogens
indirect coombs
done on mom’s blood, detects antibodies to other blood types
direct coombs
done on baby’s blood
looks for antibodies piggybacked onto baby RBC
positive=antibodies break down rbc risk for jaundice w inc bilirubin
admission assessment
-review of prenatal records
complications, due date
-last meal
-s/s labor
-status of amniotic membranes
-vaginal discharge/bleeding
-birth plans
labor systemic changes: cardiovascular
inc blood pressure
inc cardiac output
supine hypotension
inferior vena cava syndrome
-pressure on IVC from lying on back
-turn to side
-dec CO
labor systemic changes: respiratory
inc oxygen consumption
inc metabolism
inc respiratory rate
paced breathing
possible hyperventilation
respiratory alkalosis
dizziness + tingling
breathe in paper bag, need CO2
labor systemic changes: renal
difficulty voiding
dec sensation
labor systemic changes: musculoskeletal
-joint pain
-leg cramps
frog legs, stretch them out
labor systemic changes: neurologic
inc pain threshold
-perineal pressure
dec perineal sensation
pressure on nerve endings, dont feel it
can tear or episiotomy
labor systemic changes: GI
IV, minimal for venous access in case
-dec motility
peristalsis stops
-slowed absorption
-rectal pressure
need to poop? NOPE ITS BABY
natural unassisted vaginal delivery
why induce labor
doesnt happen, DM, past due, placenta ages
placenta age span
40 weeks
bishop score
prelabor scoring system that predicts
prepidil + cervidil gel
syringe that ripens cervix
orally or up cervix
oxytocin IV drip titrate 1 mLunit/min
induction warning signs
-happens every less than 2 min
-lasts longer than 90 sec
-above 90 mmhg on IUPC
-uterine resting tone greater than 20 mmhg
-fetal heart rate variations
if hyperstimulation occurs
stops medication ASAP
operative vaginal delivery- forceps or vacuum
2+ station or lower, can see head
maternal exhaustion
maternal contraindications to pushing
operative vaginal delivery- forceps complications
-fetal ecchymosis, caput succedaneum, cephalohematoma, facial nerve damage, birth canal trauma
fetal ecchymosis
forcep mark
caput succedaneum
edema to scalp
hematoma to cranial bone
facial nerve damage
placed incorrectly on face (perm/temp)
birth canal trauma
extensive tears (perm/temp)
operative vaginal delivery: vacuum complications
-scalp trauma
-birth canal trauma
-pop offs
scalp trauma
edema, skin removed
pop offs
suction pop offs, negative pressure leaves mark
pfannenstiel c section
bikini cut
vertical c section
up + down
emergency, obese, appendage to abdomen, had vertical before
LCT uterine incision
like bikini cut on uterus
low vertical uterine incision
low up + down
classical uterine incision
up + down
VBAC: risk for uterine rupture
-only 1 previous c-section
-LCT uterine incision
-adequate pelvis
-monitor FHR
-no augmentation
-willing consent for c-section in case of complications
delivery complications
-gender/weight of infant
-apgar scores
-time of placental delivery/assessment
-estimated blood loss
-total length of labor (stages + phases)
premonitory signs of labor
-lightening (baby drops, descends to pelvis)
-cervical changes
dilation/effacement (opens + thins)
mucus plug sheds (mucusy discharge)
bloody show (not a lot)
-braxton hicks contractions
prep contractions, will get more frequent
-sudden burst of energy
-rupture of membranes
can be first indicator
true labor
-regular contractions
-back to front
-inc intensity + frequency
-cervix dilates + effaces
-walking inc intensity of contractions
false labor
-irregular contractions
-lower abdomen + groin
-don’t inc intensity + frequency
-doesn’t dilate + efface
-walking relieves intensity of contractions
rupture of membranes
complete ROM
come to hospital ASAP
leaking bag of water
will reproduce fluid
nitrazine test
pH of fluid
yellow= acidic urine
blue= alkaline amniotic fluid
fern test
amniotic fluid under microscope looks like fern tree
strip that detects amniotic fluid, expensive
amniotic fluid functions
-buoyancy, floating
-protects umbilical cord
-sterile environment
pushed to side as baby grows
when water breaks
check FHR ASAP
check for cord prolapse, pelvic exam
color of amniotic fluid (clear or meconium stained fluid)
date/time (want to deliver w/in 24 hrs)
method of rupture (SROM, AROM)
meconium stained amniotic fluid
fetal distress in utero
rectal sphincter relaxes
brown, green or thick fluid
risk for aspiration at birth
suction mouth/nose w/ bulb syringe
may need to deep suction