What is the translation of '骗骗' likes you in English?
Honey Money Phony
Who is the director of the movie '骗骗' likes you?
苏彪 (Su Biao)
What is the genre of the film '骗骗' likes you?
Comedy / Romance
When is '骗骗' likes you scheduled to be released in mainland China?
December 31, 2024
What is the runtime of the movie '骗骗' likes you?
115 minutes
Name one of the main actors in '骗骗' likes you.
金晨 (Jin Chen) or 孙阳 (Sun Yang) or 李雪琴 (Li Xueqin) or 王皓 (Wang Hao) or 王耀庆 (Wang Yaoqing)