Important: Painted to look like metal, show status
Villanovan Biconical Urn 8th c
looks like metal
shows status
Terracotta Kyathos 7th c, Tarquinia
shows house owning, importance of domestic sphere
Villanovan Hut Urn
8th c
Shows how they are already working at a complex artistic level
Bronze bow Fibula 9th c
shows communal feasting
6-legged bronze basin
shows wealth, granulation technique from middle east shows contact with traders from there and importance of non-local goods to wealth
Conspicuous consumption
Large Wall fibula
ca. 670-650 BC
Regolini -Galassi
need for outside goods, the cartouche shows that this was an insignificant pharaoh, but since it was Egyptian the people wanted it
Bocchoris Vase
710-715 BC
the highbacked chair to show elitism
early form of a bust
Chiusi - Canopic Urn
625-600 BC
the position infers an offering, shows the reconnect with the cyclical relationship with ancestors
Tomb of the five chairs
625-600 BC
shows the locality of men and women banqueting together
Sarcophagus of the spouses
ca. 510-500
reflects tension and friction between local and non-local
material: local
style: non-local
Apollo of Veii:
515-490 BC
from Greece, shows how they are also borrowing non-local practices
Auxere Maiden
ca. 650-625 BC
imitation of imported goods
shows appetite for non-local style
Etrusco-Corinthian Vase
ca. 600-580
two handles show sharing and symbol of Dionysus
Bucchero Kantharos
7th c
among the earliest of painted tombs in Etruria
Tomb of the roaring lions
ca. 700-690
sections and different colors shows how art is evolving and improving
Tomb of the Ducks
ca. 680-660
shows judgment of Paris scene
putting together their local funeral practices with non-local stories
Boccanera plaques
Achilles and Trolius
shows deep and broad understanding of Greek culture
Tomb of the Bulls
lots of domestic items
could also be a banquet hall
shows us into the lives of the deceased
and shows wealth
Tomb of the reliefs
late 4th c. BC
shows new philosophy on how to depict humans: with movement
Doryphorus Polykleitos
440 BC
Athens, marble
shows movement of knowledge about depicting humans from Greece
a votive showing wealth
Mars of Todi
late 5th early 4th BC
shows sophisticated material knowledge \
fortuna and mater Matuta
Hercules and Athena
shows sophisticated material knowledge
Area Sacra di Saint ‘Ombono - Tutelary divinities and Acroterium
6th c
inscription of Etruscan, shows connections between the places
Ivory tessera hospitalis
S. Ombono
6th c.
largest structure
polyadic cult
Capitoline hill
6th c.