animal with four limbs
three major lineages of living tetrapods
semi-terrestrial, complete metamorphosis, external fertilization,
examples of amphibia
frogs, salamanders, caecilians
causes of rapid decline of amphibia over last 30 years
chytrid fungus, habitat loss, climate change, pollution
amphibian life cycle
paedomorphosis in amphibia
the axolotl reproduces sexually while still in "larval" form
retains larval or juvenile traits into later life stages
synapomorphy of amniotic egg
amniotic egg
egg with protective covering that reduces the rate of drying
examples of amniotes
reptiles (including birds) and egg-laying mammals
Three inner membranes of amniotic egg surround
the embryo, the yolk provided by the mother, and the waste from the embryo
membrane that surrounds the embryo
yolk sac
membrane that surrounds yolk provided by mother
membrane that surrounds embryonic waste
egg white, cushions developing embryo and provides nutrients
membranes provide ____ and increase ____
mechanical support and surface area for gas exchange
three major lineages of mammals alive today
egg-laying monotremes
pouch-bearing marsupials
placental (eutherians)
produce placenta within uterus or oviduct during pregnancy
characteristics of mammals
hair/fur maid of keratin, mammary glands, endotherm (warm blooded), 4-chambered heart
egg-laying mammals, have hair, produce milk, lack nipples
examples of monotremes
platypus and echidnas
live young born early that develop in marsupium, nipples provide milk, placenta provides nutrients in utero
examples of marsupials
opossums, kangaroos, koalas
placental mammals
eutherians, complete embyronic development attached to placenta
organ combining maternal and embryonic tissues
development of young inside
evolutionary advantages of viviparity and placenta
offspring develop at more constant temperature
Offspring are protected
Offspring are portable (mother is not tied to nest)
Evolutionary disadvantages of viviparity and placenta
placenta is energetically expensive to produce and bearing live young is energetically costly
reptile skin
waterproof, keratinized
Four major lineages of reptiles
lizards and snakes
crocodiles and alligators
reptilian adaptations for life on land
skin is watertight by a layer of scales made of keratin
breathe air through well-developed lungs
lay shelled, amniotic eggs
most are ectotherms (cold-blooded)
Wings and flight developed independently in these three lineages
Vertebrate flights is a _____ trait
similarities between crocodiles, birds, and dinosaurs
four-chambered heart (possibly: brood care and vocalization)
Aves (birds)
endothermy, feathers, bill (keratin), flight, gizzard (instead of teeth)
characteristics unique to aves (not seen in dinosaurs)
acute vision
large brains
ultra-light bones
forelimbs modified as wings
no teeth (minus some birds)
characteristics shared between aves and some/all dinosaurs
bill made of keratin
defining characteristics of primates
hands and feet efficient at grasping
opposable thumbs
flattened nails instead of claws
relatively large brains
color vision
complex social behavior
extensive parental care of offspring
forward-facing eyes
(great apes) large bodied with long arms, short legs, and no tail, distinct ways of walking (fist-walk or knuckle-walk)
synapomorphy defining hominins
large brain capable of complex tasks, upright, bipedal, reduced jawbones and jaw muscles, relatively short digestive tract
human/chimp genome comaprison
99% identical, differ in expression of 19 regulatory genes
all the individuals of one species in a given area at a given time
all the species in a given area at a given time
all the biotic (multiple communities) and abiotic factors and their interactions in a given area at a given time (includes energy flow and nutrient cycling)
the thin zone of life surrounding earth
energy and nutrient flows link
abiotic and biotic components of an ecosystem
environmental compartments
soil and rock
major human impacts on ecology
primary production
synthesis of organic compounds from atmospheric or aqueous carbon dioxide
amount of light energy converted to energy in bonds of organic molecules
percent of sunlight captured by plants
percentage of gross primary production used for production of biomass versus respiration/lost
45% new biomass, 55% respiration or lost as heat
Why are autotrophs inefficient at capturing solar energy?
only certain wavelengths can be captured
photosynthetic rates are lowered in certain biomes due to temperature, water availability
secondary production
energy use in herbivores
How do we measure energy transfer and requirements?
energy flow
energy moves through ecosystems in a one-way fashion (open system)
energy in through _____, out through ____
in through photosynthesis, out through respiration (heat)
matieral/nutrient flow
materials cycle (closed system)
trophic efficiency
5-20%, limits number of links on food chain
which are more efficient biomass producers, ectoderms or endoderms?
ectoderms because they can spend less energy on cellular respiration and maintaining body heat
which are more efficient biomass producers, small mammals or large mammals?
large mammals because they have a smaller surface-area-to-volume ration and lose less heat, spend less energy on metabolism
energy flow pyramids always
have largest level at base and smallest at point
biomass/trophic level pyramids between grassland, forest, and ocean
grassland and forest show typical pyramid system (largest level is primary producer and smallest is secondary consumer), ocean has large primary consumer rather than producers
Why is the primary consumer level larger than primary producer level in ocean biomass/trophic level chart?
Quick turnover of primary producers due to zooplankton grazing
net primary production
(gross primary production) - (respiration by autotrophs)
net primary production is expressed as
energy or biomass added / year
net primary production is very high in
tropical rainforests and coral reefs
terrestrials net primary production is limited by
temperature, water, sunlight, nutrients
which marine environments have highest NPP?
shallow waters along coastlines (receives the most nutrients from rivers and upwelling currents)
Net Ecosystem Production (NEP)
(gross primary production) - (total respiration by community)
Systems that store carbon usually produce
Limiting factors of primary production in ocean
nutrients, mainly nitrogen phosphorus, or iron
rich in nutrients, organisms, and organic material
nutrient sink
where nutrients are stored
higher temperatures typically lead to ______ decomposition rates
effect of deforestation on nutrient cycling
huge nitrogen loss, loss of calcium and potassium, fewer plants leads to more nutrient loss
examples of biogeochemical cycles
carbon, nitrogen, water, phosphorus and other minerals
biogeochemical cycles
a general model for cycling of materials in global ecological systems
four major nutrient reserves
biotic available, biotic unavailable, abiotic available, abiotic unavailable
the form of chemical that can be absorbed and metabolized by an organism
bioavailability varies by...
chemical and organism
what factors control the rate of nutrient cycling?
decomposition of detritus
decomposition rate is determined by...
abiotic conditions (oxygen availability, temperature, precipitation)
quality of detritus as a nutrient source for fungi, bacteria, and archaea
abundance and diversity of detritivores present
boreal forests
upper soil layer consists of partially decomposed detritus and organic matter (cold, wet conditions limit decomposer metabolic rates and organic matter builds up)
tropical wet forests
organic layer of soil is absent (moisture and heat allows decomposition to keep pace with detrital inputs)
Nutrients cycle _____ through boreal forests and _____ through wet tropical forests
slowly and quickly
inorganic unavailable forms of nitrogen cycle
N2, NO2i
inorganic available forms of nitrogen cycle
NH4, NO3
organic unavailable forms of nitrogen cycle
organic available forms of nitrogen cycle
amino acids, nucleic acids
forms of nitrogen available to plants
NH4, NO3
forms of nitrogen available to animals
organic forms only
abiotic reservoir of nitrogen cycle
atmosphere (N2)
key processes of nitrogen cycle
nitrogen fixation by bacteria, uptake by plants
human contribution to nitrogen cycle
reservoirs of carbon cycle
sediments, oceans, biomass, atmosphere, sedimentary rock
the carbon cycle forms
all organic molecules
human contribution to carbon cycle
respiration, burning of fossil fuels
reservoirs of phosphorus cycle
marine sedimentary rock, soil oceans