d330 oracle db metadata
Who owns the data dictionary and dynamic performance views in Oracle?
The SYS user, and they are stored in the SYSTEM tablespace.
What are the prefixes for data dictionary views?
DBA_, ALL_, and USER_.
What does the DBA_OBJECTS view show?
Information on all the objects in the database.
What does the ALL_OBJECTS view show?
Objects that a particular database user owns or can access.
What does the USER_OBJECTS view show?
Only the objects owned by the user.
What does the DBA_TABLES view show?
Names and physical storage information about all the tables in the database.
What does the DBA_USERS view show?
Information about all the users in the database.
What does the DBA_VIEWS view show?
Information about all the views in the database.
What does the DBA_TAB_COLUMNS view show?
Names and datatypes of all the table columns in the database.
What does the DBA_TABLESPACES view show?
Information on tablespaces in the database.
What does the DBA_DATA_FILES view show?
Information on the data files belonging to the database.
What are dynamic performance tables in Oracle?
Virtual tables that record current database activity and status.
What prefix do dynamic performance tables have?
What prefix do dynamic performance views have?
What prefix do public synonyms for dynamic performance views have?
What does the V$DATABASE view show?
Information about the database, such as its name and creation date.
What does the V$VERSION view show?
The software version the database is using.
What does the V$OPTION view show?
Which optional components are installed in the database.
What does the V$SQL view show?
Information about SQL statements issued by database users.
Where are the scripts to create the data dictionary and dynamic performance views stored?
In the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory.
What script creates the base dictionary objects?
What does the catproc.sql script do?
Creates the PL/SQL package.
Which SYS-owned table can you delete records from?
AUD$, which is used to store database audit information.