All of the amendments of the Constitution and the outline. Basic straight to the point definitions.
Preamble, Article I, Article II, Article III, Article IV, Article V, Article VI, Article VII
Bill of rights contain which amendments?
Amendments 1-10
1st Amendment
Freedom of speech, Freedom of religion (establishment clause and free exercise clause), freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and right to petition the government
2nd amendment
The right to bear arms
3rd Amendment
Soldiers will not be quartered in someone’s home without their consent
4th Amendment
Protection from unreasonable search and seizures; warrant required for search or probable cause is required
5th amendment
Person can only be tried for a crime when indicated by a grand jury; double Jeopardy (a person can not be tried for the same crime twice); Person does not have to testify against themselves (the right to remain silent); Cannot be deprives of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.
6th Amendment
Right to a speedy trial by an impartial jury of the state and district in which the crime was committed; defendant must be informed of the charges against them; defendants have the right to question their accuser and the witnesses against them; defendant has the right to call their own witnesses; right to a counsel (aka right to an attorney)
7th Amendment
Right to a trial by jury in civil cases
8th amendment
Protection against excessive bail and fines; protection from cruel and unusual punishments
9th amendment
Unenumerated rights- just because some rights are not listed here does not mean someone doesn’t have them.
10th amendment
Powers not given to the national government by the Constitution are reserved to the states (reserved powers)
11th amendment
Limits ability of citizens to sue states in federal courts
12th amendment
Revised Electoral College; Runner-up in Presidential Election no longer VP
13th amendment
Abolished slavery
14th Amendment
Anyone born in the US is a citizen which was intended to make ex-slaves citizens (overturned the Dred Scott Case); No STATE can deprive someone of life, liberty, or property without DUE PROCESS OF LAW; no STATE can deny anyone the EQUAL PROTECTION of the laws; insurrectionist ban- a person cannot run for office if they have engaged in rebellion or insurrection against the United Stages; Repeals the 3/5th compromise
15th Amendment
Black Sufferage
16th Amendment
Authorizes Federal Income Tax
17th Amendment
Popular election of senators
18th Amendment
Prohibition of liquor
19th amendment
Women’s sufferage
20th amendment
“Lame Duck” Amendment; term for president ends at noon on January 20th of the appropriate year; terms for Senators and representatives ends on January 3rd of the appropriate year
21st Amendment
Repealed Prohibition
22nd amendment
Two-term limit for president
23rd amendment
Right to vote in D.C.
24th amendment
Prohibits poll taxes
25th amendment
presidential succession; VP vacancy- President shall nominate a new VP, both houses of Congress must approve; Procedure for Presidential disability
26th amendment
Voting age lowered to 18
27th amendment
Congressional pay raises must take place in the session after they were passed