2 Chambers
the two chambers of congress
House of Representatives and Senate
total amount of congress members
# of Senators
100 (2 per state)
# of representatives in the house
session of congress
period of time during which, each year, Congress assembles and conducts business
__ sessions of congress per term
__ session per year
suspends until the next session
a time when both houses of Congress temporarily suspend business
sine die
finally ending a session
to discontinue a session
special session
a meeting to deal with some emergency situation (Only the President may call Congress into a "special session")
___ is the start of each 2 year termof congress
Jan 3 (noon every odd numbered year)
off-year election
congressional election that occurs between presidential election years
single-member district
An electoral district in which voters choose one representative or official.
at large
elected from the state as a whole, rather than from a particular district
pack as many voters from the opposing party into a single district as possible
happens when the party in power splitsup the voters who support the opposing party. Resultsin the minority party winning fewer seats
happens when the party in powere draws the district lines to move a minority party incumbent into a different district where he or she is less likely to win reelection
drawn to the advantage of the political party that controls the State's legislature
formal qualifications to be a house member
at least 25 yrs old
citizen in the US for at least 7 yrs
inhabitant of the state from which he or she is elected
the current officeholder
average amount of $ spent on congressional campaigns in 2010
1.4 million
Term for House of Representatives
2 years
Term for Senate
6 years
Upper House of Congress
Lower House of Congress
House of Representatives
Only _________of senators´ terms expire every two years
continuous body
all of the seats are never up for election at the same time
the people and interests the senators represent
Qualifications for Senate
minimum age 30, U.S.
citizen for 9 years,
resident of the state represented
5 major roles of congress
Representatives of their constituents
-Committee members
-Servants of their constituents
vote based on what the people they represent want
lawmakers who vote based on their conscience and judgment, not the views of their constituents
vote along party lines
Attempt to combine the basic elements of the trustee, delegate, and partisan roles
a proposed law
floor consideration
the consideration of and action on a bill by the full membership of the House or Senate
most congressmen are paid
$174000 per year
franking privilege
Benefit allowing members of Congress to mail letters and other materials postage-free
___ people work for the legislative branch
congress appropriates about ___ to fund its many sided operations
$5 billion
Speaker of the House
the leader of the majority party who serves as the presiding officer of the House of Representatives
President of the Senate
Vice President. presiding officer, only votes to break a tie (tbh they don´t do much)
President Pro Tempore
serves in the VP´s absence, always a leading member of the majority, usually the longest serving member, follows the Speaker of the house in presidential sucession (they also dont do much tbh)
why is congress a political body?
it is the nation´s centeral policy making body
it is partisan (congress parties more than i do )
party caucus
a closed meeting of the members of each party in each house
floor leaders
the chief officers of the majority and minority parties in each house
majority floor leader
the floor leader of the party that holds the majority of seats in each house of Congress
minority floor leader
Floor leader of the party that holds the minority of seats in each house of Congress
assists the floor leaders
committee chairman
member who heads a standing committe in each chamber
seniority rule
A legislative practice that assigns the chair of the committee or subcommittee to the member of the majority party with the longest continuous service on the committee.
standing committtee
A permanent committee in Congress, with a defined legislative jurisdiction.
divisions of standing committees that do most of the committee's work
___ is the ¨traffic cop¨
house rules committee
select committee
Congressional committees appointed for a limited time and purpose.
joint committe
A committee composed of members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate; such committees oversee the Library of Congress and conduct investigations.
conference committee
special joint committee created to reconcile differences in bills passed by the House and Senate
joint __resolution__s
When passed have the force of law
concurrent resolutions
measures in which both houses of Congress address matters that affect the operations of both chambers. dont require POTUS approval
deal with matters concerning either house alone and are taken up only by that house. not sent to POTUS for approval
A provision attached to a bill - to which it may or may not be related - in order to secure its passage or defeat.
a bill stuck in a House or Senate committee
discharge petition
Petition that, if signed by majority of the House of Representatives' members, will pry a bill from committee and bring it to the floor for consideration.
The minimum number of members who must be present to permit a legislative body to take official action
printed in its final form
___ measures introduced
__ measures reported by committtee
___ measures passed
1, 315
___ measures made into publc laws
talk a bill to death
A procedure for terminating debate, especially filibusters, in the Senate. need 3/5 vote
Chief executive's power to reject a bill passed by a legislature
__ vote needed to override a veto
pocket veto
congress ajorns its session within 10 days of submiting a bill to the POTUS and the POTUS doesnt act, bill dies
__ independents in the house
Current Speaker of the House
Kevin McCarthy
current majority in the senate
current majority in the House
current minority in the senate
current minority in the house
___ and ___ committees are permanent
standing, joint
__ and __ committees are temporary
select, conference
___ and ___ committes have members from both houses
joint, conference
___ and ___ committees have members from one house
select, standing
the 5 kinds of govs
Fed excusive powers
DC WATTS of Fed Property and Interstate Commerce Power
District of Colombia
Currency and Coins
Taxes for the general welfare
Spending for the general welfare
State and Local exclusive powers
police powers
police powers
public welfare
public safety
public health
public morals
implied powers are implied in the
delegated/expressed powers
implied powers are from the
necessary and proper clause
state govs are __ under the Fed
concurrent powers
tax and spend INTRAstate
tax and spend INTERstate
state and fed courts
2 senators of Nj
Cory Booker
Bob Menendez