Who is the Supreme Leader
Head of State, Ali Khamenei (since June 4, 1989)
What is Supreme Leader responsible for
Expected to act as a trustee of the community (supervising politics and ensuring laws conform to Islam)
Chief interpreter of Sharia Law
Sets the political agenda
Commander in Chief
Declaration of war
Issues decrees of national referenda
Appoints head of National TV and Radio Stations
Appoints head of the Judiciary
Appoints Friday prayer leaders (Video)
Muslim men required to attend communal Friday Prayers
Appts 6 of 12 members of the Guardian Council
Supreme Leader is chosen by the Assembly of Experts, Appointed for life
Has the authority to dismiss the President, Vice Presidents, and Cabinet Ministers at any time, regardless of Parliament's decisions.
Approves candidates for presidential elections
The Assembly of Religious Experts
88 clerics, all men and Islamic scholars.
Assembly of Religious Experts responsible for?
Originally formed to draft the 1979 constitution
Sole function is to select a new Supreme Leader in the event of a death, etc.
If leader is not found, the Assembly can appoint a governing council
Elected for 8 year terms by people of Iran, through SMDs, candidate with largest number of votes wins, no runoffs (candidates for the Assembly are vetted by the Guardian Council)
Assembly can remove the Supreme Leader if he fails to discharge his constitutional duties.
The Guardian Council
Made up of 12 individuals who serve six year phased terms
6 lawyers nominated by the Chief Justice and approved by the Majlis and
6 clerics, specializing in religious law, are appointed by the Supreme Leader
The Guardian Council powers;
Legislative Powers:
Review all legislation to ensure compatibility with the criteria of Islam and the constitution (advisors).
Can send legislation back to the Majlis if legislation is incompatible
Expediency Council mediates if Majlis can’t revise the legislation to the Council’s expectations.
Election Powers:
This body can reject any candidate for office (Majlis, Assembly of Experts, and the Presidency)
The Expediency Council
32 members, appointed by the Supreme Leader for 5 year terms
Includes the President, Chief Judge, Speaker of the Majles, and jurist from the Guardian Council
The Expediency Council is responsible for?
Originally developed to resolve difference b/t the Majilis and the Guardian Council
Final decisions by the Council, review of legislation, cannot be overturned. Council can also develop legislation.
Serves as an Advisor to the Supreme Leader
Supervises all branches of government
*The Guardian Council and The Expediency Council have substantial power to restrict the work of the Majlis.
Who is the President as of (July 28, 2024)
Masoud Pezeshkian
Role of the President includes;
Role of Guardian Council in approving candidate
Directly elected by the people of Iran and can serve only two 4 year terms, 2 round runoff held between 2 candidates with the most votes, unless one receives outright majority in 1st round. 8 year consecutive term limit.
Current President faced a runoff
Note 2009 election of Ebrahim Raisi, push back from Iranians about voter fraud.
Majority of Presidents have been religious figures, current is former politician and physician
Responsible for:
Drafting the state budget
Bureaucracy and civil service
Initiating legislation, signs treaties (in charge of foreign policy), laws, and agreements
Chairs the National Security Council
Can’t veto legislation, can’t dissolve the legislature or call for elections
In charge of executing laws, making sure they’re carried out
Selects VPs and Cabinet Members
Appoints provincial governors, town mayors, and ambassadors
Appoints the Cabinet, with Parliament’s approval
Who is 1st Vice President?
Mohammad Reza Aref
Role of VP
Vice Presidents (14 total), appointed by the President to lead an organization related to Presidential affairs.
Appointed by the President to lead organizations related to Presidential Affairs (i.e. VP can be Head of the Atomic Energy Organization (a federal department))
1st Vice President:
Would become President if President is incapacitated and only if Supreme Leader approves
Serve on the President’s Cabinet, leads Cabinet in President’s absence
The Cabinet role:
Composed of: government officials “ministers” (i.e. Minister of Agriculture), who are chosen by the President, with Parliament’s approval. Cabinet also includes the “Vice Presidents” (~44 Cabinet Members)
Most important Ministries include:
Culture and Islamic Guidance (controls media and enforces “proper conduct” in public life)
Heavy Industries (manages nationalized factories)
Reconstruction (expands social services and take “true Islam” to countryside)
President can dismiss cabinet ministers with Parliament’s approval
President chairs the meetings
Supreme Leader can dismiss Cabinet members
The Legislative Branch:
The one institution that stayed since the Shah - the legislature - the Majlis
Also known as the Islamic Consultative Assembly
Iranian Parliament
A Unicameral Parliament
Members elected directly by the Iranians - anyone over 18 can vote.
290 members, SMDs and MMDs, 2 rounds of votings (candidates must receive 25% of the vote to continue to the second round of top 2 candidates). Guardian Council approves candidates.
4 year terms, must be 30 years old, 75 years old max (5 guaranteed seats for recognized religious minorities: Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians), and must have the equivalent of a university degree.
Elections on a non-partisan basis
(ballots do not have party identification or philosophy)
Women serve in the Majlis, no longer dominated by clerics - members associated with the paramilitary Revolutionary Guard have increased
Limited amount of authority
Initiating and passing legislation
Overseeing the budget
Approving members of the President’s Cabinet (Cabinet members can be removed through votes of no confidence by the Majlis, although Majlis can’t hold a no confidence vote on the President or Supreme Leader)
Approve provincial leaders, after approved by Guardian Council
How does the legislature relate to divine law?
The Iranian Constitution addresses the supremacy of God’s law
Belief that man-made laws are likely to deviate from God’s will
Thus, the Majlis should legislate in accordance with divine law
The Judicial Branch
Legal system is derived from religious law, or Sharia
Qanun - is a law passed by the Majles - may not contradict Sharia Law
Only clerics (men) may serve as judges (appointed by the President)
Often have contradicting opinions across courts b/c of varying interpretations of law by the judges
Thus, many feel courts are the most dysfunctional institutions in Iran
Supreme Court
Highest Court of Appeal
Staffed by high ranking clerics, familiar with religious law (42 total)
Chief Justice
Appointed by the Supreme Leader
Highest judge on the Supreme Court
Manages judicial institutions
Oversee appointment (nominates) and removal of judges
Revolutionary Courts
(civil and criminal courts)
Address cases involving national security (address protests, sentenced on grounds of moharebeh - rebelling against God)
Iran falls after China for executing the 2nd highest number of individuals in the world
Revolutionary Guard (Pasdaran)
Emerged after 1979 Revolution
Referred to after the revolution as the “Corps of the Faithful”, to defend the new regime and destroy rival groups (i.e. Marxists)
Defends the regime and is separate from the formal armed forces
Influential throughout Iran
During Iran-Iraq war (1980-88), the Guard expanded it size and began to fight on the front line
Able to do so through the Basij (Large young people’s volunteer militia - was a civil defense force after the revolution)
Basij no longer a military force but a…
public morality force (preventing public displays of affection, seizing illegal satellite dishes, breaking up protesters, etc.)
Present in recent protests and receives orders from Revolutionary Guard and Supreme Leader
Charged with conducting covert lethal activities outside of Iran
Role in Iraq Nuclear Program
Members have substantial economic access and benefits like higher education
Involved in national economy
involved in areas of construction, banking, and telecom
Role in Politics
Leadership is factionalized - contending for economic and political power and support by the Supreme Leader. Thus it’s an obstacle for domestic reform and towards international relations. ⅓ of its members are elected to the Majlis.
Local Government
Local Councils established with reforms in 1997 (unsuccessful as call for development with past revolutions)
31 ostans or provinces
President appoints provincial governors and town mayors
Local Officers (counties, districts, townships - each with a council)
More than 100,000 officers directly elected across the provinces
Candidates must be approved by the Majlis (but review is first done by the Guardian Council)