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Pteronotus parnellii
doppler shift compensation, oral emitter, constant frequency echolocation, loss of function of short wave gene
Rhinolophus sp
nasal emitter, constant frequency echolocation
Rousettus sp
click echolocation (produces click in pairs)
Phyllostomus hastatus
females aggregate around important resources, males compete for females, polygynous (one male, multi female)
Tadarida brasiliensis
multi male and multi female colonies, males establish themselves at preferred roosting sites where males mat be dominant or territorial, colony structure can change from season to season, females and pups live in sexually segregated maternity colonies, mating is promiscuous
Centurio senex
multi male and multi female colonies, form leks (sexually displaying territorial males, where female mate choice causes intense competition among males)
Carioderma cor
single male single female groups, sit and wait predators that have habitual roosting sites where foraging areas remain stable for several months
Vampyrum spectrum
only bat known to form long term pair bonds and live in extended family groups, carnivorous and largest bat in neotropics
Pteropus poliocephalus
consumes fruits, flowers, and pollen, mate between march - may, conception in april, give birth to one young each year between sept and nov
typically have twins
Perimyotis subflavus
insectivorous, mates in the fall, females store sperm overwinter, ovulate in spring, give birth in june or july to two babies
Taphozous mauritianus
central and southern africa and madagascar, insectivorous, usually have one pup at a time, produce two pups per year
Artibeus jamaicensis
frugivorous phyllostomid, reproduction varies
Carollia perspecillate
simple uterus, cycle around one month, true menstruation, and one baby after four month gestation, most adult females carry two pregnancies, diapause species of bat known for its unique reproductive traits and fruit-eating habits.
Rousettus lechenaulti
menstrual cycle lasts 33 days, vaginal bleeding restricted to a single day
glossophaga soricina
nectar feeding bat, use recently ingested sugars to provide approximately 78% of fuel required for oxidative metabolism
Noctilio albiventris
insect feeding bat, used carbon to assess the origin of metabolized substrates of resting and flying
R. aegytiacus
fruit feeding bat, can absorb 95% of all sugars within first 45 min after a fruit meal
Eptesicus fuscus
used DNA methylation (DNAm) as an epigenetic biomarker of aging to determine the effect of hibernation