A belief in the value pf established and traditional practices in politics and society (less government control, old way of esrly US)
Belief that freedom of the individual is Paramount and government's role should be limited to protecting that freedom
ownership and control of the means of production/distribution (capital, land, etc.) by a community as a whole usually through a centralized government (high taxes, high spending)
all economic/social activity controlled by government by a totalitarian state dominated by a single, self
led by a dictator having complete power forcibly suppressing opposition/criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc. and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism
commonly associated with chaos /violence
based on independence/free will
belief that people can coexist without control
Example of Anarchy
CHAZ in Seattle Washington after George Floyd
Direct Democracy
every citizen has equal voice/vote people are ultimate power (everyone votes)
Example of Direct Democracy
Ancient Athens
Indirect Democracy
citizens elect representatives who make laws all citizens follow. Representatives have more power than ppl while in office
Example of Indirect Democracy
dictators usually resort to force (the military) or fraud to gain political power which they maintain through intimidation. Terror and suppression of basic liberties
Examples of Dictatorship
Kim Jong Un (NK)
Nicolas Madura (President of Venezuela)
a power structure made up of a few elite individuals, families, or corporations that are allowed to control a country/organization
Example of Oligarchy
Xi Jinping (China)
Absolute Monarchy
monarch has ultimate say in all matters of government
Examples of Absolute Monarchy
Saudi Arabia, Oman
Constitutional Monarchy
Head of state but is limited by a constitution. Elected officials make decisions on behalf of people
Examples of constitutional Monarchy
U.K., Kingdom of Jordan
ruler is simultaneously head of government and state religion
Examples of Theocracy
Taliban in Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia (with monarchy), and several African Countries
Political Geography
the study of the ways in which the world is organized as a reflection of the power that different groups hold over territory
Examples of different interpretations of world maps
Political Maps
an area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government that has control over its internal and foreign affairs
What regions test the definition of a state?
Kashmir (India/Pakistan/China) and West Bank (Israel/Palestine)
the right to control and defend its territory and determine what happens within its borders
Defining borders
sovereign states with small populations and land area
a cultural entity made up of individuals who have forged a common identity through a shared language, religion, ethnicity, or heritage
share a common vision of the future and having a feeling of togetherness
Nation Examples
Native Hawaiians and Indigenous peoples
The first sovereign political units were called...
When did the basis for the "modern" state happen?
Medieval Era
How were Empires made?
Powerful actors assembled Empires which arbitrarily accumulated lands through conquest
an ideal, not a reality because there is no nation on Earth that is purely one race/ethnicity (bc of migration)
Estonia, Japan, Iceland, and Iran come close to the definition of a nation
State Nation
this is when people feel a stronger affinity for a neighboring state that is home to others of their ethnic group than to their own state
feel connected to where youŕe from
EX: Russia, proud Texan that moves to michigan