What is a network protocol?
Set of rules that allow computers to communicate and exchange info over a network.
What does HTTP stand for?
Hypertext transfer protocol
What does HTTP do?
HTTP is the protocol used for the world wide web. An exchange begins
with a request for a web page from a client web browser to a web
server.HTTP is the protocol used for the world wide web. An exchange begins
with a request for a web page from a client web browser to a web
What does HTTPS stand for?
Secure Hypertext Transfer protocol
What does HTTPS do?
HTTPS is a secure way of transferring data between a web browser and
a server. During transfer the data are encrypted. Thus even if the data
are intercepted it is very difficult to find out what data are in the
What is HTTPS used for?
HTTPS is most often used for e-commerce and online banking, where
sensitive data such as credit card numbers and passwords are
What does FTP stand for?
File Transfer Protocol
What does FTP do?
Transfer files between two computers.
What is FTP used for?
Download or upload large files between a client and a server.
How do you command FTP to start a session?
How do you command FTP to present working directory?
How do you command FTP to list contents of directory?
How do you command FTP to download a file?
How do you command FTP to download one or more files?
How do you command FTP to upload one or more files?
How do you command FTP to upload a file?
How do you command FTP to change directory?
How do you command FTP to close a session?
What does TCP stand for?
Transport control protocol
What does TCP do?
When files are sent over the internet they are broken up into small
chunks called packets. When they arrive at the destination computer
they are reassembled back into the original format. TCP handles and
controls all this. TCP waits for acknowledgements to verify whether
the packets have reached their destination. TCP will also retransmit
packets of they have not arrived at the destination or become
What does IP stand for?
Internet Protocol
What is IP?
A set of rules that govern the transmission of data across the internet.
What is Ethernet?
It is a collection of related protocols.
What sort of network uses Ethernet?
What does Wi-Fi stand for?
Wireless Fidelity
What does UDP stand for?
User Datagram Protocol
What does UDP do?
UDP is used as an alternative to TCP. It is used in video conferencing
and online gaming when speed is necessary as huge volumes of data
are transferred in real time. It improves speed by doing away with
error checking. UDP does not check for lost packets so they do not get
re-sent. Packets continue to be sent without checking whether or not
previous packets have arrived
What are the three Email Protocols?
What does SMTP stand for?
Simple mail transfer protocol
What does SMTP do?
Sends mail from the user onto the mail server
What does POP3 stand for?
Post office protocol
What does POP3 do?
Retrieves the mail from the mail server to the client (user) when requested and the email is removed from the server. Only allows retrieval of email onto a single computer.
What does IMAP stand for?
Internet message access protocol
What does IMAP do?
Retrieves the mail from the mail server to the client (user), and allows access from anywhere on any device because the email remains on the server.