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Jesus, salvation for the world
Early heresy claimed salvation via special knowledge or wisdom
Reliance on something to be happy
Not just the doing of bad things, but the making of good things into ultimate things
Internal assurance that all is well with my soul regardless of circumstances
Manner of living
The holy spirits ongoing work of transforming believers to be like Jesus and preserving them in one, true faith.
Moral Improvement View
If there is a God, we can relate to Him and go to heaven if we do good
Someone God sent
It is possible to apply generalized, normal values , or concepts to all people and cultures
Colossians 1:13-14
- For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom
of the son he loves , in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins
Colossians 1:22
But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body throgh death to present you
holy in sight, without blemish and free from accusation
Colossians 2:8
See to it that no one takes you captive, by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition... and not according to Christ
Colossians 3:2-3
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
What might God use to bring religious revival in the United States?
A ______ can be judged only on the basis of another ________.
Religion; Religion
_________ in some view of the world and human nature informs everyone's life.
How does Christianity differ from the moral improvement view?
We admit that we are not as good as we should be and need God.
What is the goal of biblical interpretation?
To discover what the text meant to the first readers.
How did some people react even when they saw Jesus after He had risen from the dead?
They doubted
3 sweet truths about your identity in Christ
Made righteous; Gods Children; Redeemed/Forgiven
3 principle beliefs to have joy according to Kellers video on Romans 8:28-30
Bad things turn out for good; Good things can't be lost;
Best is yet to come.
Whatever we base our _______ and value on we essentially _______.
Identity; deify
If we lose an idol due to another's failing, we will be _______ toward them.
If we lose an idol due to our failing, we will ________ ourselves.
The only solution to having an idol is not to simply change behavior but have God change what?
Our heart
What 3 deep needs of ours are met fully only in Jesus?
Satisfaction; Security; Significance
Jesus is the only Lord who will do what 2 things for us?
Fulfill you completely; Forgive you eternally
What is our usual fleshly response when's e realize we are not the people we should be?
We try harder to be good people.
What are 3 questions that a religion answers? List the Christian answers for each.
What is life all about?-Jesus
Who are we?-Sons of God
What should we spend our time doing?-Love God, Love others
According to Keller, why did Jesus do miracles?
To restore Shalom
6 things that really hurt us according to Kellers video on Romans 8:28-30.
Selfishness; Foolishness; Pride; Hard Heart; Deny Flaws; Believe you don't need God
What is the primary way to define "sin" according to Keller?
The despairing refusal to find your deepest identity in your relationship and service to God
________ apart from God is inherently _______.
Life; unstable
If anything threatens your ______, you will be paralyzed with ________.
Identity; fear
What is Gods foremost calling for our life?
A passionate and deepening love affair with His son.
What was the most frequent command God gave the OT children in Israel? Give the 2 aspects of this command that also apply to us NT believers.
Remember God has saved us and He is returning to restore us to Shalom.
Why is our Christian life not a self-improvement project according to Kellers video on Romans 8:28-30
It's Gods project to make us more like Jesus
What are 2 good things that can't be lost for believers according to Romans 8:28-30
Bring a son of God; Being changed to be like Jesus
Set your minds on things that are ______, not things that are on _______.
Above; Earth
6 qualities believers should "put on" daily
Compassion; kindness; patience; love; humility; meekness