Copy of Stealing Fire Test 2 - French Rev_Enlightenment_Frankenstien

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Ptolemy (Scientific Revolution)

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Ptolemy (Scientific Revolution)

suggested geocentric system (the earth is center of the universe)

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Copernicus (Scientific Revolution)

  • argued for a heliocentric universe

  • Challenged view of Roman Catholic Church (dominant entity of Europe)

  • Revolutionary shift in the way people thought

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Newton (Scientific Revolution)

states laws of gravitation

Restructures thinking - universal law governing universe

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Popularized by Kant - immaturity is when men don't think for themselves

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  • French Enlightenment thinkers

  • ommon sense to institutions/practices

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Ancients vs. modern

  • Ancient - height of thinking reached during classical Greece/Rome

  • Moderns - classical will be peaked

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Religious (questions asked)

do humans have souls? What does a higher power look like? Is there even a higher power?

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Governmental (questions asked in elightenment)

  • Voltaire - best gov't is benevolent despot

  • Rousseau's social contract - general will is always right, but people have right to choose

  • Locke - right of revolution (unlike Rousseau

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Economic (questions asked during the enlightement)

Mercantilism - importing raw and selling processed

Adam Smith raises capitalism (laissez-faire)

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Immanuel Kant

  • freedom is thinking for yourself

  • humans struggle by depending on other’s thoughts and opinions

  • enlightemnetn is man’s emergence from his self-imposed nonage

  • nonage : inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance

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  • Religion supports fanaticism/crime

  • Philosophical spirit is only cure

  • "Once fanaticism has corrupted a mind, the malady is almost incurable"

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Thomas Paine

  • Nat'l churches monopolize+enslave

  • "Prostitution of mind" - declaring belief which you don't have

  • Revelation is first-hand (Israelities weren't obliged to believe Moses)

  • "My mind is my own church"

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  • checks to power necessary for political liberty (3 branches)

  • "It is requisitive that government be so constituted as one man need not be afraid of another"

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  • capital punishment isn't conducive for society

  • Stresses importance of argument/reason

  • "These problems deserve to be analyzed with that geometric precision…"

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Jean Jacques Rousseau

  • to educate children, you need to show them why things matter

  • Getting lost in the forest

  • Resort to words as little as possible

  • "I do not like verbal explanations"

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  • Rousseau

  • importance of strong passions and freedom before thought

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Separate Spheres for Men/Women

  • Rousseau

  • female is always connected to her sexuality while men aren't

  • Education of women must relate to men

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Wollstonecraft - Criticizing Rousseau

Sexism is due to "blind obedience" ○ Daughters must be taught to use reason

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"Poetry and Truth"

  • Goethe

  • systemization of nature is unnatural/backward

  • "Old churches have dark windows: to know how cherries and berries taste, ask children and sparrows" ○ Criticism of narrow-minded French culture

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Causes of The Revolution:

  1. Inequitable class system

  2. indecisive & incompetent monarchy

  3. Inefficient administration

  4. No representative system

  5. Inequittable Tax System

  6. Growing middle-class

  7. Finicial Crisis

  8. Series of Bad Harvest

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Inequitable class system (causes of French Revolution)

  • 3 Estates: clergy, aristocrats, everyone else (95%)

  • 1st sons become aristocrats, 2nd joins clergy

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Indecisive & Incompotent Monarchy (causes of French Revolution)

  • Louis XIV - 4 major wars

  • Louis XV - in court or hunting ("after me, the deluge (flood)")

  • Louis XVI indecisive

    • People distrustful of Marie Antoinette's opulence ("Austrian whore")

    • "Lettres de cachet" - king can arrest anyone

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No Representative System (caues for French Revolution)

  • Estates-General hadn't been called for 175 years

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Inequitable Tax System (causes for French Revolution)

  • only 3rd Estate pays taxes

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Growing Middle-Class (causes for French Revolution)

  • Discourse around gov't (social contract - ideas of Enlightenment)

  • Upper 3rd Estate prioritizes education, grows in mass/development (upset about taxes)

    • Start buying noble titles ("nobles of the robe")

    • Angered poor nobles ("nobles of the sword")

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Finicial Crisis (causes for French Revolution)

  • 4 wars, backing of American Revolution

  • Canal investment burst with no safety

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  • Protest movement against rigid limitations of Neo-Classicism

    • French attitude - simplicity, boundaries, ideas from Greek classical

    • Napoleon's imposition of French cultures/ideas during invasions

  • Protest against mechanical view of Scientific Revolution

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Beliefs of Romanticism:

  • math/models demeans human imagination

  • rejected idea that humans are basically rational

  • Religion is basic to human nature and means to knowledge

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Wordsworth & Coleridge

  • super Romantic

  • glorifications of nature in Lyrical Ballads

  • "We murder to dissect"

  • "Let nature be your teacher"

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Goethe (Romanticism)

Sorrows of the Young Werther

  • Werther falls in love to an engaged Lotte, committs suicide


  • Dr. Faustus sells soul to devil to experience everything sensual

  • Romantic hope to experience everything

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Paradise Lost - John Milton

  • Fall of Adam/Eve, fall of Lucifer after arguing with God, war between God's and Lucifer's angels

  • Lucifer gives up, instead decides to corrupt his creation

  • Lucifer/Satan Quotes:

    • “Better to reign in Hell, to serve in Heaven.”

    • “All is not lost, the unconquerable will, and the study of revenge, immortal hate, and the courage never to submit or yield”

    • “Knowledge forbidden? Suspicious, reasonless. Why should their lord envy them that? Can it be a sin to know? Can it be death?”

    • “Horror and doubt distract his troubled thoughts and from the bottom stir the Hell within him, for within him Hell he brings and round about him.”

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Samuel Coleridge

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

  • Mariner kills albatross, dooming ship, ship carrying death arrives, everyone but Mariner dies (disrespect to nature) ○

Excerpts :

  • "A spring of love gushed from my heart / And I blessed them unaware… / The self-sane moment I could pray; / And from my neck so free / The Albatross fell off, and sank / Like lead in the sea"

  • "He prayeth best, who loveth best / All things both great and small / For the dear God who loveth us / He made and loveth all

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William Godwin

Inquiry into Political Justice (1793)

  • If people act rationally, they can live without laws/institutions

    • Human morality grows day-by-day until gov't isn't useful

  • Puts blame on individual, not on system

  • "To a rational being, there is but one rule of conduct, justice, one mode of ascertaining that Rule, the exercise of his understanding"

    • Justine - framed and caught by priest tricking her into confession

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Mary Wollstonecraft

  • Died 8 days after giving birth to Mary

    • Before she dies, Wollstonecraft tells Godwin to give Mary full access to education

On the Vindication of the Rights of Women

  • Women's self-worth should come from self-command and knowledge (society should allow for their education education)

  • Women should reassume midwifery (licensed as doctors)

  • Marriage based on friendship

  • Right to vote

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Percy Shelley

  • Withdrew from society by bullying - fostered his imagination

  • Expelled from Oxford for propagating Atheism

    • “The mind cannot believe in the existence of God.”

  • Inspired by William Godwin, met Mary while visiting

    • Secret affair until he got divorced

    • Ex-wife committed suicide, Percy blocked by father from adopting children

Prometheus Unbound

  • Prometheus forgives Zeus and finds salvation

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Mary Shelley

  • Sent to Scotland by William to get away from stepmother

    • Homeschooled


  • Heard Coleridge recite Rime of the Ancient Mariner

  • Listening to Humphfrey Davy (electricity)

  • While on summer vacation w/ stepsister, Lord Byron, Percy in Geneva, volcanic eruption made them stay inside

    • Made competition of who could write the scariest story

  • Frankenstein published in 1818

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Major Themes in Frankenstien

  • Isolation/ Lack of Friendship

  • Beauty/ Healing Power of Nature

  • Pushing Nature to its boundaries

  • Doppelganger (monster + Frankenstien)

  • Experience shapes us (Locke)

  • Responsiblity of creator to creature

  • Quest for Glory (self-centeredness/hubris)

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Girdonins vs. Jacobins

  • under Girondian leadership, war is declared on Austria

    • Austria unites with Prussia

  • Fear that aristocrats/clergy were undermining Revolution brought down monarchy

  • French shockingly repel Austrian/Prussian advance through "hellish tactic" of passion

  • Tension between Girdonins vs. Jacobins

    • Revolution had gone too far vs. more powerful authority

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  • Regions resisting to Civil Constitution of the French Clergy

  • Angry at mass conscription

  • Those unaffected by economic changes

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the "Terror"

  • Girondins overcome

  • Maximilien Robespierre emerges as leading figure on Committee of Public Safety

    • Insane power and control

    • Extensive use of the guillotine

      • 11,000-18,000 executions ("who will be next?")

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Thermidorian Reaction

  • System of indirect election favors wealthiest citizens

  • Churches reopened

  • Return of high society

  • Directory struggled to toe line between royalists and Jacobins

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The Rights of Man

  • Thomas Paine

  • defined Revolutions as a right

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Reflections on the Revolution in France

  • abstract rationalism of Enlightenment threatening because it undermines the “natural” ruling elite

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Vindications of The Rights of Women

  • Mary Wollstonecraft

  • criticism of Assembly’s limit of education to men only

  • demand women’s right to vote in Britain

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