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problem with encryption
if they don’t encrypt and use safety measures personal data is leaked , if they encrypt - messages sent by dangerous individuals may be protected
types of online crime
obtaining personal info for identity theft or fraud, blackmail, cyber attacks, selling illegal stuff, sharing copyrighted material
data protection act 2018 principles
collect data lawfully and process fairly, only use for reasons specified , data must be relevant and not excessive, data has to be accurate and up to date, data mustn’t be stored for longer than necessary , data must be stored and processed securely
computer misuse act principles
no unauthorised access, no unauthorised modification, no unauthorised access for further illegal activities
copy right, design and patents act
prohibits copying , downloading and distributing copyrighted material
software licence
how a user can use a software
open source license
users can view and modify the source code
open source advantages
cheap, remove unwanted features, customisable
open source disadvantages
prone to errors , security risk - malicious code , need technical skills to maintain the code, difficult to recieve support as development is distributed
proprietary licence
code is restricted, users can’t modify or edit it
propriety advantages
well tested and secure, help and support, company can be held accountable if performance isn’t to standard
propriety disadvantages
users can’t modify code for their benefit, expensive, must rely on company for updates
software that helps to manage the resources of a computer system and provide the interface between the user and computer hardware
5 main tasks of OS
memory management, peripheral management, user management, file management, user interface
device driver
program that provides an interface for the OS to interact and communicate with an external force
user management
add , manage or delete accounts
file management
move, rename and delete files
GUI features
windows, icons, menu, pointer
text based, requires typing commands
Menu driven interface
displays data in a series of menus
utility software
dedicated softwares for the maintenance and organisation of a computer system
utility software types
anti-malware, data compression, encryption
when a file splits into different parts and is stored in different storage parts
collects together empty spaces so similar files can be moved together
GUI advantages
easy to use for beginners, allows multitasking
GUI disadvantages
uses more storage , RAM and processing power than other interfaces
CLI advantages
uses low processing power and little hardware resources
CLI disadvantages
have to learn commands, difficult to use
MDI advantages
low processing power, easy to use
MDI disadvantages
difficult and slow if poorly designed, too many menus can be annoying
harmful program that seeks to damage or gain unauthorised access to your computer
malware that replicates itself and spreads from system to system by attaching itself to infected files
malware that replicates itself and spreads from system by finding software weaknesses
harmful program that pretends to be legitimate
secretly records info on someones computer to pass to the attacker
secretly logs key presses
locks files or holds private files for ransom
SQL injection
when a malicious SQL query is entered Into data input box on a website to gain unauthorised access
fire wall
manages incoming and outgoing network traffic to check if it should be given access to the network
user access levels
only allowing certain users to access and edit files
repeatedly sending requests to overload a server
brute force
computer software tests every combination from start to finish
social engineering
tricking others into revealing their personal data
data interception
data packets on a network are Intercepted by 3rd party
methods of prevention
anti-malware, penetration, firewall, secure passwords, encryption, physical security
scrambling data so attackers can’t understand it. converts plaintext into ciphertext using an encryption key.
physical security examples
biometrics, cctv, alarms, keycards, locks , security staff
more than one computer system connected together for communication and sharing of resources
computers are situated geographically close together, infrastructure is usually owned and managed by network owner
computers are situated geographically distant to each other, infrastructure usually owned by service provider
client server
network model where client sends request and server sends response
advantages of client server
easy to scale, easy to back up data and update software, hardware/software can be shared
disadvantages of client server
need to pay for IT technician, if server fails the whole network is down
p2p network
all computers are equal. a computer can send requests and responses
advantage of p2p
optimal for sharing files, not dependent on server
disadvantage of p2p
backups have to be performed individually on each computer, adding more devices slows the performance
what do data packets do
split large files into small pieces. send them to destination where they are reassembled
data packet order
header, payload, trailer
what does the header have
source and destination address, protocol , packet number
the data
checksum - calculation to check for data errors or corruption in transmission
maximum amount of data that can be sent across a network at once
cloud storage
series of servers on the internet that you can upload files to via the internet
global network of interconnected networks
advantages of star topology
easy to add new systems, security, speed
disadvantages of star topology
dependent on switch , extra hardware - expensive
full mesh advantages
multiple routes for data transfer, can withstand large traffic
full mesh disadvantages
redundant cabling, hard to set up, expensive
provides a link between wireless and wired networks
transfers data packets between networks
connects devices on a LAN. sends data to exact computer using MAC address
hardware required to connect to a network. has a MAC address used to send data across a LAN
3 types of transmission media
ethernet cable , fibre optic, coaxial
DNS server process
type in domain name, query sent to local DNS server for corresponding IP address, finds the IP and sends it to the web browser, browser receives IP and displays website
what happens if the DNS server can’t find the IP
asks a larger DNS server
set of rules that allow devices to communicate
Transmission Control Protocol
allows data packets to be sent and received between computers. splits data into packets and reassembles them at destination
Internet Protocol
routes and addresses packets, gives devices an IP address
Hypertext transfer protocol
transfers web pages over the internet so users can view it on a web browser
encrypted and more secure versions of HTTP
File Transfer Protocol
transfers files across a network
Simple Mail transfer protocol
send email to a mail server and between mail servers
what do POP and IMAP do
recieve and store emails from a mail server
deletes an email from sever once it has been downloaded to a device
syncs the message with a mail server so it can be used on different devices
MAC address
unique hexadecimal number on a NIC. Can’t be changed. Used to identify devices in a LAN
IP address
address given to devices connected to a network. used to route packets in a WAN, can be changed
32 bit address
128 bit address in hex
4 layers
application, transport, network, data link
allows usage of the network - HTTP,HTTPS,SMTP,FTP
transport layer
TCP protocol
network layer
IP protocol
data link
ethernet/wifi sets out format of data packets and handles transmission errors
primary storage
fast memory which the cpu can access directly
what does primary storage consist of
RAM, ROM, cache
volatile storage
temporary storage, when computer turns off data is lost
non-volatile storage
long term storage, doesn’t get lost when computer turns off
randomly access memory - stores programs that are currently running
read only memory - non-volatile memory that stores the OS