Important vocabulary form Period 2.
Legislature of Great Britain, composed of the House of Commons, whose members are elected, and the House of Lords, whose members are either hereditary or appointed.
Pequot War
after a Pequot was accused of killing a colonist a conflict begun between the two groups. 900 Natives were killed and more taken prisoner. The 1638 Treaty of Hartford dissolved the Pequot Nation. Their chief Sassacus was later killed in New York at the hands of other Natives.
King Philip's War (1675-78)
a war in New England resulting from the escalation of tensions between Native Americans and English settlers; the defeat of the Native Americans led to broadened freedoms for the settlers and their dispossessing the region's Native Americans of most of their land.
Middle Passage
the hellish and often deadly middle leg of the transatlantic "triangular trade" in which European ships carried manufactured goods to Africa, then transported enslaved Africans to the Americas and the Caribbean, and finally convoyed American agricultural products back to Europe.
Stono Rebellion
a 1739 slave uprising in South Carolina that was brutally quashed, leading to executions as well as a severe tightening of the slave codes.
a revolution in thought begun in Europe in the seventeenth century that emphasized reason and science over authority and myths of traditional religion.
1st Great Awakening
emotional religious revival movement that swept the thirteen colonies from the 1730s through 1740s.
Navigation Acts
restrictions passed by Parliament to control colonial trade and bolster the mercantile system.