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1- way ANOVA
1 categorical IV (≥2 levels), 1 continuous DV
Does the mean of the DV differ across groups of the IV?
1-way ANOVA
Factorial ANOVA
≥2 categorical IVs, 1 continuous DV
Examines main effects of each IV and their interaction effect on the DV.
Factorial Anova
Main effect
when 1 IV independently influences DV, ignoring other IV
Interaction effect
when the effect of 1 IV depends on level of the other IV
Simple effect
examines effect of 1 IV within a specific level of another IV
Simple Regression
1 continuous IV, 1 continuous DV
Can we predict the DV from the IV?
Simple Regression
Multiple Regression
≥2 continuous IVs, 1 continuous DV
How well do multiple predictors explain variance in the DV?
Multiple regression
Logistic regression
≥1 continuous or categorical IVs, 1 categorical DV (binary or multinomial)
What is the probability of an outcome occurring based on predictor variables?
Logistic regression
MANOVA (multivariate ANOVA)
1+ categorical IVs, ≥2 continuous DVs
Does the IV(s) influence multiple DVs simultaneously?
Factor analysis
Multiple continuous variables - usually looking at some type of measure or instrument
Identifies factors that explain the correlations among items, simplifying the scale into meaningful components
Factor analysis
Exploratory FA
Discover underlying factor structure with no assumptions
Confirmatory FA
test predefined factor structure based on theory
Numerical values that indicate the amount of variance explained by each factor in a factor analysis, with values greater than 1 suggesting that the factor accounts for a significant amount of variance.
Descriptive discriminant analysis (DDA)
follow-up/post hoc to MANOVA, identifies which specific variables drive group differences
maximum likelihood estimation
a statistical method for estimating parameters of a statistical model that maximizes the likelihood function, providing estimates that are most likely to produce the observed data.
ordinary least squares regression
a method for estimating the relationships among variables by minimizing the sum of the squared differences between observed and predicted values.
Principle components ana
Multiple continuous variables
Data reduction—creates principal components that explain variance in data. Use for easier analysis
Structural equation modeling (SEM)
Multiple IVs, multiple DVs (can be categorical or continuous)
Tests complex theoretical models with latent variables.
Allows researchers to model both direct and indirect relationships bw variables, testing mediating and moderating effects
multilevel modeling/hierarchical linear modeling (MLM/HLM)
Nested data with IVs at multiple levels, DV can be continuous or categorical
Used to analyze data w hierarchical/nested structure
Can account for nested structure of nested data by examining both within-group and bw-group variance
Continuous IV, Mediator, and DV
Does an IV affect a DV through another variable?
Continuous or categorical IV, Moderator, and DV
Does the effect of an IV on a DV change depending on another variable?
Instead of relying on just one sample, you resample your data many times (with replacement) to create a distribution of estimates; Helps feel confident that findings are not a coincidence. Don’t want zero in the CI.
Canonical correlation
multiple continuous IVs and multiple continuous DVs
Examines relationships between 2 sets of variables
canonical correlation
Analyses that use MLE
logistic regression
Analyses that use OLS
simple regression
multiple regression
How spread out the data is; the average of squared differences from the mean.
Pearson correlation coefficient; measures the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables (-1 to 1)
Coefficient of determination (r²)
The proportion of variance in the dependent variable explained by the independent variable(s); shows how well the model fits the data
The difference between actual values and predicted values in a regression model.
Blocking variable
A variable included to control for potential confounding effects and to detect possible interactions.
A framework that includes regression and ANOVA for modeling relationships between variables.
Planned contrasts
predefined comparisons before analyzing data
unplanned contrasts
comparisons chosen after looking at the data
comparisons that are independent of each other
comparisons that overlap or depend on each other
quasi experimental design
no random assignment, but has control and experimental groups
type 1 error
false positive
Internal validity
the degree of confidence that the observed effects are due to the manipulation and not other factors
External validity
the extent to which the results of a study can be generalized to other settings, people, and times
Comparing depression levels among individuals receiving CBT, ACT, or psychodynamic therapy
1-way ANOVA
Investigating whether therapy type and gender influences anxiety scores
Factorial ANOVA
Simple regression
Predicting self-esteem from social support levels
to what extent do self-efficacy and perceived stress predict levels of depression?
multiple regression
Predicting whether a client drops out of therapy (yes/no) based on symptom severity and motivation level
logistic regression
Does therapy type affect both anxiety and depression levels in client after treatment?
What are the underlying dimensions of a 15-item scale measuring anxiety?
Do the underlying dimensions of a 15-item scale measuring anxiety align with a specific theory?
Reducing a 30-item burnout questionnaire into key dimensions
Examining how childhood trauma impacts depression via self-esteem and coping skills (both directly and indirectly)
Investigating how therapy characteristics influence client therapy outcomes across different clinics`
Does social support have an effect on depression through self-efficacy?
Does gender alter the relationship between trauma and PTSD symptoms?
Investigating the relationships between personality traits (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion) and mental health outcomes (depression, anxiety)
canonical correlation