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monographs of the European pharmacopoeia relating to herbals
about 12% of Ph. Eur. texts are directly related to herbals
general monographs on herbal drugs and herbal drug preparations (e.g. herbal teas, extracts, essential oils)
monographs on specific herbals e.g. melissa leaf, liquorice root)
85 monographs on herbal drug preparations e.g. ginseng dry extract, anise oil)
23 general methods for pharmacognosy e.g. ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid, pesticide residues)
general chapter on the microbiological quality of herbal medicinal products for oral use and extracts used in their preparation
authenticity, quality, purity of crude drugs
correct identification of raw material crucial
natural variation means standards lower than allopathic substances
standards and limit tests
assays: chemical, physical or biological
macroscopical and organoleptic examination
microscopical examination
foreign matter (B.P.Appendix XI D)
related plant parts
other foreign organic matter
method: thin layer of material is examined at 6x magnification and quantified
moisture content
must be minimized to avoid enzymatic deterioration, microbiological attack
several methods of determination
determination of water (B.P.Appendix IX C)
loss on drying (B.P.Appendix IX D)
determination of water
chemical determination: karl-fischer titration
separation and measurement of water
distillation using a Dean-Stark type apparatus
Coulometric titration