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When did mass schooling emerge?
Mid 1800’s in industrialized countries like Canada
Later on, worldwide
When was education declared a human right? What components?
Free, compulsory, universal
What 4 factor contributed to the emergence of mass schooling?
Printing press
What are the stats for Canadian education?
One of the most educated countries in the world
93% high school diploma
63% post-secondary degree
What three subjects can be connected to education inequality?
Social Class
Indigenous, Immigrant, Visible minority Status
What are the 3 models of mass education relating to Indigenous, Immigrant, Visible minority Status?
Assimilation Model
Multicultural Education
Anti-Racism & Anti-Oppression Education (1980’s)
What’s assimilation?
People of difference absorb dominant culture → values. behaviors, & beliefs
What were the assumptions of multicultural education?
Learning about one’s own/other culture will:
Improve educational attainment
Promote quality of opportunity
Reduce prejudice and discrimination
What were the critiques of multicultural education?
Teachers have low knowledge of other cultures
Other cultures are treated as monolithic, historical, and “exotic”
Lack of attention to other’s values and beliefs
What were the goals of anti-racism and anti-oppression education?
Expose stereotypes and racist ideas
Critically examine sources of information
Provide alternative and missing information
Explore the reasons for unequal social status
What are manifest and latent functions?
Manifest: Obvious and intended effects of social structures
Latent: nonobvious and unintended effects of social structures
What are the two latent function categories of school?
Ensure economic and cultural stability (functionalism)
Maintain social inequality (conflict, feminist, symbolic)
How does school contribute to ensuring economic and cultural stability?
Key agent of socialization
Hidden curriculum: teaches kids obedience and conformity
How does school contribute to inequality?
Access to education unequally distributed
Rewards of education unequally distributed
Makes a stratified system
What are the 3 social mechanisms of inequality in education?
Testing & tracking
Hidden curriculum
Self-fulfilling prophecies
What are self fulfilling prophecies
Expectations that help bring about what they predict
When did mass media and social media emerge?
Mass Media (print, tv, radio): 1800’s
Social Media (apps, websites, internet): 1990’s
Use of mass communications varies based on ___ & across ___
Media type
Across time
What’s corporate concentration?
Extent to which an industry (like media) is increasingly owned and controlled by fewer corporations
Who produces the mass media and social media consumed in Canada?
14/20 most followed X accounts
16/25 most visited websites
6/10 most followed TikTok creators
What is media imperialism?
domination of a mass medium by a single national culture and the
undermining of other national cultures
Why does media imperialism exist in Canada? (3 reasons)
CanCon regulations
Content preferences
What 4 functions do functionalists believe media contributes to social stability?
Social Control
What two factors do conflict theorists believe media fosters inequality?
Corporate Concentration
Broadcast beliefs and values that accept injustice and media imperialism
What do conflict theorists mean when they say media corporate concentration"?
Less idea diversity (diff viewpoints)
Less demographic diversity ( extent to which media represents groups)
What’s teh feminist view on mass media?
Media fosters gender inequality
Portrays subordinate roles
Exclude issues important to women
Believe media has the capacity to challenge gender inequality
What’s poststructuralism?
School of thought within conflict theory
Social structures are increasingly fluid & multiplicative
Wealthy and powerful have the means to create and manipulate media
Mass media simulate or imitate reality
What does social media encourage according to poststructuralism?
Filter bubbles
Truth bubbles
Give a summary of what each theory thinks of media effects.
Functionalism: The media performs functions that contribute to social stability
Conflict Theory: The media fosters social inequality
Symbolic Interactionism: The media is not just produced, it is also consumed
Feminist Theory: The media fosters gender inequality, but it also has the capacity to challenge it
Poststructuralism: The media creates multiple realities