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Organisational Structure
Outlines the reporting relationships, roles, and responsibilities of employees in a business.
Refers to the levels of authority within an organisation, ranking positions from top to bottom.
Chain of Command
The formal line of authority that flows downward from top management to lower-level employees.
Span of Control
The number of employees directly managed by a supervisor or manager.
Centralised Organisation
Structure where authority for decision-making rests with senior management at the center.
Decentralised Organisation
Structure where decision-making authority is delegated to functional or middle managers.
The process by which managers transfer responsibility and authority for specific tasks to subordinates.
Functional Areas
Groups of workers with similar skills and expertise responsible for specific organisational roles.
Operational Staff
Employees who complete tasks as directed by their managers.
Support Staff
Employees who assist with non-core operations of a business.
Senior Manager
Manager responsible for long-term planning and achieving overall business goals.
Functional Manager
Manager responsible for running a specific function within the business, such as marketing or finance.
Supervisor/Team Leader
Individual who helps managers achieve their targets and allocates jobs among employees.
Flat Organisational Structure
Structure with few management levels, a short chain of command, and a wide span of control.
Hierarchical Organisational Structure
Structure with multiple management levels, a long chain of command, and a narrow span of control.