Cottage Industry
Manufacturing based in homes rather than in a factory, commonly found before the Industrial Revolution (textile manufacturing).
Industrial revolution
series of improvements in industrial technology that transformed the process of manufacturing goods; began in the 1700s in the United Kingdom.
hearth of the industrial revolution
Animate power
Power supplied by animals or by people
Biomass fuel
Fuel that derives from plant material and animal waste
Fossil fuels
a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.
3 major Fossil Fuels
coal, oil, natural gaS
North Eastern - Spain
Cheap labor, manufacturing and close to W Euro
East Asia
Cheap Labor used by American manufacturing
New England
Hearth of American industrial region, now consists of skilled labor
Ural Industrial District
1000 types of minerals are mined here
Rhine Ruhr Valley
Europe's Iron ore steel region, and has the world's largest port city, Rotterdam
St Petersburg Region
Russia's breakbulk point ship building textiles and chemicals
Mid Rhine
European's most important consumer market
Pittsburg Lake Erie
American steel industry
Middle Atlantic
Largest US market
Mohawk Valley
Inexpensive Hydro electric region generated at nearby Niagara Falls
Central Industrial District
Russia's oldest industrial region centered around Moscow and produces 1/4 of the country's industrial output
Western Great Lakes
Auto, food and main transportation break of bulk point
Steel mill thats uses scrap metal as starting material (recycle)
Site factor dealing with $$$
Break-a-Bulk Point
A location where transfer is possible from one mode of transportation to another, facilitating the distribution of goods.
silicon valley
A region in California known for its high concentration of technology companies and innovation, particularly in the computer and electronics industries.