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make ends meet
to have just enough money to pay for the things that you need
it takes money to make money
if you want to make make you need to spend some
go for broke
(informal) to risk everything in the hope of having great success
be on the hook (for sth/to do sth)
to be responsible for something
be off the hook (for sth/ to do sth)
if you are off the hook, you have escaped from a difficult situation:
tighten our belts
not spend as much, be careful with our money
deep pockets
if an organization or person has deep pockets, they have a lot of money
burn money
to spend a lot of money on things that are not necessary
be a penny pincher
being overly conscious about money
be on a shoestring
to be on a tight budget
our bread and butter
main source of money
have/write a blank check
an unlimited amount of money, or the freedom to do anything
preserve the status quo
keep the present situation without changes
lean times
a period of time in which money is not plentiful or one is not successful
rainy day
a time when money might unexpectedly be needed
hand over fist
making a lot of money extremely fast
bang for our buck
value in return for your money
cost an arm and a leg
very expensive
nothing ventured, nothing gained
If you don't try to do something, you'll never accomplish it.
hold your horses
wait and be patient, don't rush in
nuts and bolts
practical facts about a particular thins, rather than theories about it
vicious circle
a continuing unpleasant situation, created when one problem causes another problem that then makes the first problem worse
to get sth off your chest
say something that one has wanted to say for a long time, resulting in a feeling of relief
crony capitalism
an economic system in which family members and friends of government officials and business leaders are given unfair advantages in the form of jobs, loans, etc.
the basic facts of a situation
(be) a no-brainer
something such as a decision that is very easy or obvious
cold turkey
suddenly and completely
be on your toes
something or someone that keeps you on your toes forces you to continue directing all your attention and energy to what you are doing
be out in the sticks
an area in the country that is far away from towns and cities
neck of the woods
the area someone comes from, or the area where you are
do a runner
to leave a place in order to avoid a difficult situation or unpleasant situation or to avoid paying for something
by the skin of your teeth
means just barely, by a narrow margin, just in time
to run short on something
to not have enough of something
light at the end of the tunnel
signs of improvement in a situation that has been bed for a long time, signs that that a long an difficult piece of work is almost finished
a leap of faith
an act of believing something that is nor easily believed
nothing to sneeze at
something that deserves a serious attention, especially a large amount of money
beat around the bush
to avoid talking about something what is important
in a nutshell
very briefly, giving only the main points
in good hands
managed or cared for with great attention
be up to speed
if you are up to speed with something, you have all the latest information about it and are able to do it well
get down to something
to start to direct your efforts and attention towards something
put up
1) (with something) to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation or experience, or someone who behaves unpleasantly
2)to allow someone to live in your home temporarily
come across
1)to behave in a way that makes people believe that you have a particular characteristic
2)to find something by chance
ramp up
to increase the level or amount of something significantly
stem from
to start or develop as the result of something
clamp down on
to take strong action to stop or limit a harmful or unwanted activity
lay off
to make people redundant
iron sth out
to remove problems or find solutions
turn out
to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one
get rid of
to remove something that you do not want any longer
weigh in
to give an opinion or enter a discussion or argument
give a lift
1)to drive someone to their destination
2)to give a ride
teething problems
problems connected with a new product, or problems at the beginning of a process or activity
give someone a talking to
to scold someone, reproach, rebuke or berate someone thoroughly and intensely
on the surface
considering only the obvious details of someone or something
the crux of (the matter)
the most important or serious part or aspect of a matter, problem, or argument
breach of contract
failure to do what a contract requires
sprout up
appear quickly in large numbers
fixate on sth
to think about something too much and find it difficult to stop
venture a guess
suppose that something is true without having an evidence to confirm it
kick off
to start or begin something
catch on
1)to become fashionable or popular
2)to understand, especially after a long time
ground rules
the principles on which future behaviour is based
circle back
discuss, follow up, or review the progress of an issue at a later time
give someone a heads up
to tell someone that something is going to happen
like two pies in a pod
very similar, especially in appearance
be like chalk and cheese
if two people are like these, they are completely different from each other
be knee-high to a grasshopper
to be very small or young
be long in the tooth
to be old, often too old to do something
tipping down
a situation when a lot of rain is falling
pouring down
raining heavily
pissing down
(informal) for a situation when it is extremely raining
in the vicinity
the area near or surrounding a particular place
pull the strings
to be in control of a situation, often secretly
knock-on effect
when an event or a situation has a knock-on effect, it causes other events or situations, but not directly
crème de la crème
the best of the best
fend off someone/something
1)to avoid dealing with something that is unpleasant or difficult
2)to defend yourself successfully against an attack, criticism, or some other unwanted thing
cut back on
to reduce something
go out of your way to do sth
to try very hard to do something, especially for someone else
go trough the roof
1) to rise to a very high level
2) to get very angry
sea change
a complete change
spring up
to start to exist suddenly
vulture funds
an investment fund that buys shares cheaply in companies that are falling in order to take control, improve performance, and so make money
carve sth out
to successfully create or get something, especially a work position, by working for it
strike out
1)to start on a long or difficult journey in a determined way
2)to start doing something new independently of other people
roll out
to make a new product, service, or system available for the first time
hang up
to end a phone conversation
knuckle down
to start working or studying hard, especially when you should have done this earlier
wind someone up
to annoy or irritate someone
wind something up
to close a business or an organization
sink in
if an unpleasant or surprising fact or idea sinks in, you gradually start to believe it, understand it, or realise the effect it will have on you
vantage point
a position that allows a clear view of understanding, an advantageous position
day in day out
1)(especially of something boring) done or happening every day for a long period of time
2)every day
crunch time
a short period when there is high pressure to achieve results
existing as a physical building, especially a shop, rather than doing business only in the internet
have your back against the wall
to have very serious problems that limit the ways in which you can act
hasten to add
to immediately say something in order to prevent confusion or misunderstanding
line sth up
1)to prepare, organize, or arrange something
2)to arrange people or things in a row or stand in a row
get on
1)to have a good relationship
2)to manage or deal with a situation, especially successfully
3)to continue doing something, especially work
storm in a teacup
a lot of unnecessary anger and worry about a matter that is not important